
That's because he's still an idiot.

Other urls found in this thread:


It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.

Budget John Carmack is at it again kek

Do you really think Microsft will prevent people from installing software on their computer?

Please bring the UE4 Editor binaries to Linux.

Do you really think Microsoft would not allow you to turn off auto updates?

Do you really think Microsoft would put advertisements all over the UI?

Do you really think Microsoft would send Telemetry without any way to turn it off?

That's what Windows 10 S/Cloud is meant to do

You can't run Win32 programs on that

It fucks Steam up and you can only run programs from the crappy Windows Store

Steam is cancer now anyway.


Steam isn't a Windows Store app.

>you can only run programs from the crappy Windows Store
Yes, and Steam would never be allowed on the platform unless it was purely as a messaging client because it competes directly with the Windows store.

Not sure why anyone would buy one of these overpriced Chromebooks.

It's the truth. Fuck those kikes. At this point pirating is the only decent way to get games.

Yes. The functionality was recently added. It's just off by default... for now.


It being on by default in a future build will be the next way they'll "protect" people from "the bad guys". And normies will have no idea how to disable it.

>Do you really think Microsoft would not allow you to turn off auto updates?
Microsoft allows you to turn them off, though.
>Do you really think Microsoft would put advertisements all over the UI?
I don't think they are everywhere, but GNU + Ubuntu Linux did this as well.
>Do you really think Microsoft would send Telemetry without any way to turn it off?
The entire web collects data, are you retarded? Snowden is a fool, btw

This is meant for African children using there fisher price laptops.

Thats the point, faggot

Steam is locked out of Windows 10 S, thats the end game for Microsoft

Future Windows will simply not run Win32 apps and you can only download apps from the Windows Store

Why is everyone so blind when Tim Sweeney can see what is gonna happen in the future?


These applications aren't available in the Windows store in the first place. How is that Microsoft's fault?

>Microsoft allows you to turn them off, though.
No they don't, you can't even disable them in Windows 10 Pro and enabling a metered connection only delays certain updates

Better steam kikes than Micropoo street shitters.
you can at least decide whether or not you install steam, Windows come into the PCs of the illiterate.

>Windows 10 S

Who cares?

You can upgrade to standard Windows (or a good OS) at any time.

>Future Windows will simply not run Win32 apps

Is that why Microsoft sells it on a $1000 laptop?
Microsoft prevents them from being added to the Windows Store, Steam will never be on the Windows Store as its functionality is prohibited in Windows 10 S.

Future Windows will be locked down to Store downloads only, you asked for this

Even Home/Pro/Enterprise, because Microsoft wants that after seeing how huge Apple's success is with their walled garden App Store

He asked you for a source.

Chrome OS is meant for $200 laptops, but Google still makes the very expensive Pixel.

>Future Windows will be locked down to Store downloads only, you asked for this

You are misinformed. I am sure your knowledge comes from Sup Forums entirely as well.
Who fucking cares about some shit tier programmer. The entire industry is full of shit.
Yes. There are people as clued in as african children living in the congo when it comes to technology. This thread is evident.

>Microsoft wants that after seeing how huge Apple's success is with their walled garden App Store
You're not wrong, but Apple doesn't even use the walled garden model on Mac, you can still install applications from any location. It just warns you if you try to launch something that's unsigned.

You can enable non-Store installs from the settings menu.

Until they cut your lifeline.


boiling frog.jpg

Microsoft doesn't allow you to do shit. You can break the functionality by disabling services, but you are not supposed to do that and I'm sure Microsoft will eventually fix that.

You can't do this with Windows 10 S

Which will be preloaded on many laptops and OEMs will do it to save money and Microsoft will control your programs/app download experience

>You are misinformed. I am sure your knowledge comes from Sup Forums entirely as well.
I'm on Windows 10 Pro right now, show me how to disable Windows 10 updates.
>Yes. There are people as clued in as african children living in the congo when it comes to technology. This thread is evident.
They aren't going to buy a $1000 laptop that can't install programs.

fuck steam and epic games launcher

G O G . c o m

>but you are not supposed to do that
>You aren't allowed to use your OS in a way that makes my argument invalid.

I am laughing at your life.

Why would Microsoft even try doing that?

If they did, theit market share would collapse overnight as users would realize just how many of their applications aren't available on the Windows store?

>Windows only allows Store apps to be installed
>Steam not allowed in the Windows Store

Will this move the PC gaming industry over to Linux?

i don't get why people even like Steam.

A) it's like iTunes for gaymes
B) it's botnet

Won't happen until AMD and Nvidia start releasing decent drivers.

The more people move the better everything gets.

why would Steam be in the Microsoft Store?

is this guy retarded?

The new Windows 10 S only allows Windows Store apps to be installed.


>hurr durr why doesn't adobe.com have a GIMP installer

>missing the point

>The entire web collects data, are you retarded? Snowden is a fool, btw
He may be given the choice he made.
But it's not about snowden, it's about the data he revealed. We know what is happening and can change it.

Because I don't like discs and piracy is illegal.

Windows Store doesn't have Dota 2 or Skyrim or TF2 or any of the other normie shit though. MS couldn't get away with locking normies out of their gaymes.

They literally just announced today that is exactly what they plan to do.

my experience with steam was buying a physical copy of Half Life 2, a single player game, and not being able to play it because my internet went down

that was like 10 years ago i hear you don't have to be connected to play anymore, but it really pissed me off.

there is no indication from that 1 tweet that Windows 10S was what OP and Sweeney were talking about.

whats the point?

if we are talking about a Locked Down form of Windows 10, sounds like something Schools would be interested in buying. Apple generally has that market locked down.

>This DRM controlled proprietary store is ok
>This other DRM controlled proprietary store isn't

Valvefags are hilarious

No, it's meant for the mainstream audience like you and me, but it has to be gradually shoved down our throats so it isn't outright rejected.

You're a useful idiot senpai

>You can upgrade to standard Windows (or a good OS) at any time.

You can do that now.

I'd be willing to bet within 5 years you can't.

You've either got to be a shill or an utter moron.

Steam is poison, so yay for Microsoft.

My god you are retarded. Not even sure how to reply to this post.

>If they did, theit market share would collapse overnight as users would realize just how many of their applications aren't available on the Windows store?

Did you somehow miss the plethora of cucks in this thread begging for microsoft's dick up their ass? All MS has to do is toss in a few exclusives and these sycophant retards will gobble at it like a crackwhore at a gloryhole

The king is dead long live the king.

>search Windows on Steam
>zero results


>like you and me
>on Sup Forums thinking Starter is an acceptable purchase
>calling me an idiot

I am laughing at your life.

desu I doubt that guy is intelligent enough to even understand what you're saying

>all Microsoft has to do is make their service better than this other service and people will use it
Yeah no shit.

You're going to get this "starter" windows eventually, cuck. Just like you have Windows 10.

And when you do get it shoved down your throat, you'll be here, defending it, pretending like you weren't previously defending microsoft's moves by saying they'd never stoop this far.

Anyone with more than two braincells to rub together can see the writing on the wall.


Is this the designated microsoft shill thread?

Do you guys get paid overtime to spam all the xbox and windows threads all day? Is it pay by post? How much do you usually make?

>My favorite (((DRM))) isn't on this other store full of (((DRM))) waaaah!
Install gentoo


It's a shilling pajeet

Christ, there's so many stupid people in his comments. How do they think running a program UI through a browser will help battery life?

does Apple pay you with fruit?

Cheap games.
Support for multiple OSs
Integrated chat

>Killing DRM

Somehow this is bad why?

Windows 10 is a very modern os, highly optimized for the hardware
It will deliver excellent performance and maximum possible battery life

Valve isn't anticompetitive. They won't force you to not use anything else.

>>Killing DRM
They're replacing DRM with other form of DRM. Killing it would be GoG, not Microshaft

>And normies will have no idea how to disable it.
Like I would possibly care.

Just end your pathetic autistic life.

15 rupees have been deposited to your account Rajeet.


Steam isn't DRM though.

Yes it is.

Just because you can circumvent Steam it doesn't stop beings DRM.

it can only not be considered drm for games that do not require it to run. you can try and post some number of games that do not require it in an attempt to prove your point, however unless you are talking about games that are in the top 10, 20 or even 50 your argument is null

No, you just don't understand what DRM means.
That's so fucking stupid. That's like saying Linux is DRM because you can run programs that use DRM on it.

I just love Sup Forums windows conspiratardism.
>Windows 10 is gonna be subscription based;
>Windows 10 won't allow w32 apps soon.
Trust me, they are soon gonna pull the plug on 90% OF PROGRAMS EVER WRITTEN FOR WINDOWS;
>Windows won't allow pirated apps soon;

Seriously, do you even know what the usual windows user is like, software wise?

post how many games in the top 50 do not require steam to run

ill wait

That's not what DRM means. That's like saying Linux is DRM because you can run programs that use DRM on it.

no, drm means it requires some sort of 3rd party to verify it is allowed to run.

you cant try to wiggle out of this kiddo

Educate yourself, you're embarrassing.


>no, drm means it requires some sort of 3rd party to verify it is allowed to run.
Okay. Steam doesn't require any third party software to verify running though.
ye, ur retarded

Did you even read let alone click that wiki?
Those tiny subset of games are games that are DRM free, including Sream's DRM.

Steam is the third party ya dingus.
Steam IS the DRM.

>Did you even read let alone click that wiki?
Not really, that list is known to be shit. c steam.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games
>including Sream's DRM.
You mean Steamworks? Yeah, I hate that shit.

you are trying very hard to twist it. when someone say 'steam is drm' they dont mean steam requires drm to run, they mean steam is the drm platform that games use.

nice attempt though

Maybe when people L I T E R A L L Y lose control over their devices they'll actually be pushed into the Linux Desktop.

I guess after all this time the only thing that could kill Microsoft... was Microsoft.

>they mean steam is the drm platform that games use.
But it isn't. Steam has no inherent DRM to it at all. It doesn't even need an internet connection. I think you're confusing Steam with games that have some form of built in DRM such as Denuvo, Steamworks, GFWL, etc.

games require steam to run to launch their executable = drm

you need to install steam to play a game = steam is drm

but your logic, denuvo is not drm

>games require steam to run to launch their executable = drm
Wrong. Only games with DRM require Steam to launch their executable.


That is a lie.

I installed windows on my hard drive because I needed the best possible battery life.

I tried same conditions with windows 10 vs 7.

6 hours under windows 10.
8 hours and thirty minutes under windows 7.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

You mean games that don't have DRM Don't REQUIRE Steam to run?

Are you even aware what yo uare saying lmao.