Name one operating system that looks better than this

Name one operating system that looks better than this

PROTIP: You can't.


can it run crysis?

I can't, share wallpaper pls


what font is that

Android cupcake

Anything with CDE.



Arch operations system


BOOM! Done!
I miss best girl

Even Windows looks better than that.

Arch with XFCE and numix circle icons and theme.

>toddler OS with duplo sized icons

Autists may REEEE about it, but most programmers use macOS these days. Desktop Linux is a joke. Even with Apple dragging their feet on the refreshes (which may eventually push people back to PCs), but if you go to any major tech conference, it's Apple hardware everywhere. You also can't built the build quality. Who wants a plastic brick when you can have machined aluminum. If I need Desktop power I just spin up some AWS instances ssh in. If I need local Linux I use Docker.

>Who wants a plastic brick when you can have machined aluminum.
Someone with a brain.

>That comfy wallpaper

macOS is the greatest OS of all time.


Are you the most programmers? I know only managers with Macs.

Macs are made for people without a brain, Gentoo is made for people with a brain.

Not applicable.


The KevinNet

that's what I googled :^)

Gentoo is for people who autism who can't afford hardware, and are too deep in the spectrum to have a job that provides them with quality equipment. They sit around compiling Linux kernels instead of writing actual code and getting shit done to get that sweet IPO. Poor guys. They actually think configuring desktop Linux is worth more than a shitty temp sys admins pay grade.

post wallpaper

is that the view from Yamadera in Yamagata Pref?

CentOS 7 running MATE.

I saw one that did. I can't remember what it was. Definitely objectively better looking in every conceivably subjective way.

Windows 98


Indeed it is.

GNU/Linux + KDE

Win 7. Any Unix based OS.
You fell for the mac os meme congrats retardo



Mac OS X Tiger




Why not? Crysis runs on Wine and that system seems more then capable to not just run it but to even play.

Transparent taskbar becomes real retarded if you maximise a window


Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Windows 10 (riced)