$138,000 for 2 cameras

>$138,000 for 2 cameras

What do we learn from this video?
1. Linus is made of fucking money
2. RED cameras are highway robbery, proprietary hardware is garbage


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Go back to youtube if you want to talk about youtube

Confirmed jewish as fuck

Linus is sponsored as fuck, you can't fully trust that motherfucker.
TechDeals is the autistic channel we deserve.

LinusGoyTips is absolute scum anyway

That guy is fucking retarded. He doesn't even seem to realize what he spent 100k dollarinos on. What the fuck.

Should have just gotten a Sony a7 IIr or a9 or whatever.

It's a fucking tech channel, not the runner up for the best cinematography academy award.

>1. Linus is made of fucking money
who knew glory holes paid so well

RED cameras are not highway robbery, they are professional cinema cameras with a ton if features and very high quality sensors.
Something you don't need at all to make youtube trash.

He should learn about this.

As long at the videos aren't potato tier, increasing the quality don't really matter.

then why buy it you dumb fuck. no one wants or needs to see your face in 8k or 4k

Because Linus is everything wrong with tech fans
>lemme buy this thing, cause' the specs lol jk xdd

Try 300k

Mate, this guy is a youtube entertainer first, tech reviewer a distant second. He makes videos to entertain. He has no reason to act "professional" or "competent", because that's not why people watch him.

>gaming cameras


LTT is the Top Gear of the electronics industry. I watch it to laugh. I got a few chuckles from this vid too.

Ok Linus, thnx 4 the reminder

>No discussion about anything external from Sup Forums
>only meta discussion online

This is the inevitable conclusion if you follow that logic of yours.

I think they got their money back with this video and the server upgrade ones

This literally responds to none of the points he made regarding the price.

>Expensive handle
>I spend $50 to touch the thing
>"they are professional cinema cameras with a ton if features and very high quality sensors."

Seriously this

I hate these idiot 16 yr olds that come on here to chat about their favourite YouTuber. Fucking faggots. Go to the YouTube comment section and post your trash there

Buying a camera that most of the movie makers rent.


Why are you giving him publicity

He said blowjob. That is a demonetization

Except Top Gear was actually entertaining: beautiful footage, original ideas/stunts, high quality production.

A guy unpacking some computer equipment is boring.

RED literally destroyed the professional cinema camera market
before RED, cinema cameras were easily 1-2 million bucks. it was beyond stupid. and the IMAX ones were even more ridiculous.

so basically, RED is based as fuck

techniggers owns a bunch of these, btw

That's your subjective opinion, and as such completely worthless.


>$2750 for a screen
>$1500 for a battery

Hey let's spend 140k dollars on cameras and let's record a video where I appear upset so we'll not lose subscrivers

why would anyone watch him?

Can't wait for LMG to go bankrupt

>spends shit ton of money on cameras
>still his videos looks like they were recorded with a 1080p handycam

>easily 1-2 million bucks
No. IMAX cameras are around 250$ dollars.

"There are just a few IMAX cameras available. Camera rental is about $12,000 – $16,000 a week. Film stock will run $2 to $3 a foot to buy, process and reduce for viewing/editing. You will likely shoot 150,000 to 250,000 feet (double that for 3D)."

Why are people so jealous?
I don't even watch this guy, but he's at least moderately entertaining sometimes.
Better than guys like phonenigger who don't know anything about tech and never say anything interesting.

You can purchase them. Rental is of course even cheaper for most projects, coming in at around ~$150k

I'm glad this guy exists a nerd through and through with infinite money spending it on the shit I can't afford and unboxing and going through owning it. I like this video a lot even though I'm jealous as fuck.

Poor lil' thing

>digital is cheaper than film
>this somehow makes Red "based".

let's buy some cameras, senpai


no dof control with the panasonic tho



this isn't even an "unboxing" video, Literally a dude unpacking suff as you said. It was the most beautiful thing I've watched in recent memory.

The video will probably make more than $138k in ad revenue from views. It could take a month, it could take a year, but you only have to buy the camera once, the views keep coming in forever.

>TechDeals is the based channel we deserve

>300 dollar cables are okay bcuz itz professional
>one trillion dollar mSATA drives and touch screens are okay bcuz itz professional
Nigger what the fuck, even if it has some retardedly expensive medium format sensor the whole thing is fucking bullshit

Is 1080 even the most popular resolution on Youtube? What is the point of recording at 8k when the final video will be at 1080 at most?

I started to watch him recently. He's a bit annoying but hardworking.

It might be the most popular, but it will not be 1080 at most. YouTube supports 4K. You can turn your laughter knob down one click.

Don't waste your time explaining gear to plebs

A millions-viewed video, even over the course of a year, will make about 1% of that. Maybe a few more percent if every single viewer disables adblock, watches an ad in its entirety and then clicks on it at the end.

>complains that nobody even has an 8k display
>buys an 8k camera

I don't get it. Why didn't he just buy a 4k camera then and wait 5 years for the price on 8k shit to go down.

He can be both, the alpha and omega.

He is a salesman, he sells things... Probably RED sponsored the shit out of this goy

Bayer sensor means "8K" really only gives you a 4K red channel, a 4K blue channel and two 4K green channels.
Rest gets interpolated.
So to make pixel perfect 4K video without any blurring you need an 8K camera.

Shooting at a higher resolution also allows you to crop in post without losing too much quality.

But that's only important when you shoot something interesting, obviously - LTT works just as well in 320p

As if any of the shit they do are supposed to be coherent.

1000 views generally earns you between $1 and $5 on clicks alone.

So a million views is between $1k and $5k, way more if you do product placement.

14bit 2K > 8bit 8K any day of the week

But video is in YUV420 not RGB so the 8K sensor will give you real YUV420 8K video.

How about the Canon C500?


I'd imagine that if you're actually in a field that requires cameras like that, you can recoup the cost in no time.

Between $1K and $5K is about 1% of the total bill, especially since the first few months for this video are not during a hot marketing season.

>product placement
That might well be a separate and substantial payoff, but the original claim was "ad revenue from views." Point is he's not going to make anywhere near $138K from that, and certainly not more.

There is no field that *requires* a camera like that.

Film production?

Which is still best seen on a 4K screen.

For an 8K screen you'd need "real" 16K

A good story doesn't need the biggest sensor, anonkun.

Stop marketing your shit channel here Linus. You haven't produced worthwhile content in years.

He won't directly earn his money back, no.

But it's stirring up forums and thus pulling in new viewers who might subscribe to his channel.
So he could very well be making a profit on the long run.


Why the fuck would you spend that much money on cameras when youtube will destroy the quality with its shit-tier bitrate anyway?

>There is no field that *requires* a camera like that.

Not really need, no.

I think it's worth it for nature documentaries though....but not much else.

A good story doesn't even need a camera.

the 6000 triangles model is the original, the 60000 one is just the 6000 model subdivided. a properly made 60000 tris model would look miles better than the 6000 one.

>mfw people think vfx is a drop in replacement for a well written script

>good camera
Mixing your baits with my potatoes?

Why does he do this

Film studios don't even

>heyyy how abooot mah new camera? I'm so techie hehehehehe xdDD
And people likes that

You forgot the part where he rages about the expensive camera he authorized to buy.

That's their angle - the lowest common denominator here is curiosity. How better to bait viewers than with emotional thumbs, loud titles and ridiculous subject matter? I wonder how long YouTube has left?

Arii with Cooke lens

Only until a viable competitor comes up. What an undertaking, though. It doesn't have to scale on the full level of YouTube but it has to handle a lot of professional YouTuber "content."

>audiovisual production is about story
Are you fucking retarded?

You're just retarded and you don't know what proper video recording equipment looks like.

You wouldn't get too far off if you were to go Cannon or other options when it comes to high quality video recording.

But oh wait, you're a Sup Forumsay faggot who thinks his crappy RX100 could achieve the same quality as that camera.

Fuck off you retard.

>Not based RandomGaminginHD

Just a little bro, roll with it.

the quality will absolutely look the same on youtube

That title is so clickbaity that I don't even try anymore

I wish he'd rename his channel to DestituteGamingHD. Also his voice is annoying as shit.

Ofcourse it will. I mean, duuuh. Youtubz compression amirite?

Wrong. Go and watch MKBHD's videos and compare them to Casey Neistat's videos. Casey Neistat sports the Alpha 6500 from Sony, as well as the A7R and A7S and he films with them. Compared to Marques who uses what linus unboxed. If you think they are the same quality, you are literally delusional and should leave this thread.

Wouldn't put it past them that they loaned it or some retarded company sponsored it for them.

They might have gotten an interesting video out of the unboxing but that's not worth the 300k

>implying YouTube comment section is a good place to discuss shit

[spoiler]he didn't pay for it[/spoiler]

Remember, Linus is the one who got all angsty when people pointed out he was violating the law by not pointing out sponsored content

I did not know top gear crashes precious thousand dollar machines for shit and giggle will upvote your I formation comment.

>MKBHD's videos
Didn't he just get a RED recently? I vaguely remember him saying he can do 4k now, couple months ago

Ah, I also remember vaguely remember seeing him with a RED cam a while back.

Found the film school dropout

He got the exact same camera Linus got quite a while back. He was one of the first people to get the Helium body. It was a few months ago.

Found the jelly guy who can't afford basic school and is probably a nigger. Don't you have some slaving to do son?

That's because MKBHD can properly produce a video, the guy's at Linus' Media suck balls in terms of craftsmanship

congrats you are doing exactly what he wants

now why don't you go laugh at kfchd camera gear next if you are legitimately bothered by people purchasing nice things.