yes or no
What are you using it for?
Light video editing
Unix kernel development
Memeing for a sense of belonging after getting rejected for a 5th time to end my freshman year of college
To think only a few years ago I was actually thinking about buying one of these slick looking trash bins.
looks sexy as hell
can it run gentoo?
Chrome OS IS based on Gentoo.
should have been more specific
can it run xorg with portage?
No :(
What can I use one for?
its a fucking computer. maybe for buying a new set of brains :^)
Facebook and YouTube.
The 64GB LTE version is the same price.
I really want to get one myself.
I got the 2015 64GB one, dropped way too much money but I couldn't resist. Is butifel.
I'm still only using ChromeOS and Android apps, haven't got around to putting a Linux distro on it yet.
How often do you use the Android apps? That the big thing the 2013 model is missing.
If there is a way to install a Linux Distro, why not ?
If not, it's useless.
Imagine a Thinkpad with a 3:2 display...
What the fuck is this shit.
Are you aware chromebook have virtually no internal storage?
definitely NO
>If there is a way to install a Linux Distro
There is. I believe Linus had one running Fedora.
Yeah you can go the crouton route or install it natively. You just have an annoying splash screen if you do native.
affiliate link?