>4GB of RAM
My laptop has 2gb
sorry to hear
OP is right
It's fucking unacceptable.
Nowadays ram is cheap as fuck
There's absolutely no reason to have less than 8gb
>Windows 10 S
Something has to change. Either lower the price by $800 or give it better specs. 16 GB ram minimum and full Windows 10. This is ridiculous.
Chromebook wins.
Perhaps battery life?
They need a model with minimal specs just to get to claim the longest battery life.
Serious buyers will go for the 2500 euro model anyways.
Fuck your shitty "books"
Get a macbook
Its not really an issue when you're only doing word processing, and using Edge.
Still feels like they really cheaped out though.
yeah because 4gb more of ram would drain the battery
I don't expect any legitimate user to buy the lower end models of the Surface Laptop. Their mid range has better specs than the mid range MBPs for a lower price.
RAM is price gouged to hell because normie phones need it
Windows 10 is a very modern os, highly optimized for the hardware
It will deliver excellent performance and maximum possible battery life
>Perhaps battery life?
nope, that's LPDDR3, which basically doesn't use any power when not in use.
also sleep is broken on all surface devices
Never used sleep on any of my devices ever.
>buying a new laptop
What is the point even?
Hibernate on an SSD should already be near instantaneous.
Do you understand why Chromebooks are so popular?
Because while they are limited in what they can do, they're also really goddamned cheap. $249 gets you a decent Chromebook that allows you to create/edit documents/presentations/forms/spreadsheets/etc, play light games, save/manage files, listen to music and browse the web. That's all the majority of people need from their computers, and Chromebooks are specialized for that type of use.
Of course, there are people like musicians, YouTubers and gamers, who need more powerful computers to do more specific things, but for the most part, normies just use their computers for documents, music, porn and Facebook.
Google figured this out a long time ago and hit a home run with the Chromebook. This is why Chromebooks are so popular.
MacBooks are nice and wholly capable of almost anything, but not everyone needs a $1,000 laptop when they don't even edit videos or make music. Most people don't even know how to use Photoshop.
Not everyone needs a Ferrari. The Chromebook is the Prius of the laptop market. Doesn't do much, but it does what it can do very well.
>I like being cucked by Microsoft!
You probably use Microsoft Edge, don't you
Aye, don't bash Chromebooks. They're actually pretty nice. Just a simple, reliable, cheap, no-maintenance machine that does exactly what you need and not much more.
As said, not everyone needs a Ferrari.
>Nowadays ram is cheap as fuck
Have you actually seen RAM prices?
Because pajeets never sleep.
Can you use office without the yearly subscription on chromebooks?
I've also wondered how tablets are being sold for $400+, that is still being run by phone apps, and no one yet can really justify what they're used for.
Anyone care to educate me on this?
Not that user but Office Online offers a good slice of the MS Office functionalities. You can use it in-browser on a Chromebook.
Then buy some more you retarded faggot.
You aren't buying this laptop for the specs.
you cant?
Cloth keyboards are a bad idea.
Thought the same until I used the Surface Cover on the SP4. It feels so fucking good, and for god sakes it's not just "cloth".
It doesn't offer one crucial feature...
Offline work.
>soldered ram
>buy more
Thanks for the advice dad.
>windows 10 running on 2gb of ram
Hey I only said it was a good slice. Being able to work offline is at least great. Maybe even excellent.
Seriously though you're right, you do need an internet connection to get decent MS Office compatibility on a Chromebook. Otherwise it's a crapshoot with Docs.
poo in the loo
Fuck off shill
>tfw all I wanted was Surface Book 2
>instead I got a $999 Chromebook with 4GB of RAM
Just a nice big phone without the phone shit, which not everybody uses enough to justify the ridiculous prices of phone plans.
It's nice to have something to grab on the night stand to look something up or read, watch some youtube videos.
They are the modern day PDA we used to have before they added phone circuitry to them and called them smart phones.
I wouldn't pay $400 for one though.
4 GB is perfctly fine. I don't run into any problems when I browse. Also using Firefox. ME3 also works pretty well.
my old tablet ran on 1GB fine
There is, DDR2 2 GB sticks are more expensive than a whole Phenom/C2D rig is worth.
I'm going to upgrade anyway, this is just my HTPC, 8 GB DDR3 for 10 €.
Office online and google docs are both fucking shit and you'd know that if you ever wrote a proper document in word.
>I bought my pc in 2010 but am too poor to upgrade
Do you live in Africa? I just bought a complete i5-3550 bundle for around 60 € and a 560 Ti for 10 €. Every poorfag should be able afford something like this. If it is your primary rig you might spend 90 € for a R9 290.
I run Windows 10 on 4 gb. As long as you don't multitask ram hog programs it's fine
4gb is fine if you don't use VMs or browse like a retard with 30 tabs open.
Even 2gb is enough if you use a lightweight desktop.
Stop falling for bullshit gaymur memes like muh 32 niggabytes dedotated waaaam.
t. someone with 8gb in laptop
Jesus Christ.
oy vey
who the fuck are you? a pajeet who works for M$?
Then don't buy piece of shit hardware. You faggot kids these days.
>but muh thin
This nigga posting the same phrase in every thread
1080p 24" monitor $100
1080p 24" monitor $140
There's more to monitors than just resolution and size you know.
>We want the Apple audience
Correct there's jews behind them.
4gb of ram is the least of this laptops problems
The industry leader is just ripping off macbook
MS is so done no meme. They are fucking losing it
Office used to be free via the Android apps until Microsoft started charging for Chromebooks.
But why would you even want to use Office when Drive is available free to anyone with a Google account, anyway?
This. If what you're doing can't properly be done in Docs, then Office isn't your solution either and you should really be using LaTeX
What seems to be the problem here ?
It's not a gaymen computer so the 4gb is just right for its purpose.
never again