How do you guys organize/consume your media files? I just started using kodi for aesthetic reasons.
How do you guys organize/consume your media files? I just started using kodi for aesthetic reasons
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One day, when I own my own place, I'm gonna go full autistic and set up servers for all of my escapism needs, I'll never need to leave my bedroom ever again.
Til then, I'm just downloading things and copying them onto my external hard drive.
TV Shows/Series/Season/episodes.mkv
And Kodi for actually watching everything
I lump it all together and let the device/software sort it out. ID3 tags on music, for example, rather than carefully curated directories.
Just click or tap in the software. It doesn't really matter which I like because I make selections based on text titles anyway. I don't really care about album art and DVD covers.
I use kodi with the advancedsettings xml from this page:
laughing my a** off
music is just organized by artist/album
I usually like to have all the album artwork scanned in, just in a separate folder in the album itself, but thats about it
for TV shows its usually not organized at all, i could usually care less about artwork for that stuff
fuck off memelord
I never gave a shit about videos/anime/movies/series so dunno but i'm autistic to sort my music in FLAC and everything with the correct tags and lyrics then just make a simple transcode of everything to Opus for my phone.
t. user with no taste
Got a badass etc tired meme
I use Emby server
download off torrent.
use MKVmerge to inspect the MKV files to make sure its flagged properly(and to remove tags and chapters)
Drag it to my 4tb external drive. 1 folder for movies, 1 for TV shows, 1 for anime
Plug it into my S912 android TV box
Use kodi 17.1 as the front end, scrape everything with the default options(TVDB for TV and anime, whatever the default is for movies. Not imdb)
Watch on my shitty 32" 720p LCD i bought 13 years ago.
I dont use any of the addons or stream stuff, cause it always looks like shit and buffers.
Nearly all my shit is 720p. Even if my TV was 1080p or higher, i dont see the value in file size to go up to a higher res.
Whoops, forgot to mention that before i drag the files over, i also rename them with filebot using this setup:
Series(YYYY) > S**E** - "episode name".extension
"Movie name" (YYYY).extension.
That way the scrapers have no problem.
I have a NAS connected to a VPN.
On the NAS I have Plex server and all my movies and shows.
It also runs Sickrage and Couch potato as well as a download client.
Sickrage automatically finds shows at my preferred quality, renames them and puts them in the appropriate folder.
As a result I have a seamless system where I just add a show I'm interested in and it will always just show up when I am looking for something to watch.
Those are some god tier cartoons
>Still sacrificing quality for "muh space"
Hard drives are meant to be filled user
network drives in my media center pc. contain folder, in which all my anime folders reside. plex server running on pc to stream when im elsewhere.
no joke
I got too much mudiv now, I like how it copies the files into it's own music folder or wherever and you can delete the original once it's added to the library.
As long as it's in the library you don't have to worry. I like Musicbee on Windows but it doesn't do the copying thing.
somehow I tried to type music and it came out as mudiv
Ty user, my Sup Forums folder is my favorite.
Nobody cares about compression in the context of cartoons, you insufferable faggot.
Tell me more about this magic program.
that's basically it, it uses both the search box and RSS feeds of any torrent sites I permit and searches for shows based on when they're supposed to have aired.
When it finds a download it gives it to the torrent client on my NAS to download.
It then watches my download folder for the completed file at which point it renames it and moves it to my media folder.
It also works with usenet I believe.
Sounds awsome, ill definitely be checking it out.
It is nearly full. 800 movies, 130 anime series, 170 tv show series. I think I have ~320gb left.
I'm kinda stuck at 4tb too, since I want to keep it buspowered, for simplicity.