Where are all the PooMD shills now???
Where are all the PooMD shills now???
Other urls found in this thread:
>down 25%
AMD stock shills literally on suicide watch
I seriously hope they all kill themselves, they have been shitting up this board for so long
>overvalued stock
>surprised the market is fixing it.
wait for vega
>cheering for the decline of a stock
>didn't short stock or buy puts
If you didn't have a short position in AMD, you have literally gained nothing from AMD dropping.
They think it's like benchmarks.
>you have literally gained nothing from AMD dropping
AMDfag tears sustain me, that's a huge reward desu senpai
>AMDfag tears sustain me
no wonder you have been so desperate lately
shill harder for damage control. you're letting your coworkers down
They flow like a river here on Sup Forums
Desperate AMD stock shills constantly trying to scam people, it's hilarious
you sound really desperate, you sure you will be ok?
s a g e
you sound really desperate, you sure you will be ok?
>there's people ITT who won't use this opportunity to get some Naples gainz
I guess more shills and retards will be salty since they didn't bought at 2
AMD stock shills still desperate to pump and dump
Holy shit...
The only amd stock dumper is goldman, and jew like you
I suppose you're right, AMD stock shills are so dumb they think they can just pump it forever and never dump
Yeah, desperate to dump since I bought at 4
I sold a bit before the earnings report and now got a few easy gains
looks like a good time to buy in
Yes yes, keep buying AMD stock, good goy
both of you guys are pathetic holy shit
>not helping nvidia stage a hostile takeover
can't wait for nvidia vs intel cpu's
Nvidia cant into x86
>he believes shilling on /g has any sort of actual effect
fuckoff already you fucking faggot, this shit isn't /g related in the least.
P.S amd is only going to continue rising in price. hence the sudden short trying to cause a panic sell so some faggots can buy up the stock
>Falling for the day trading meme
If you actually look at a chart beyond 1 trading day you'll see the stock is still higher than it has been for the past few years avg.
>amd is only going to continue rising in price
Not even OP, but the stock does look a touch over-valued atm.
Mind you, I haven't really been paying attention to tech news on that front
>P.S amd is only going to continue rising in price.
amd stock was overvalued and living on hype.
now that ryzen is out and didn't perform as expected, the price is getting fixed.
>stock tanks
>cpu decreases in price before bankruptcy
>get on hell of a deal
>become a happy customer
thank you AMD for being fucking stupid
AMD stock is ridiculously overvalued. It should never have gone to double digits, but crazy AMD stock shills have been trying to pump it all over the internet with predictably disastrous results in the end.
>AMD stock is ridiculously overvalued
>says the desperate shill for the 5th time in this thread, and for the 220th time today
No analyst out there claims AMD is overvalued, some still hold that it is undervalued
Keep missing out on easy money though pajeet
well, providing said stock shills sold while the getting was good, then they've already won.
Not disastrous for them and the market will just normalise again.
Buying in on the dip now. Have you seen how fucking trash the skylake server chips are compared to Naples? AMD is going to steal half of Intel's market share.
Like I can't emphasis enough how fucking shit they are compared to Naples, they aren't even in the same league.
He trying ignite panic sale, see how many this thread now.
he think shilling on Sup Forums work
>implying shilling on Sup Forums will affect the market the tiniest amount.
>implying even 5% of Sup Forums regulars own AMD shares/CFDs
Intel much better than stupid AMD crap bastard
Yes good goy, keep buying AMD stock so I can dump it and you lose all your money
Keep telling yourself that kike, only first timers and retards will dump before the first earning reports that reflects Naples
Yes surely AMD will not go any lower. Don't sell, stick in there!
>I'm this dumb
Also, whatever happens I'm sitting on a mountain of profits, bought at 2
Guys, why the fuck are you happy about this?
It literally means we're going to get a less diverse market, AMD was what helped keep Nvidia somewhat honest.
I gained in my enjoyment of the suffering of AMD shills. I gained enjoyment from the suffering of retards who treat investing like a casino.
I myself honestly welcome the Intel master race. Intel is king and shall have no worthy competitors.
The best thing that can happen for consumers is for AMD to die
That means Intel and Nvidia will be broken up due to monopoly laws and we'll finally have some real competition
>2. ...this has been resolved for quite some time now.
ICC still gimps non-Intel CPU's, it never stopped, Agner Fog has been testing this since 2003
>Believing the lies of AYYMD shill Agner Fog
There's plenty of other guys that have been testing this for years, Fog's one of the best known ones
Even Tom's Hardware eventually acknowledged this, but they don't really understand what's going on so they avoid the issue
Are you retarded or just oblivious to the world around you?
AMD has completely and utterly destroyed Intel on on multithreaded workloads, ie SERVERS WHERE MOST MONEY IS MADE.
It's like you cunts think of nothing but day one gaming benchmarks for Ryzen and have ignored reality since the then.
I'm kind of glad that dipshit analysts who know nothing of the technical aspects of the product write negative pieces (like Goldman and Sachs) because it drops the price so people who have any technical knowledge can buy in for cheap.
>AMD has completely and utterly destroyed Intel on on multithreaded workloads, ie SERVERS WHERE MOST MONEY IS MADE.
It's actually on power usage/efficiency, though MT wise they have destroyed Intel too
The only thing remaining is how well will Infinity Fabric work against the THREE FUCKING RING BUSES Intel uses
>Where are all the PooMD shills now???
They've been laid off.
You are truly retarded, if you go to a technology forum to celebrate that one of two players in both the x86 and high performance graphics markets - who is an underdog in both - is going to shit.
Luckily, you are just a shit poster
>jim keller blew out the goobers at intel, now im going to blow out those goobers at nvidia
poojet pls don't dump more shit
Yes all those companies are buying up AMD CPUs for their servers...oh wait, no they aren't.
Ryzen was supposed to be a consumer CPU and it's failing horribly.
Keep on buying AMD stock, I can't wait until it goes even lower and you lose all your money.
You can very easily test it yourself.
the only thing raja will shit on is nvidia's inflated prices
Are you ok?
Zen were design for server from day one
sure thing poojet
Zen was designed with servers in mind. Even a 5% market share in the data center industry will secure AMD a 20% increase in yearly revenue, not including earnings increases from ryzen. Investors were happy with AMDs gains, the only complaint I've heard are on amds Q2 margin estimates. During the conference call they explained margins weren't improving due to an increase in video game chips shipping(ps4 pro, upcoming scorpio). Every investment firm that participated in the conference call has reiterated their buy rating, or upped their price target. That said, alot of AMDs current valuation is based on speculations, and investors are very skittish.
Naples is for servers, which will be out this quarter you retarded cuck.
Yeah same as usual, they will panic at anything, it's either panic buy or panic sell.
Either way things are looking very good for the company, revenue is up, guidance is up. This isn't taking into account Naples, which is where the money will really be made. Zen is truly a server architecture above everything, and that's where it will really shine.
>No goy, we're not manipulating the stock market in any way to make you sell your investments to us. Just what gave you that idea?
It's a 25% drop from a single financial report showing the losses dying down. Think for a second on how it doesn't look natural ar all.
Don't forget
>goldman sachs analyst downgrades AMD stock
>goldman sachs continues expanding position in AMD
AMD was the #1 stock traded by millennials on Robin Hood.
That's exactly what I meant. Company that benefits from stock trading wants people to trade stocks. Shocker, I know.
And shit, I'm not even /biz/ and even I can tell
fuck amd and poojets
fucking subhuman trash
I guess making a loss affected AMD's stock, though they are doing much better than previous years.
Hopefully they'll continue on a roll to profitability.