The Intel Management Engine: >has full access to memory (without the parent CPU having any knowledge) >has full access to the TCP/IP stack >can send and receive network packets, even if the OS is protected by a firewall >is signed with an RSA 2048 key that cannot be brute-forced >cannot be disabled on newer Intel Core2 CPUs.
My dad works for the NSA and said they can instantly access all of your files using IME even when the computer is powered off and disconnected from the internet. The only way to protect your information is to handwire your own CPU or compute within a quartz Faraday cage.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Hmm is my Q6700 vulnerable?
Ayden Rodriguez
>Introduced in June 2006 in Intel’s 965 Express Chipset Family of (Graphics and) Memory Controller Hubs, or (G)MCHs, and the ICH8 I/O Controller Family, the Intel Management Engine (ME) is a separate computing environment physically located in the (G)MCH chip. In Q3 2009, the first generation of Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Nehalem) CPUs and the 5 Series Chipset family of Platform Controller Hubs, or PCHs, brought a more tightly integrated ME (now at version 6.0) inside the PCH chip, which itself replaced the ICH. Thus, the ME is present on all Intel desktop, mobile (laptop), and server systems since mid 2006.
Xavier Lewis
>cannot be disabled on newer Intel Core2 CPUs Why are you lying? >ME cleaner do your research and then come back to Sup Forums, you illiterate dipshit.
Easton Sanchez
You could unplug it or pull the battery, you fucking moron.
>super secret technology can power up a hidden chip in a computer from the other side of the planet even when the computer doesn't have a valid power source >stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Hunter Cook
You do realize there are manufacturers beside Intel/AMD and architectures other than :x86, right?
Cameron Torres
is that the new mcafee ?
Jeremiah Price
Intel are so advanced they made a CPU that doesn't even need to be powered to access your hard drive files.
This honestly just sounds like AMD shills crying poor
Oliver Peterson
>using jewish silicone
Landon Cox
Most people are fucking retards and don't believe anything until it's "officially" stated in the news
Benjamin Perry
can't you just block the data on router level before it arrives to jewtel
Grayson Scott
They also spend those years until the news channels say it calling the rest of us tin foil conspiracy theorists.
Chase Ross
Your motherboard has to support it. Do you have an enterprise dell workstation (optiplex)? If yes then you're in trouble. Do you have a rig you built yourself with a random gigabyte, asus, etc motherboard? They don't even support amt so no you're not vulnerable.
Christopher Rogers
It's not even tinfoil, I already knew it was a backdoor since Ivy Bridge times or so
Nolan Butler
It doesnt use your router it send data through 3g
Leo Walker
what the fug
Matthew Flores
>access all of your files using IME even when the computer is powered off
The NSA found a way to access files on a HDD without spinning up the platter? Impressive.
Gavin Bailey
can't the 3G radio just be removed or have a tiny faraday cage built around it?
Jordan Diaz
I know it's bait, but for faggots who actually think this is a reasonable "argument" pic related.
Andrew Cook
Nothing will come of this
Benjamin Rivera
>only the nsa can use it. so 100% fucked we live in some scary times
Adam Flores
My dad works for Nintendo and said that the autist meme on Sup Forums is real.
Logan Gomez
those statements OP provided are incorrect. do not trust posts like that without any citations.
Jason James
Sebastian Reyes
>homosexuality becoming illegal again this is good >laws must be broken >t. nigger/illegal
I don't get it, does ME create a separate partition on your hdd? When does it do it?
Lucas Diaz
yeah, the only trustworthy news is fake news paid for by intel and microsoft through trusted news outlets like CIA NN
Don't forget that not only is the IME hacks fake, but it's also a good thing you can be spied on anyways
Daniel Johnson
>government can only do good things >t. fucking gullible sheep
Bentley Adams
How did you deduce this assumption from my post? I never said surveillance is good, but the person arguing those points in the image is a faggot/nigger/illegal sympathizer.
Isaiah Moore
don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo
Nathan Brown
Jeremiah Long
The more nonsense you post like this, the less seriously anyone will take you. Stay in school, kiddo.
Levi Barnes
Go outside faggot
Jace James
Don't forget to prep the bull.
Oliver Brooks
Stallman is always right.
Michael Adams
>Acknowledge me!!!! (You)
Josiah Long
IME could pretty reasonably have control over any disks attached to the SATA ports provided by the Intel chipset. That would include powering them on and examining their contents.
Isaac Stewart
My atom z3735g doesn't seem to have this feature.
Adam Fisher
Lincoln Evans
>we >buying intel ever
James Sanchez
breeders are such faggots
Brody Lee
Your HDD isn't the only component in your computer that has memory.