its the op from the other day, i'm trying to make linux from scratch right now
Linux From Scratch
So is this basically Gentoo without Portage?
Hope you like watching still compile cause you're gonna be spending a lot of time doing it
gcc is compiling now (chapter 5.5 in the book)
yeah pretty much, its quite a bitch to install
LFS daily driver here
If you wanted steam / wine / 32bit libraries make sure you aren't following the main guide.
Also, don't skip any steps else you'll probably have to go back to the start.
I wouldn't really recommend LFS if you have a big list of software you use / constantly try new things.
Finally, don't worry too much about configuring your kernel. You can always change it and recompile. For this reason, don't delete the source of it when you delete it for everything else.
Good Luck
what guide should i use for wine?
CLFS Might help. There's at old multilib guide too
thank you
How doable is a CLFS for ARM? Like, do I need an specialized kernel for an ODROID C2?
ah fuck. can any anons help me? first error i've encountered so far
trying to do ch 5.8.1 by the way
you're trying to build Libstdc++ in the wrong directory
the build directory should be "/gcc/build" NOT "/gcc/libstdc++-v3/build"
ah, thank you, problem solved
You could have also just changed the path to "../configure" and it would have worked but in my experience it's better to do exactly what the book says. I've made a minor screwup a couple times and had to start all over cause it would have taken too long to track down what I did wrong.
thats not how you solve problems.
OP do not what this user says.
If you find a problem, look at your .bash_history and compare it to the commands in the book.
Try to understand whats wrong.
ok guys, its been fun
gonna have to call it quits for tonight. finished all of part 2 of the book, and all ready to start building the permanent system tomorrow. thanks for the help
nighty nighty
Night man
Would likely take ages to compile. Probably better off cross compiling from your main computer
How do you do package managment?
Either install one or be a real man and keep track of it yourself.
what is even the benefit of doing this?
literally nothing, it's the Gentoo timesink meme x1000
you know how gentoo users pretend they read the source code and tell everybody they don't REALLY know linux? Well this is for people who REALLY want to know Linux (i.e. googling errors half the time)
GNU/Linux from scratch*