I didn't see a thread on this in the catalog. What does Sup Forums think about this new report on Facebook and rejecting code written by women more than men?
I didn't see a thread on this in the catalog. What does Sup Forums think about this new report on Facebook and rejecting code written by women more than men?
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares
Facebook MUST have rejected it ONLY because a woman wrote the code and despite it working fine, what other possible reason could there be?
>facebook code written by women rejected more than code written by men
Must be gender bias.
>github code written by men rejected more than code written by women
Face it, women are better programmers than men.
Really makes you think.
This is problematic
Sounds like a good place to work
This just shows that code written by females needs to be double-reviewed before being accepted
The difference is on github people didn't know the code was written by women, which shows there IS a gender bias.
In a lot of these github studies, they try to "guess" the gender of the pull requester, if they have a feminine sounding username or they have cartoon girls as avatars, they get counted as female.
Not only are these studies not peer reviewed, they're counting anime weebs developers as women.
> if they have a feminine sounding username or they have cartoon girls as avatars, they get counted as female
this is fucking stupid since most women online try to appear as not female as possible.
Most people with feminine usernames and cartoon girl avatars are men.
>have cartoon girls as avatars, they get counted as female
fucking kek
We know the truth, right Sup Forumsuys?
I especially like this quote, and thought of posting it here when I read it:
>That implies that, at the very least, one of the two situations is true: female employees have a harder time contributing to Facebookâs code base due to scrutiny from male colleagues, or that those employees are not obtaining higher ranking engineering roles that would allow for more code commits due to any number of factors.
It just couldn't possibly be that their code just isn't up to par. Just can't be!
Literally the only women who can program are like pic related, disregard other ones, they are SJW stir tier like
>This is political discourse won't go away before I die
Is this the dragon thread?
OP sucks and didn't link the real report on it.
Any stupidfags have article text? What was the methodology?
this is what happen when you hire workers just because they are female, they didn't "earn" their place, they got it because facebook need to have females so they adapt to the sjw agenda, in the long term this damages woman on similar positions more and more, thanks feminism.
If code is not good or efficient, of course it shouldn't be accepted.
I don't think it matters if one is more scrutinized than the other.
Shitty code is shitty code.
And even if there was a gender bias, it would be that men need the more scrutiny, not that women need less scrutiny.
Who actually would give a fuck about who the person is when the code is shitty.
Having exact same statistics is actually impossible for any workplace. Never will you find a completely "balanced" one. It is actually impossible.
> hires less qualified workers in name of "diversity"
> they produce less quality code than the other more qualified workers
> people claim it's because of sexism, not because less qualified workers were hired to reach the "gender quota"
The only way we're going to do away with this sensationalistic hounding is to have all code review be anonymous, but tied to an internal ID. That way you still know who to promote and who to fire.
Of course there will be a shitstorm when "80% of engineers fired are women" but Facebutt's hands would be tied.
this right here senpai.
underrated comment.
There's really no point in me replying but clearly you need to actually look at the code to make any conclusion from this.
There's many reasons why code might not be accepted, writing it off as a bias is retarded.
>according to the wall street journal
This brand of "lean-in feminism" is fundamentally conservative at its core, since it views employment as some kind of gift bestowed upon workers by capital, as if Zuckerberg's decision to skim off their surplus labor value was borne from the goodness of his heart. When a narrowing band of professions are the only ones that provide a living wage, it's easy to fall into this pattern of thought and fight tooth an nail for your place at the table.
The answer to such reactionary concepts is not even more reactionary ideology; it's promoting labor power. When workers own what they create, you'll see less people shoehorning themselves into ill-fitting trades just because they pay more.
How cute, you think this SJW stupidity is tied to notions like facts.
No, even if they did that, it would somehow still be facebook's fault and they'd be pilloried for it.
I flagged this shit off hacker news because it was stupid then and it's even more stupid here.
Thank you user, I have been saying stuff along those lines for years and no one seems to get it.
You'll notice a lot of those attitudes come from big journalism, places that are mired in that kind of reactionary behaviour.
We need affirmative action for review acceptance
The funny thing of course is much of journalism itself has ceased to be sustainable under natural market conditions. Journalists for the few amalgamated interests remaining are essentially enjoying corporate welfare because the billionaires and Arab monarchs who underwrite them understand the value of PR. There's no way someone like Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post/Slate/etc to make that $weet new$ dolla.
I don't understand this equality movement in the IT. Becoming a top tier developer is only possible if you are able to accept critic and improve yourself, and women are not exactly famous for that. Why would women want to work in a profession they are simply not suited for?
By the way I reject about 90% of the merge requests I review. Most of the time it's just small adjustments, but it's very rare that someone submits perfect code on the first attempt.
Everybody wants to work in IT because that's one of the few fields that pays (for now.)
C-can it be quality issue?
>anime coders best coders
it's confirmed now
trades pay better
people think of IT as an "easy" job that pays well.
>trades pay better
What trades? I do not imagine that someone who does woodworking is paid more than a sysadmin. But I live in SEA, so my world is different from NA.
The starting pay for a new grad at Facebook is 180k+ a year. Good luck.
>be tradie
>random drug testing
>after 20 years of 10-hour days and 6-day workweeks, barely make $100k/year
>be software engineer in SV company
>no drug testing
>$120k/year starting, including thicc RSU packages
This is true for Australia
When taking into account time spent studying, uni fees and junior work, a plumber or electrician can make similar or more over a career compared to a doctor, psych or software dev.
Just looked up the stats and less than 2% of women work as plumbers/pipelayers or roofers. I wonder why women aren't demanding equal representation as roofers? Apparently air condition is sexist so maybe they would prefer to stop being oppressed and work as a roofer, an industry primarily male dominated.
in addition
>very little chance of ruining your body through excess physical stress
>physical injury will put you out of work, and you'll lose your job
>You can still code if you break an arm or leg
Sucks to be blue collar.
Pathetic druggie detected. I hope you overdose and that your next joint is your last, you waste of life!
No sht, weebs spend all there time coding n the autism forces thn to use best practices, i also traps who r good coders too, face everyone who programs is not an avg person n the weirder u r the better u r
this will only make (((them))) double down on affirmative action hiring policies
It doesn't count at all, tell your lefties that we have a gender fluid society, men and women may identify their gender wrongly.
>if they have a feminine sounding username or they have cartoon girls as avatars, they get counted as female.
How many people are we talking? Guys seem to obsess over their code in college and the girls i knew obsessed over their grades. Both equally smart but you can guess who the better programmers turned out to be.
A lot of women get into STEM only thanks to affirmative action and women only scholarships. It's not surprising that a higher % of them is incompetent.
>implying a female doesnt have a selfie with full makeup on as a profile pic
I agree with GP as much as you do, but Facebook isn't representative.
Back to hacker news my man.
>Insert traps make best coders meme
>everyone who programs is not an avg person n the weirder u r the better u r
This is what snowflakes think. Retarded snowflakes that can't use a keyboard or the english language too apparently. Disobeying social norms doesn't make you 'better'.
Good programmers are good because they are dedicated to their craft and have the presence of mind to always try to improve.
Some real normies do this, some real weirdos don't.
Not him, but all great programmers I know are weird fucks.
Make coding great again
Based weebs
Going rate for skilled labor for residential maintence is $90/hr where I live in cheap as hell Midwest. What i mean are hvac techs, plumbers, and electricians. The going rate for small business IT consulting is about $75-$90/hr.
Note I've been a part of the IT consulting industry here for 17 years, the average rate is actually going DOWN, while the rates for skilled labor are going UP.
Yeah but you can't just drop everything and become an HVAC man
You need expensive tools, certification etc
Is this a one-off or a full manga?
Full. They program smart onaholes
It must be great when you have a tech company and then one of your faggot employees makes an analysis of your data which is then used by retards to stir controversy. What a time to be alive.
dude don't write like that
>I don't think it matters if one is more scrutinized than the other.
It actually does, because that means they accept shittier code from males, which is bad for the individual, because it makes it harder for a woman to advance her career than for an equally competent male, it's bad for the company, because bad code gets accepted, which is ultimately bad for the user too. Assuming the women working for facebook aren't just shittier in general.
>Assuming the women working for facebook aren't just shittier in general.
That's a pretty big assumption senpai
>Women are bad coders, thus get more often their code rejected and don't rise as fast in rank
Looks to me like some feminists are getting triggered by reality again, someone build them a pillow castle so they can calm back down.
> Implying it isn't a meme for some reason
>woman(men) are best programmers
Knew it.
>Implying women isn't another word for code monkey
No! There's no way that you could've been right! No way!
no one wants your c__d , karlie
so it begins
Is it welfare if there actually is value in the work?