rotated motherboard best position edition
spill your guts and dont forget to r8/h8, its how people improve and post different pictures so we arent all staring at the same ones
/guts/ thread
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Oh wtf, I like your little asus fan with out the case around it. It looks quirky. Nice fat ssd. Best value all time 4gb 480. Your computer comes across as lacking in all fucks it may have had to give.
Those fans on the bottom are cool too, weird looking grills.
uh this is my computer its name is Kappa, my laptop is lamda, and my phone is mu. i play games on it and commit crimes
Are you not using the top slot for the GPU because of the AIO tubes?
R8 plz no bully.
Yeah, the pumps gurgle more if the tubes go into the top and if you look the ram stops you from mounting a 240 up top. There is a fan right across from the gpu as intake under the 240mm rad so it's got plenty of air.
read 120mm rad is intake, from 240 and the fan below it also intake. Top 2 120mms are exhaust.
I can dig it
looks functional user, clean cables. you need a case that utilizes your USB 3.0 header tho
>4690k: 28c
>290: 36c
under load
>4690k: 53c
>290: 78c
Curious why youd put a card known for getting hot in such a small case?
78C is around 15 more than my 1070 gets under load.
because i could. Wanted to see if i could jam my 290 + 850w psu into an 11 liter case. Pleased with thermals considering that nothing throttles. 290 can ramp up but it never exceeds the low 80s.
yeah, i think the cooler looks a lot better without the damn plastic covers. you're not wrong, this has been very much a price/performance budget build, usually I have a fury x in but my psu in another computer died and i had to switch my main psu to it, so main computer gets the backup, and the backup isn't enough for fury x
I got the fury as a return for a 295x2 though, and the 295x2 I got for a great price used, so all in all pretty much everything in the build is price/performance based or bought on sale, only thing not was the cooler, and realistically I could probably get away with something like a true spirit for a better price/perf ratio, but im pretty happy
I did it. I fell for the 16GB RAM meme.
I've also been thinking about getting an AIO water cooler for my CPU, because at some point, these big ass CPU air coolers get too big. Sort of like how we're starting to see 3 slot GPU graphics cards that also weigh over 1KG and sag like crazy.
The Dark Rock Pro 3 will cool my HTPC, should I buy a closed loop liquid cooler for my AMD Ryzen workstation.
What do you guys think?
Figured as much from part selection and general lack of attention paid to aesthetics. I build my computers the same way, value > absolute performance.
Hardware outside of GPU progresses pretty slowly now so my last three builds I only did when life was going good and I could afford it. Wasn't until very recently that I was able to give the slightest fuck about aesthetics.
Case came bundled with the nice z170 mobo for $145, sold my 1060 because you cant OC them and got the 980ti for $330 AIO included, etc.
12 core Xeon and a GTX 690
You've posted in the last few threads. What do you think of the zen chip so far?
from a performance perspective pretty guuud. really like the 1800x. handles everything i throw at it with ease. unlike bulldozer, ryzens single threaded performance in games is excellent and fits between haswell and broadwell level of performance while it dominates in multi-threaded. full on broadwell there. its single thread is MORE than enough and its multi is just insane.
memory support is its weakness. my 3200 gskill flare x kit maxes out at 2933 with my ryzen. hope the may update allows for 3200 like they claim. though i really don't NEED 3200 as 2933 is more than plenty but it be nice since i did sorta pay for 3200. either way i would gladly buy the 1800X again and again. cpu performance alone is just fantastic and a much better value than the 7700k imo.
No AIO would offer superior cooling performance over your dark rock pro 3. If you want to get better performance you will have to go with a full water cooling setup.
How long did that take you to put together? And what sort of hardware is in it?
These guys found that the cooler was good, but I don't know if it's better than an AIO especially considering the Pro 3 hogs some cold air from the motherboard.
New rig just setup.
two 1080 FEs, 6800k, bunch of SSDs. all in all I might have 10 hours total of working on it, it's been a work in progress for awhile now. latest adventure was mounting the reservoirs to the front of the case rather than the back. Going for a Skeletor theme
These threads always make me jealous
>he fell for the $150 cpu cooler meme
Man this setup with the hardtubing is so fucking ugly to look at with all the fittings.
fell for? Wanted lol I don't even care if it cools the cpu better. This was all about dem LEDs
Well good job making a shit computer look like shit.
You have no sense of color coordination.
Gonna get some autism cables at some point, in a month or two I'll also get some waterblocks for my 1080 Tis.
Pretty ugly desu. Looks cheap.
dont listen to him user, i like the build, nice mod on the gpu too
Those corsair fans look really tacky. I doubt they are the better ones you can get for the money too.
My case has the best options for cable management for sure.
Is this a dan case? Been thinking about getting a new sff case.
I love this.
node 202 is cute! CUTE!
Is it true that the 1600x > R7 series because of it's higher XFR boost frequencies in applications tha are single/dual threaded?
yes goyim single core is where it really matters
>open Speccy
>WMI Provider host usage shoots up
>Check Windows error viewer
>It say's it's speccy
Has Speccy become malware?
Anyone else getting this problem?
i uninstalled Speccy because it doesn't recognize Ryzen even though it has been 2 fucking months since release
piriform a shit, i wouldn't be surprised if they ship malware now because CCleaner only has a download.cnet link for the free version while it used to have from piriform themselves and filehippo just a few weeks ago
God I wish this guy would use cable combs
They're super cheap and would make it a 9/10 so fast
Any reason Sup Forums doesnt use CPU-Z/CPUID?
Or HWInfo64 if you minimize all the irrelevant shit. Have never seen speccy used outside Sup Forums and it has less info than the others
ready for an matx case with a small footprint. any recommendations
fittings around -$200
clear straws -about $5
food coloring -$25
not cut to length chink PSU wires covered in shoe laces -$80+
ricer chink LEDs and reservoirs -gonna guess $120
Being reddit: Priceless.
Speccy has always been pleb tier
Is that the new hx series psu? If so, hows the quality?
I have a ax750, hx650 and hx1000 from 2009/10 and they are still rock solid!
Multiple people I know that got ax860's have had them die on them.
Finished this last week.
First time using hard tubing so some tubes are a little skewed.
Laser engraved the water blocks myself.
>that fucking toxic/nuclear/acid green
>missing screws
>a single 120 and 240 to cool a 1080ti and what is probably a skylake 6700k or 7700k.
>shoelaces on the chink wires
>retard pump set up.
Reddit would love it.
missing screws where?
The back plate. Top right corner is missing.
it doesnt have a screw there.
Man EKWB is slipping in quality these days. That's a fucking joke. Surely there must be something on the other side of the PCB interfering with a screw being mounted there or something?
Aint even a threaded hole.
Now you've pointed it out though, I may cut the thread off a screw and just glue it in the hole.
thanks for the input user.
More like Thermalthief
the £30 extra for the pci riser I would be inclined to agree, that shit should have come with the case.
Love the case though.
My Zen shit finally arrived yesterday..
Mounting as we shitpost :3
not him but
>missing screws
see >360mm of rad space for cooling a mainstream i7/1080ti
it might be a bit loud but that's fine for that setup. you can cool a gpu with a single 120 and 240mm of custom loop rad is going to far outperform the 240mm of radspace like on an aio, especially if it's delidded
>shoelaces on chink wire
not everyone is a good goy and buys their custom cables from some asshole with a bazzilion percent markup, the cables look great
>retarded pump set up
I think that was more of a comment on how a lot of their recent designs are straight up rip offs of other companies, ie. suppressor line/define series
He was replying to me. I can read but that's retard.
Rest of your post is underage/shit.
It looks really nice, you might want to turn it sideways though, the exhaust is facing the floor.
it would be perfect if it wasn't for the psu cables to be honest
why do you need a mirror and industrial lamps inside your computer
that's just hot
going through and rating
I do like it, not the best part choices but you made it work, still think that gpu hack job is great
whats up with the greek frat boy? route those gpu cables over the card, it'll look a bit nicer, especially if you tuck the sata underneath, other than that looks ok, im not a fan of the crossing aio tubes but with your setup what can you do
solid loop, i for one like all the fittings, but you could have saved some mad dosh bending the tubes
>plz no bully
>posts sideways picture
but seriously looks ok. what the hell is going on with your hdd being in backwards and the gpu cable routed through the... ssd mount? idk what that is but it isnt a hole for cable routing
still a big fan, 16gb feels comfy doesnt it? have you tried OC'ing at all on that board? still think you should try an elastic suspension method on that hdd though
>red fans
>green/blue case lighting
>blueish white on gpu
if you're gonna go rgb at least get your shit in check, also, move gpu cables under mobo power. you could do to take out both of the bottom fans and the top exhaust and I bet you'd probably only see a 1-3c rise. the top exhaust isnt doing shit for you, guaranteed, ive been there with dual tower heatsinks
I love this build so much. any plans to upgrade that 690? do you do any work that requires cuda? or is that just there because it's what you had
>Christmas colored leds
change that mobo to white, then everything will match
infinity mirror on new nzxt makes me hard as diamonds
>threads always make me jealous
>1080 and 16gb+ of ram
why senpai
actually like this a good bit, i would ditch that tubing like a fat bitch in a hot air balloon though. did the heatsinks help on the m.2?
>that geil ram
what gpus? nice job with the space, especially how are temps with the stock cooler?
typical "cable management doest affect performance poster
god damn son clean as hell as always plenty of chinese cartoons, get you some combs and thats one of the best builds in here
also, crosshair formula v brothaaa
is that an ap series fan?
nice job on the blocks, looks great. good parts choice as well, looks really good, did you do the sleeving yourself? uv fluid?
im gonna give you the best advice so far in this thread
>be you
>go to harbor freight
>buy you a dremmel
>cut your ass a cpu power hole
Front radiator is a 360, not a 240
I like my pump setup, more to engrave.
>nice job on the blocks, looks great. good parts choice as well, looks really good, did you do the sleeving yourself? uv fluid?
Cheers user.
Fluid is Mayhems pastelle UV green.
Didnt sleeve the cables myself, they're cablemods extensions. I did have to laser my own combs for the GPU power since I couldnt find a 2x7 comb
it has a hole but the fucking pinhead doesn't fit through, the only way would be to unscrew the motherboard, then pass the cable. I'm not doing that desu; i'll wait until i can get a better chinkshit case.
yeah it was a jab at thermaltake's business practices
the view 27 though looks straight up OG original and I kind of want one myself actually. It's really a shame a ricer is not included
>that sag
I imagine it would be easy to put a pillar there because of the PSU shroud
I've been thinking about attaching a string to the roof of the case since the GPU has an unused mounting hole (reserved for the backplate I suppose) right of the power connector.
That photo quality, thought it was runescape 07 nigga
How unfuck cable management in Nanoxia Deep Silence 3? The back is really really tight and I already stuffed everything in there I can; what you can see coming out of the disc drive cage are the cables for power, audio, usb of the case. I already tried routing them along the walls forming an arch, so they won't inhibit airflow from the front fans too much.
Also, I have seen some people who mounted their graphics card in the lower slot. I am thinking about doing this, too, since right now the hot air just goes directly into the cpu cooler. It also heats up the case noticeably when you touch it outside.
if you dont mind making something best option would be to make a psu shroud and tuck cables away there, otherwise graduate from good to pro level at tucking shit behind mobo tray and cramming that side panel back on
Eh, wouldn't help me with airflow and the case cables, though.
Actually, I didn't cram in as much as I think I could have because I was worried about damaging stuff.
> take out both of the bottom fans and the top exhaust and I bet you'd probably only see a 1-3c rise
my 950 will rise by 8c, gpu vrm area will rise by 6c, and gpu core will rise by 7c. i've done testing :^)
oh they're great. zero motor noise since they're maglev, pwm so very nice rpm curves, and i set a nice fan curve in the bios. the 140's top off at 2000 and the 120s at 2400rpm so when temps get high i can move a ton of air but when temps are mild and low, which is the majority of the time, the fans are very quiet since they're at lower rpms. the only thing i wish is corsair made their maglev fans are rgb's instead of single color.
jesus really? I've never seen a performance change like that. is that with the bottom fans out as well as the top fan or what?
just the bottom fans. its logical. the top front fan only blows air to the nh-d15. the bottom front fan only blows air to the back of the video card and the little air that's able to go below just gets quickly sucked up by the gpu's back fan. the back of the gpu has a lot of resistance so air can't really get inside of it and only so much from the front is able to go to the bottom and get sucked in by the fan. the air that makes it above the gpu area just gets sucked in by the fans on the nh-d15.
so that leaves very little air for the bottom half of the motherboard and virtually no air to the front side of the gpu. with the bottom fans the entire bottom half of the motherboard is submerged in fresh cool air shooting all the way up to the gpu with very little resistance.
then you take the top half with the cpu and its cooler. one front intake blowing cool fresh air directly into the nh-d15s with the d15s two fans blowing cool air not only on the d15s, but also the bottom area of the socket. that means the vrm areas as well. since the fans reach all the way down to the bottom. they also act as exhaust by help drawing hot air away from the gpu and quickly exhausting that hot air out the back from both exhaust case fans while that hot air being drawn away from the gpu being helped cooled down by the direct front intake fan.
the top exhaust also helps draw hot air away from the vrm area. my vrm's on my motherboard stay icy cool. i can pump 1.45v's into my 1800x with a avx prime workload or intel burn test avx and they won't go above 58c.
jesus again, are the vrm really that hot on ryzen? my 8350 with 1.45v never pushes my vrm above 30c
and i mean yeah it does make sense, i wonder if that has to do with the static pressure of the fans, not too familiar with that series
tldr version, the two front intakes are ultimately solely dedicated to the cpu and top half of the motherboard. while the bottom intake fans are dedicated solely to the bottom half of the motherboard and gpu.
i mean i know vrm can get up to like 125c and be fine but still
yeah it makes sense, just doesnt chalk up to my experience with testing
i highly doubt your vrms stay at 30c when under a full stress test pumping 1.45v's into the cpu. run prime avx or intel burn test avx and your vrms should skyrocket.
unless you live in buttfuck no where canada where its a nice -10c outside. i live in the high desert where my room right now is ~25.5c.
testing with ibt for 4 hours and I was still sitting 30c, honest to god. asus crosshair v formula z
cool enough to touch even
i'm gonna go as far and state that's absolute bullshit. either you live with a room temperature of 12c or your sensors are reporting incorrectly.
i had a 8350 myself from what you can see pic related and too had mine at 1.45v's for 4.4ghz and the vrms ran into the 80c range.
oh, also, just in case, the motherboard temp is not the vrm temp. that's the south bridge temp. south bridge will generally run cool.
>putting the usb3 header on the rear of the mobo.
Thanks asus
Best way to counteract GPU sag that isn't a stack of legos or something
My 1070 is sagging hard in my gigabyte GA-z97x ud3h
buy a proper stand
Black painted chinese chopsticks.
You won't even see it.
Black chopsticks.
Worked fine for my 280X back in the days
And here's the guts now.
The 1070 doesn't seems to sag now.
Also I like this one!
Good job! Specs ?
you've gone and done it and got my goat as well as curiosity. Will be buying either temp probe or laser thermometer and measuring. I'll own up if I'm wrong
R8 my current gutsu
6600K, 1060 6G, 16GB RAM, 525GB m.2
psu is oversized, gpu stand seems unnecessary, clk-gtr is an ugly catfish. other than that it looks very nice user