>gayman shit is keeping the PC alive REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I'm tired of rgb led lights, window panels, gaymen mice, headphones and keyboards, gaymen cases, etc.
how do we fix this. the majority of people use smartphones, tablets or ultra slim laptops for any computing needs, even a lot of professionals and corporations use laptops connected to monitors.
Lincoln Reyes
What the fuck is your problem?
Ian Ramirez
How do people like you function?
Charles Cooper
Supermicro makes motherboards too. >green PCB aesthetic
James Nelson
> doesn't know about desktop workstations > knows only about consumer electronics and gaming PC's
I have to go with How does OP manage to not aspirate on his own spit?
Elijah Hall
>implying you have to buy any of that LED shit
dumb frog poster
Jordan Moore
antec, unicomp, what's wrong with headphones?
dumb frogposter
Isaiah Miller
>rgb led lights Turn them off. I own an RGB motherboard, an RGB keyboard, two RGB graphics cards, an RGB cooler, an RGB mouse and RGB headphones. Not a single one of these lacks the option to turn the lights off.
>gaymen mice Not so sure about this but Steelseries make highly regarded mice that look pretty normal.
>gaymen cases There are so many fucking cases are you fucking kidding me.
>headphones There are plenty of non-gamer headphones.
>keyboards There are plenty of non-gamer keyboards. See WASD Keyboards.
Nicholas Hughes
this, OP just needs to kill himself already.
Nolan Carter
>>implying you have to buy any of that LED shit the options are more limited since every manufacturer is including them...
Kayden Smith
then buy the limited options instead
Connor Reed
Why the fuck do you care how other people spend their money?
David Martinez
Caleb White
Matthew Fisher
not argument
Michael Baker
I have one and I've had no problems with it. I'm mainly just recommending them because I know for a fact they make keyboards that look like regular keyboards, instead of looking like they have a stealth fighter in their immediate family tree.
Benjamin Barnes
I meant more that those are the keys typically used for gaming, pretty ironic.
Levi Brown
Oh. Yes I suppose it is.
Carter Campbell
>how do we fix this try posting more facebookfrogs
James Peterson
This. Make your own aesthetic from the parts you like that work together and stop being a pussy. Get handy with some tools. Take apart an old machine and swap some parts. Get into linux. Have some fun for fuck sake. The gamers have money and shit aesthetics but they aren't going away. I don't like it either. The gamer shit looks like toys to me. Like pretend stuff to do pretend things in a pretend life. Aesthetics make a huge difference in your life. So, make what you like. Look at enterprise stuff. Used stuff etc. You'll fuck things up and you'll get some skills and when you're at a surplus place looking for used shit you might meet someone.
Daniel Martinez
> "Ah, man, the motherboard with the chipset I want is covered in Christmas lights. They just don't make them like they used to."
Except they still do, you slack-jawed yokel; that's what the other guy was talking about. For any given riced-out overpriced bling component, there's always a plain lower tier variant.
Henry Hall
>tfw gaymers are trying to get rid of hdd racks
Ryan Reyes
>buying overclocking mobo >full of gayman aesthetic shit with some stupid name yeah, sure. nice options.
William Brooks
why do you care what the mobo looks like you are surely putting it into a windowless case so why does it bother you?
Carter Garcia
>so why does it bother you? it bothers me because the pc is dying and only Sup Forums manchildren are keeping it alive.
Justin Price
Shoulda bought a mac then friendo :^)
Isaac Cox
>wanting to look like a fag no thx.
Adam Howard
You forgot gaymen computer desks. This one right here is $90 for some wire metal and what is most likely particle board.
Henry Mitchell
what does it matter to you who keeps it alive
i mean did you know that your foodsuply is kept alive by normies?
people like you are simply not enough to drive such a market so either go and start buying mobos you like in extreme bulk or accept reality
Tyler Adams
back to manchildren
Benjamin Roberts
>cancerous frogposter >stupid fucking post Every time.
Cooper Baker
but i am not a manchild nor am i interested in gaming