How do you quit the perfect job?

the place I'm at now:

1.) they don't care if I smoke weed -- even on premise.
2.) I get to take holidays whenever
3.) Showing up to the office is loosely enforced at best
4.) I get to work with new, emergent tech every single client.
5.) I get paid competitively in my area.

literally everything is good about this place except the people. My PM on the current project is not only a close friend--but a long time close friend. This project has deteriorated our friendship to the point I don't even wanna work here anymore. he's a fine operations guy but a terrible manager. Idk. seems like this company just doesn't value my opinions at all.

Have any of you been at a place you loved, but realized that it was still wrong for your own personal growth?

Not really a job, but i ended a project with few friends 6 months ago.
The project was going pretty well, but somehow i didn't like working with them.

I have been pretty much unable to work after that until recently.

I had to do that with my research advisor at uni. I was treated well, funding was great, project was interesting, but everyone seemed too eager to pass the blame and it streamed downhill eventually.

I just left. No ceremony, no explanations. Part of me suspects that my advisor was just as frustrated with the atmosphere but felt powerless to do anything about it. In any case I felt like pleading for change was a lost cause so I didn't bother. I still got a solid recommendation and moved on with my life.

So to answer your question directly I think you quit with a graceful exit. Don't get bitter. Sort out your next move, put in your notice and act like it's no big deal. Because it really isn't.

this is such a huge part of my problem. the people I work with are the very best of my friends but I feel that this place has only eroded our friendships. have you mended things with them or are you still on separate paths?

>Have any of you been at a place you loved, but realized that it was still wrong for your own personal growth?

lol. Personal growth? No. I've never enjoyed any job. Sounds pointless. I work for the money and keep to myself. People are a waste of time anyway.

I think you are right. My plan is to solidify a position at a place I know I can pursue similar endeavors--and make a quiet exit. burn as little of what bridges are left.

>dont get bitter
this is hard for me to do but vitally important. thank you friend.

I've been through many jobs like this and understand the mentality. I admit it is a fault of my own that I seek out knowledge for knowledge's sake. It's a fault of my own that I wish to enjoy that which I do. I believe there is a Japanese term for a balance in life that includes the a job you enjoy but it escapes me now.

>value my opinions
You dont work jobs to have someone value your opinion,you work jobs to make money so you arent homeless and can enjoy your lavish lifestyle

Seems like a great job to have op. Why dont you wait it out and see if some people get fired or they quit?

So much this. Maybe the op needs a hobby or something else to immerse himself to fill the void.

Op sounds like you have the easiest job with great pay and you wanna throw it away. Sounds like you are a turbulent person and because you have nothing to complain about you come up with shit. Coming from someone unemployed for a year.

this isn't so true at a consultancy (which is where I work) I'm afraid. People actually hire me on specifically for my opinions.

>getting my first job in a startup with 2 months of experience through referal
>got offered 150% of what I expected
>several people I know from uni work there, most of which are in my team
>all smart and very talented people
>free food order every one day of the week

Truth revealed itself to me soon.

>the project we work on turns out to be a piece of shit and basically a scam with no end and ever changing plans
>somehow the clients eat it up
>nobody uses the software we make
>the only deadlines are when there's a demo coming up
>morale is nonexistent, never seen such misery in one place
>people talk about being depressed, misled, everyone says they're only here for the money
>every time there's 3+ guys from our team in a room they start ripping on the project

I feel like this place will fuck me up for any jobs I'll get after.

it is a good job, but many people have quit :(

I have a number of hobbies: music, embedded electronics, writing, they can even make me money. but they are hobbies I don't wish to taint with work.

>sounds like you are a turbulent person
like a restless sea my friend. This material plane holds little interest to me at this point.

I'm at a fanciful consultancy for AWS now. What you describe happens on the regular. This isn't out of the norm at all. It's disgusting me. I've had entire branches (beautiful work btw) tossed aside because some new buzzwords came about.

It's a startup I'm at too. No VC but what you describe is still accurate.

ITT: pampered millennial gets his first foot in the work force and it makes him SAD.

I wish. I've been in the field for over 10 years now. This is more me having a slow awakening realizing there is no gratification in this field.

Again,you dont work jobs to have fun or be creative, you go there to suck your bosses dick and his bosses dick until they are happy and give you some air.

Find better hobbies,its the only way out.

I have had little contact with them after that.
I would consider only one of them a close friend.
The others were just people i happened to meet in school.
One of them was a significant mentor to me in programming and i worked pretty close with him,
but even though i liked his personality overall i still couldn't stand him in the end.

There were other i didn't like the school i was in and all these things made me snap and unplugging myself from everything.

I don't know what i was thinking back then but maybe i just wanted to be a trail blazer.

I have got back to programming and will be going back to school sometime in the near future.

I don't got to a job to suck my bosses dick. I've been lucky enough that my skill set has kept me from having to do that. Does that mean that if I find myself at this point now the only logical step is to remove the middleman and freelance? I have the business connections.

>Many people have quit
This affects the company bottom line? Do you want to quit because the "me too"?

>i have lots of hobbies

>like a restless sea

In what you spend your money op like is there anything youre looking forward to?

thanks for the response user, sounds like I've got some rough but necessary times ahead of me

No problem.

Fucking typos, REEEE!!!

most of the people who have quit have been what I will rudely call 'kruft'. they were managers or PM's but I think their leaving spoke to systemic failure in upper management.

I spend my money on things related to my hobbies. Mech Keyboads, modular synthesizers, brewing beer, growing weed, painting, writing, etc.

I just realized I don't look forward to anything but new possessions. I should fucking think about that.

You're looking forward to spending money on new experiences, basically escapism.

Jesus Christ it's just a job. You don't have to fuck him, you just have to work with him.

Brewing beer, paiting and writing. Thats cool. you can browse other boards like /k/ and /fit/ and work on you and your well being

>nothing but new possessions
anything wrong with that? you can browse other boards and start new hobbies. what do you expect of your life? if you dont really think about that then why not? what about starting your own company? Like reading all necessary to build your company?

thanks for the advice user, I should start seeking out communities related to my hobbies instead of going them alone. I usually just come to Sup Forums and watch /dpt/ for the flaming.

I gotta work with him every damn day dude. we're salary. this isn't a 9-5 see you later, it's 24/7 encounters. I may actually have to fuck him for logistical reasons at some point.

wrong, you work so the goldbergs 5 levels above you can buy that new yacht or ferrari and take a half-year vacation on company funds.

>don't show up to work
>just showing up stoned
>cry about people don't take you serious

the daily life of a pothead. DUDE

I'm actually the first person there every day, and the last to leave. I'm also heavily silo'd in that a lot of things I know are things nobody else at the company knows.

Again, this is a consultancy where it doesn't matter so much how you are but the quality of the work you do. The work I do is good enough and stable enough that my consumption is never called into question or even indirectly mentioned.

I'm in the similar boat.

I'm working at a small company doing web development. My coworkers are easy to get along with, the workplace is very relaxed, I can take time of when I need to, and get food supplied all the time.

The only issue is I'm getting paid half of what I should be earning. My boss (who is generally a nice guy) just keeps delaying talks about a salary increase and sort of brushes it off when I bring it up.

He's talked about a profit share but I'm still waiting to hear anything further from it.

I want to leave and get a higher paying, more rewarding job but because the company is so small and we have a major product launch coming up I feel that I can't because the whole place will turn to absolute shit without me. So now I'm waiting until after the release to make a move.

this is another big issue for me. I get paid enough here that I can be frivolous with my spending. I get to by cool shit whenever I want. When I look at other places though I see them offering 20-50k as much as I make now and I slap my forehead. Maybe it's all about the money after all and I need to sack up and stop thinking it could ever be anything more.

It is and it isn't about the money.

The only reason I want to be paid more is so that I can stockpile up enough to then fuck off out of here. I'm getting my shit, putting it in a van and road tripping everywhere.

I'm over the 9-5 and I'm only 23..

What is working in the military for $500 jeff?

I think your idea is sound. Maybe I should save up enough so that I can just fuck off and do whatever I want comfortably in some 3rd world nation where the days are slower and the people are kinder

That's the life my man.

>My boss (who is generally a nice guy) just keeps delaying talks about a salary increase and sort of brushes it off when I bring it up.
>delaying talks about a salary
>nice guy
>not a redflag
Are you doing half the work you should be doing?
fuck it just leave and if the boss actually wants you back ask for more,he knows how much he's saving from the work you do(if you do any) and your just cucking yourself.

I think it's time to leave.

The sad thing is I'm doing a fuck load of work. Way more than I should be and outrageously more than I'm getting paid for.

Jesus man. It seems like you're living the fucking life of dreams. Living the american dream. You get depressed because it seems as if they don't take you seriously so what? If they still pay you then they are listening to you and they deem you a valuable asset. Your job is to give directions not to drive the boat. You need to step back and know your place.

What is the purpose of your life? Whatever you want it to be.

>What is the purpose of your life? Whatever you want it to be.
You're right there.

>What is the purpose of your life?
Road trips

I just tried.

They made me stay by doubling my salary and signing a contract saying they pay me for 12 months even if they let me go.

I wanted to make 6 figures before I was 30, and it happened.