>get an error
cry for hours
is this normal?
git gud
>check if everything compiles every few steps
>if not, solve the error, usually quickly
> programming
> get an error
> scream "FUCK!" slam my hand on the table, and get drunk
Is this normal?
If you aren't crying you aren't really programming
Consider therapy.
>Not using tdd, to create unit tests as you progress so that you've got a well constructed and testable program
It's like you want to write shit that's hard to debug.
usually when I am programming i go from being manically happy when something works to suicidal if i get an exception or something is not working properly
People stare at me in labs at uni and i have seen memes made about me on peoples facebook messeges
>he doesn't code whilst'u're drunk
I know i am good at html
If you use print statements to debug like some sort of philistine, then yes.
No, you fix it.
Only after not being able to fix it for hours do you cry.
>he doesn't write code with Leafpad
>he doesn't search for errors in a haystack of black font on a white background
>he doesn't train his eyes to superhero levels
highlighting fags will never make it
>write ~700 sloc in C
>compile for the first time
>no errors/warnings
Sounds like my ex. Also sounds like depression.
But does it do what you wanted?
That's how I felt after trying out Go. I had a nervous breakdown a few hours in after every single line I had written returned an error.
>accidentally write ptr = realloc(ptr, length) instead of ptr = realloc(ptr, length*sizeof(struct foo))
>spend an eternity trying to figure out where everything went so wrong
how do you fuck up go that badly?
>randomly getting exceptions in your code thrown
you should 100% know what the functions your calling are doing, i.e. this shouldn't be happening randomly all the time
Have you tried deleting your .m2
programming traumatized me
>my code compiles therefore it must work!
if you are a noob, you shouldn't start with Go
but Go should be easy af if you have enough experience to understand things...
No, but teaching people to program is suffering.
>"What does this function do user?"
>"Why doesn't printf work?"
>"Why do i have to copy this section a billion times to loop?"
>"It says i have an error on this line, what does it mean? Cause I've been reading it and it says line 35 expected a ; "
I had a third year CompSci student come in that didn't know that standard library functions were written pieces of code. Fucking blew his mind showing him the source code.
Considering Go gives you errors for autistic shit like incorrect capitalisation of names or placing curly brackets on a new line instead of directly behind a statement, pretty easily.
>I have never programmed anything of value in my life: the post
I'm a Not cs-major at a fucking community college and I figured that out when we learned about headers in our C++ course
What the fuck did he think they did?
I yell FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, then a hnnnnnnnnngngngaaaaaaa! Then i fix the bug.
I tried to teach a girl programming once.
It ended the first day.
>just type this in the window
>lol user omg this is to hard xD
>could you just do it?
>lol fuck this bye
I want to die.
Probably a symptom of deeper issues. Definitely consider therapy.
Dead serious btw, I used to be irritable and get stressed out at the most trivial things. Unfortunately for me it took a suicide attempt before I realized just how messed up I really was.
> fix the problem
> look over to your friend who is having the same problem
It's the hormone therapy you've been taking. Serves you right for wanting to be a girl.