What does Sup Forums think of this calculator?
Ti nspire cx cas
It's fucking awesome. This and the HP Prime are the best calculators on the market, by far.
Never heard of it.
Why don't you just use a fucking app.
Just get the TI-89 Titanium you fucking fag. It eats less batteries and does everything you need.
t. EE graduate
>be giant math nerd
>spend $150 on an overpowered calculator
just get the regular cx and install the cas operating system
Acquire Mathematica or Maple instead.
This fucking guy gets it.
I don't even pull out my TI-83 Plus that often anymore.
>TI-89 Titanium
That piece of shit dies all the fucking time. Look up "TI-89 frozen".
Because my job requires I do a lot of math, and I have to do it for 40-50 hours a week.
Use tools to make your life and work easier, stop being an idiot and use things to your advantage.
I've had mine since since 2008, graduated with my degree in 2015 and never had a problem. Changed batteries like twice.
Get an HP 50g
Hasn't worked on past 5 years worth of is relaeses for it. GL finding one that old unupgraded. Plus the process difference is very negligible
Had an nspire in highschool and just made programs to solve problems that normally took 10 minutes each in a second. Spent the rest of 1060 playing Pokemon on it.
Got the cx cas for college and use it to solve equations a ti89 can't. Cruising through math classes right now with it. (Ironically taking 1060 again 5 years later due to bullshit college requirements)
Graphing calculators are a meme. Get this and a laptop with matlab
>not writing python scripts to solve your math homework
I have one. It's pretty cool. I got Linux running on it plus all sorts of mods (running Homebrew, usb keyboard and mouse drivers, Gameboy emulator)
>numerical approximation
gtfo symbolic is greater than all
Have one, great once you get used to it, prob not worth the money when the models below this one can be utilized just as well.
Fucking awesome. Best engineering calculator I have ever used. For almost the same price as the TI-89, it blows that out of the water.
D e s m o s
And a casio fx-115es plus
Memes aside, this.
I had one.
It's pretty comfy.
The battery wiring is absolute shit on the old ones.
Damn. Why is Maki so perfect?? Also how is everyone defragging their compiled syntax shells? I can't seem to be able to shift the vector files properly.
>not using based Haskell for superior number datatypes and side-effect-free functions
yeah but in python you can just import homework
This is all you need for a calculator.
Anything else should be done in a computer with math software (matlab, octave, scilab, Julia, etc etc)
>infix notation
No it's not