>mfw I put my life savings (~15k USD) in to AMD at ~$13
Mfw I put my life savings (~15k USD) in to AMD at ~$13
So just sit it out, it'll bounce back by Q3
And your life savings are paltry, I assume you haven't been working for more than several years.
>buying AMD stock when it was over $2
You fucked up. It's not going to shoot up like it did ever again.
Well, if the jews ever feel like making money again they'll drop it to $6.
Just wait for Naples, Zen is really a server architecture anyway, hence why it was so shit at games.
Naples is better than the new Skylake server chips in every conceivable way.
This is mostly Goldman and Sachs fault, trying to manipulate the market.
But what did you expect from a company which is 60% Jews?
Seriously, why the fuck were you holding onto them past ryzen launch? Even after the vega warning you still held on?
Literally pants-on-head retarded. Thanks for helping other tech retards get out and profit I suppose.
>MFW I put life saving (~15m USD) in to AMD at ~$92 in 2000
>It's not going to shoot up like it did ever again.
It might shoot back up to the $13-15 range once Vega drops if it properly rivals nvidia, but I don't see it ever going higher.
Short sellers are dropping it, all that would be left are people in for the long haul and Ryzen seems to be doing rather well even without OEM sales.
If you're buying AMD, prepare to wait for at least a year for a decent turnout, there's no longer gonna be 20% +/- jumps.
is that a lot?
You didn't lose much. Consider it as a lesson learned.
I can guarantee you that there are myriads of unlucky fellows out there who gambled away all their money with other investments.
For the low class, yes.
more than half of america makes less than 30k a year. thats half a year of work for a lot of people.
>they bought AMD stock before quarterly revenue announcements.
You are not a business expert. Its time to either wait it out, or consider suicide.
A huge overreaction which will correct itself, just gonna have to wait it out till q3 starts m8
I'm hurting to as well
oh please OP, just fucking hold them, if you get this upset over losses you shouldn't be in the market to begin with. Back to school season sees OEM adoption of ryzen in their desktop/laptop lineups, we haven't seen how well ryzen is going to sell yet, Naples and Vega are are yet to be released along with APUs, console refreshes coming. Hold on for at least a year.
You are still better than me. I'm embarassed to even admit at what price I've bought my 214 shares. We are stuck with AMD for at least this year, lol.
should have invested in bitcoin
lol. I bought over a year ago around three dollars. I just bought 100 more shares after seeing it dropped to ten dollars today.
Can someone explain why the replies in this thread look so fake and artificial?
This site is 80% bots, just like the stock market.
>tfw never bought stocks before but considering using some of my life savings to buy this dip
Hold me lads.
pay shill, tying to get amd stock cheap
You need to time the moment perfectly. You need to buy them RIGHT before ayymd releases Vega.
That's why they created /biz/ and added IDs to posts, to keep the cryptocurrency shilling contained.
>just waitâ„¢
>putting savings into a company that promotes non-free software
>timing the market
Good luck with that, all you can do is average down
Rule 1 of investment: don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
I really hope all the AMD stock shills go bankrupt
AMD stock shills have infested this board to a ridiculous degree.
Apparently, you're supposed to invest on the hype, and sell once the truth is out. You invested once the truth was out.