>he doesn't use windows 8.1 embedded industry pro
what's your excuse for not using the best OS?
He doesn't use windows 8.1 embedded industry pro
Other urls found in this thread:
but i am using the best OS
>what's your excuse for not using the best OS?
but i'm using macos on my thinkpad
Proprietary software in it
>Proprietary software in it
so it works?
>not windows 10 IoT industry
>"just werks :--)"
it does :)
>he doesn't use some obscure version of the shittiest OS in existence
what did OP mean by this?
ikr, that's why i'm not using it :)
>no DX12
if you're going to install a botnet you may as well get the most out of it.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB master race
seem like you have a lot of freetime to fix things.
no wonder linux is for hobbyists :)
>he thinks windows 8.1 embedded has botnet
Welp, that's your opinion :---)
too bad it's actually a fact :)
Idk, i just don't want botnet on my pc (:
good luck with that, every hardware component from 2005 to this day is compromised with backdoors :)
Uhh fug dis, here you have it
Also, not thinkpads
>Also, not thinkpads
for you
>using microsoft for embedded systems ever
you must be working somewhere horrible
But I am ;^)
Just install a start menu replacement and it's great. On my desktop and laptop.
>best OS
>fx 6300
I'm sorry
My build was a budget build and it's a few years old. Still does what I need it to do. Used to be vidya, nowadays it's Mathematica.
But it runs everything objectively worse than every single other version of Windows.
He may be retarded, but the numbers don't lie. Windows 9 is based on embedded pro.
>linus shill tips