Hva jobber dere med, Sup Forums?
Gammelt tråd:
Hva jobber dere med, Sup Forums?
Gammelt tråd:
I'm gay, rec me a programming language
Anything with a bottom type
lmao what the fuck
What is man supposed to use when here's just no good statically typed and compiled language.
no good implementaion
sml with shitty syntax, also does not support native threads
too verbose, also static typing not standardized
decent but manual memory management is annoying in prototyping phase
cluster fuck that no sane person would touch
can't decide if it wants to have gc or no
better stay away from it because it attract lot of crazy hipsters, also uglier than sepples
> any jvm/clr lang
requires huge vm
Rob Pike is faggot, also no macros
generates garbage 1GB/s
Just quit programming hobby programmers should kill themselves.
>requires huge vm
What? You're afraid of competition in your job? That some newbe will replace your ass some day? Your fear fuels my desire to write even better programs, thank you.
>cluster fuck that no sane person would touch
>better stay away from it because it attract lot of crazy hipsters
>Rob Pike is faggot, also no macros
>from some webshit probably writing node or python
>no macros
Forget macros, it not having generics is even more damning.
This whole thread is retarded. i blame Norwegians.
Same question from the old thread; should I learn Crystal or Rust?
Now you're desperately trying to read my power level by implying I do bad hobby programming.
Next you'll ask me what do I do for hobby programming and whatever I'll write you'll say it's shit, but deep inside you'll be afraid that I'll take your job one day. That your basic clickityclack programming is not enough and you'll be easily replaced. I suggest you start working on your skills right now.
i blame you
frysk > norsk
On Wednesdays we Kode!
Become a Cfag like me
Do you absolutely have to learn a shitlang?
How do I become a code artisan?
nth for C!
curl -L git.io/v94ea
The fuck is that?
when I see user's complaining about how "huge" and "slow" the JVM is, I know that they really have no idea what they're talking about and are just parroting
kode with karlie
Unironically this
I'll save you some time. Unless you're using a language with dependent types, I'm not at all worried about you ever supplanting me.
The only thing slow about it these days is its startup time. Once it's running, it's pretty impressive performance-wise. Unfortunately for computationally-intensive code you pretty much have to use arrays of primitives in order to get performance.
jesus tittyfucking christ
It's fake.
>arrays of primitives
That is, as opposed to any other collection or arrays of objects.
>yfw hobby programmers never get past HR
I was just looking for an excuse to post 1.15MB of bubble-wrapped pug.
What if I'm both a hobby programmer and a professional programmer?
If knowledge of a specific programming language is your only strength as a programmer than basically you're shit.
Unless you're using both SPARC assembly and the calculus of (co)inductive constructions, I'm not at all worried about you ever supplanting me.
hobby programmers are really good at writing neat little 1-3 file console programs in various meme languages, but would self-destruct if given actual real world code (10k LOC +) to work with
Did you fail grade school?
You never need an excuse to post that! ;-)
>If knowledge of a specific programming language is your only strength as a programmer than basically you're shit.
It isn't, and I'm also not concerned about you taking my job from me because you evidently have poor reading comprehension. Is literacy a hobby activity for you too?
If your codebase is only 10K SLOC, you're clearly not writing in Java!
Jesus fuck you better get a skin graft for a burn that bad.
It's funny how upset some of them get when you ask them to write code in Java during an interview.
>w-why can't I use python???
Thoughts on TypeScript? Gonna bite the bullet soon so any advice is welcome
>actual real world code
How do you determine if a world is real? Am I in a real world right now?
> What is your biggest flaw?
> What types of things will you say to be inclusive?
> Are you hiding anything?
learn purescript instead
Why are you so mad? Because I know something more than a programming language? Where do you work?
Both of them are languages designed exclusively for use by subhumans.
>How do you determine if the world is real? Am I in a real world right now?
Check to see if the mirrors are real.
I, too, prefer Idris, and Clojure, le true gentleman programmers languages
need to check how to consume .ts file from purescript as this is the reason to learn TS at all. Still better than learning pure JS
>Where do you work?
Do you want to know so you can my employer and demand that they fire me because I was mean to you online? That's the only way you can ever hope to take my job from me.
Unsound garbage.
Just plain garbage.
No, I was just curious where do they hire online smart asses like you.
So Haskellers, what am I doing wrong?
import System.Random
rollDice stg = ((a, b), g)
(a, g1) = randomR (1, 6) stg
(b, g) = randomR (1, 6) g1
Since the first of the two umbers is always 6 with every StdGen I use I also tried:
rollDice stg = ((b, c), g)
(_, g1) = randomR (1, 6) stg
(b, g2) = randomR (1, 6) g1
(c, g) = randomR (1, 6) g2
but I get a strange error I don't understand
just stop, you are embarrassing yourself
whats the best statically typed lisp?
Vi burde få oss en discord chat eller noe sånt, son som de andre trådene har.
It's the same as the best Lisp.
Perhaps Sup Forums isn't the best place for you; Rust might be more suitable.
We don't speak muslim on Sup Forums
Nei, ta din dumhet til et annet sted.
I'm not embarrassed at all. So tell me what makes you such an irreplaceable professional programmer that no hobbyist is able to achieve?
I'm really curious what you think.
Sup Forums is my place since a long time bro. I love it.
what I dont' understand, is that if lisp is so powerful and so great, why did it not ever take off in a big way? what happened in the 80s and 90s that OOP langs and C remained dominant?
and lisp isn't even that particularly hard to learn or that complex, so it can't be the difficulty of it
>Sup Forums - where everybody uses C and shit get spilled everywhere.
Sounds about right
Hvorfor ikke? Alle de kule trådene har det, det er det eneste du mangler.
Most workplaces have banter.
All the Swedish I know, I know from Civ 5
IRC > Discord
norsk > svensk
TKinter or PyQT5?
Det ville være ekstremt autistisch. Også denne tråden tillater ikke ikke-mennesker å legge inn i det slik at alle i diskordet ikke kunne delta.
Free software didn't really take off until the late 80s, most compilers and implementations of certain languages cost money, LOTS of money.
Platforms like smalltalk and lisp died out simply because they were open sourced far too late to gain a foothold in a C world.
He's probably just a faggot whose dependent types are nothing but what to shill in response to other shills.
That or just a codemoney some big corp
I'd say lisp is very much still alive.
how do i do what i'm trying to do here in python?
maxi = max([l, r, i], key = A[])
i want to set maxi to the maximum index or l, r, and i by their corresponding element in A
How much does a lisp job pay?
Fragmentation is a bitch. There are like cl, gcc and clang
There are gazillions of lisp, schemes and other stuff. Instead of making one or two actually good and solid systems, lisp elitists continued to fragment the ecosystem. Linux suffers greatly from that too
Utter nonsense. I use dependent types in my work every day, and they help me write concise code and avoid bugs.
It pay in pinky emacs. Bonus points if actually using emacs
What language are you using?
>muh fp
And they said memers can't be hired. Are you a teacher?
My other question - is it useful to learn lisp / lisp dialect? Lets not even consider from a hobbyist perspective, or even a "skills" perspective, but solely a "success in the marketplace" perspective. are there enough lisp jobs out there? do they pay well? will there be demand for lisp programmers in the future?
What error? I got it to run by adding a type annotation.
main = do
std g -> ((Integer, Integer), g)
rollDice stg = ((a, b), g)
(b, g) = randomR (1, 6) g1
(a, g1) = randomR (1, 6) stg
Sorry I meant *professor*
No, I'm far too impatient to be a teacher.
Scala, Haskell, or Idris, depending on the project.
this does not answer my question
this is what i want to do more concisely
if A[l] > A[i]:
maxi = l
if A[r] > A[i]:
maxi = r
please help
Well, you're actually autistic enough to be hired by using meme languages. Kudos