How good is this compared to other starter Linux distros?
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It's shit. Use Linux Mint.
They used Ubuntu to make it what it Ubuntu used to be in the good old days.
Ubuntu is shit. Stay away from it.
Inb4 Mint sux because muh security flaws
A few told me to install Ubuntu with cinnamon instead of getting Mint. Though cinnamon is native to Mint, is there much of a difference between the two distros (with cinnamon or without)
mint is ubuntu if ubuntu 'just worked' on everything
Ubuntu will come with gnome in the future. Hold on!
I'd advice you to go with XFCE. Only problem that exists on Linux Mint XFCE 18.1 is screen tearing, and it has a simple fucking fix.
Cinnamon is too heavy.
Looks pretty sharp. Can I move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen for the Windows look? I'm use to that.
try lubuntu on a laptop.
either way, Zorin is Ubuntu based and far more enjoyable than Ubuntu or Mint
Also Manjaro is not Ubuntu based and is really good
This is what it looks like out of the box.
And this is how you can make it look like.
So like Apple? I like the bottom taskbar look 2bh
You can customize it however the fuck you want you autist
Thanka brah Ill give it a try once I receive feedback from my wife's son!
There are some differences in releases.
Mint is based on Ubuntu LTS edition (long-term service), which is good because LTS is usually way more stable. The other Ubuntu releases tend to vary in quality. Mint also has an edition based on Debian testing, which is a rolling release, so you incrementally get updates instead of a semi big one every 6 months or so.
I would personally go with Ubuntu LTS or Mint. Don't screw with rolling releases when you're new. The bigger choice is what desktop environment to use. You can see some jewtube videos or try a live CD. I like Mate and Xfce, although I've never used Cinnamon honestly.
Thanks for the info. But what are the rolling releases called so I can be sure to stay away for now?
It will literally make you drop out of collage.
it's pretty much the best
lightdm makes it easy for you to switch between different desktop environments until you find one you like
It's probably got the best hardware support straight out of the gate of any distro
If you have super duper common hardware and/or are willing to fuck around borking your repos and fucking up your auto updates then it doesn't really matter what distro you use, so yeah, listen to the contrarian hipsters who say "muuuuh obscure shit is good" (pic related the average mentality around here)
If you want to just pop in Unetbootin, make an install image, and go, Ubuntu is a good choice
Really depends on if your OS is a means to an end or if it's supposed to be your entire identity so that your timesink becomes your excuse for not having a life
looks really fucking gay
for real
It's honestly going to replace 10 for me because A) I hate it and B) 8.1 is no longer an option because updates take forever. I think for me it's time to prepare for my eventual full move to Linux and so I need to find the right distro for me.
Starting from what?
If you're coming from OSX, it actually has similar interface paradigms.
If you're coming from Windows and don't know how to adapt, you might get mad that everything in the interface is in the "wrong" place.
The HUD also has a nice feature where you can search for a command in an application. For example you're learning Inkscape and you're looking for a particular command, but don't know what menu they buried it in (and it's not where Illustrator would put it.) Just type in some key word, and it'll show all the menu paths that match it.
Well look, no OS is perfect, so don't go into this thinking it's going to be a problem-free existence, but if you want to try something different without your whole life revolving around manually editing config files with vim and praying you didn't bork everything, Ubuntu is a good starting point. Just disable the amazon shit right away.
every single time
Use Trisquel. It's Stallman Approved.
Mint is more stable and for a new user, it's better to install a distro that already comes with a DE than install that DE on top of something else.