Windows 10 S was launched today, and you know it'll eventually be their only version. Question is...

Windows 10 S was launched today, and you know it'll eventually be their only version. Question is, why are you waiting for in order to switch to Linux?

> Due to the low price of Windows 10 S OS, there has been made the limitation that you cannot install software into it by the normal ways. Nothing you have programmed yourself will install into the 10S for example. Instead you need to download all the required software from Microsoft Store (TM).

> Windows 10S can only use Microsoft Edge browser and the edge browser uses Bing search instead of Google.

> Office must also be downloaded from Microsoft store so its not possible to install previous Office licenses you might have laying around as volume licenses, into the machines powered by Windows 10S.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ubuntu 18.04 with gnome

>you know

Except you don't.

Professional settings won't change to adapt to Microsoft practices, they will still want offline-capable systems. I will stick to those, thank you very much.

>you know it'll eventually be their only version
Nigga you high? Windows is used in business for two reasons; mass management and software that needs it. If you remove the ability to install the software you need what's the point of it? You think businesses are going to want to ditch their Office licensing to install it using the store interface when they can SCCM/PDQ Deploy it there silently? How about Autodesk products and those million and one stupid bits of software the Revit guys are always finding?

offline capable systems are offline for a reason

Oh yeah. "Windows 10 business" pay a $500 license. Otherwise use Windows 10 S for free!


Linux is just a kernel

go back playing with trisquel or debian stallman

I'm not switching to Linux because Windows 7 exists

until 2020

What that support thing I honestly thought nobody on Sup Forums gave a shit about Microsoft's official support

(incidentally the year india becomes a superpower)

It's not getting patched. Any 0 day vulnerabilities will remain 0 day FOREVER.

Business get pro versions for as low as $20 and any sane end user would just pirate it.

>get Win10S laptop on the cheap
>pirate Win10 regular

I'm a NEET so this shit doesn't affect me.

>what does the S stand for

shit. It's completely garbage. Fucking microshit jewing us with Windows 10S

Just wait until they want to enforce Windows 10 S and you'll require proof that you're a business to get any business version which actually allows you to install stuff.

They didn't copy the 'S' from the iPhone right?

iPhone 4 S?
5 S?
6 S?

I think this will replace the free licenses they were giving to the cheap as shit laptop manufacturers but Pro isn't going anywhere.

Or just pirate it.
Sure your "They will force that version" will work the same as the successful RT version right? Oh wait...

Is this version designed for ARM processors, similar to Windows 8 RT ?

downloading as we speak!

whos got the fastest internet? currently loading with 640mbit

The fuck is wrong with you ?
You know you can upgrade from S to home or pro right?

Windows 10S will not be the only Windows version available. Otherwise, what platform would developers use to create Windows software? You download Visual Studio, you compile your program, you try to run it, and it gets blocked because it's not coming from the store.

oh no!

It's literally the same shit as windows RT, just this time with x86 support.

But no one will be targeting them because all the normies will be on 10 S

>require proof that you're a business
No one does this. Even if they did, it's trivial to create a fucking shell corporation to manage the fucking licensing. Are you a business? Yes. What do you produce? Nothing. How much do you make? Nothing.

Tim Sweeney tried to warn you about this, but you wouldn't listen

>Comes pre installed on the new Surface Laptop starting at $999.

A cool grand on a device which can only run software from the shitware filled wasteland called The Microsoft Store.

They are actually switching to gnome soon

Yes I know, confirmed for 18.04

Protip: Lots of normies have Steam. Steam is no longer on 10S. They're not gonna switch.


>Steam is no longer on 10S
So it was?
I haven't really been following

Yup MS is clearly retarded

what the shit is Microsft doing?

GNU/Linux is Linux. It's too late at this point, the damage is done. No matter how hard you niggers try, it's always going to be referred to as Linux.

Ach, I may have been reading things wrong. Steam is still available on Windows Store, but you cannot use it to play Steam games. So it's basically garbage.

>Steam is still available
>but you cannot use it to play Steam games

Just register a fake business. It's not only helpful in your dystopian future but some ISPs actually have business-only plans which are cheaper.

In other words, you would be able to keep more of your Steam library by switching to Linux or Mac OS X than by switching to Windows 10S.

Steam is an app store and gamer monitoring tool.
What is the point in steam if you cannot install applications with it?

Calm the fuck down.

Win10S is just Microsoft's attempt at reviving WinRT because they want to pump life into their failing app store.

Windows exists because we can run third-party shit on it; that feature isn't going away any time soon. This is mainly going to appeal to poorfags and schools, as well as have it used on their lower-priced Surface refreshes that just came out. You'd have to be a gigantic idiot to be "surprised" by the disabled third-party application support.

If you aren't getting audited, pirate the better version and stop crying.

Talking with people who have Steam installed.

That's... really the only practical thing about it.

>Question is, why are you waiting for in order to switch to Linux?

I am switching to OpenBSD because it works better for me, doesn't have garbage like pulseaudio or systemd and my hardware supports it.

W7 is already like that since you can't get security updates without spyware

Pajeet's plan has matured

No, the Surface Laptop has an i7

You need special developer (((permission))) to write programs


So what's the point if this OS then???

india becomes a super pooer

>and you know it'll eventually be their only version

The day they do that is the day they lose the entire desktop market. OP is a retard

>Windows 10S can only use Microsoft Edge browser and the edge browser uses Bing search instead of Google.
Who the fuck would install this?

You don't.

You get it with your laptop and realize you are cucked and have to deal with it

>superpooer india

nah, means schools.

So, tell me why I shouldn't just be using Debian on my PERSONAL computer and just use Windows on work computers.

Go away evil dogger

So, it's basically they version of Chrome OS?


But Sup Forums is mostly consisted of Linux users already. Why do you still feel the need to constantly shill Linux? It's annoying and insecure on your part.

Lincuck is shit, obly autistic weeb and gay manchildren use it to rice it to anime and watch child porn cartoons, even tho it doesnt even have a good media player for it

>you know it'll eventually be their only version

This us what Linux Witness actually believe.

Go ahead and add that MS will also automatically make PCs with Linux explode and police will make raids on houses of glorious underground FREEDUMBZ FIGHTERS.

No, only a local minority uses linshit who constantly need to annoy people by telling how good linshit is because they k ow its shit, so they need to justify their own shit choice to themself

thank mr skeleton

Go away evil dogger

Thanks mr skeletal

>What are you waiting for in order to switch to Linux?

A file manager that doesn't slow down to a crawl when trying to view image thumbnails through MTP

I'm still surprised Microsoft is actually trying to kill x86 like this when the idea is fucking stupid and will only hurt them in the long run.

>why are you waiting for in order to switch to Linux?
DX11 Games performing at the same level or better than Windows, that's it really.

Windows 10 M was a mistake

>you know it'll eventually be their only version

Just like how Windows 8 was going to destroy all Linux distributions with Secure Boot

> Question is, why are you waiting for in order to switch to Linux?
I'll wait till games will be ported to Linux along with Windows release. Other than that, I mostly ready to install Debian when the time comes.

>windows store apps only
It will fail tremendously.

>triggered wincucks

>Windows 10S will not be the only Windows version available. Otherwise, what platform would developers use to create Windows software? You download Visual Studio, you compile your program, you try to run it, and it gets blocked because it's not coming from the store.
You open up visual studio cloud, write your shitty app in C#, press compile and it builds on azure servers then windows S downloads it and installs it in the hidden app partition you can't access. After you run it on your surface laptop you can submit it to the windows app store, after an automated malware scan that somehow takes two weeks your app will finally sold on the app store and MS will only take 30% of revenue.

If you make a GPL program or make anything capable of browsing Sup Forums your app will be deleted from the store.

How many times does the MS CEO have to publicly state MS is a cloud and mobile first company before dummies notice it? They hate home windows PC users, the windows licenses don't bring in enough money to keep them happy. They will burn the entire home PC ecosystem down without hesitation.

Nope. 17.10!

History repeats itself: this is why IBM failed so bad. They made a computer that was exclusive with some program but the problem was that you had to replace every computer since it wasnt compatible with older versions of the program. So most companies said fuck it we stick with the old system even if the newer one have better specs. Or something like that, cant remember exactly.

Truth hurts, right, Linux Witness?

>Windows 10S can only use Microsoft Edge browser

So does 10 S actually gut Win32/Win64?

Fucking poor people, that's what the Bill Gates Foundation is all about.

>you try to run it, and it gets blocked because it's not coming from the store.
Then Microsoft can rest in peace. No one will buy it other than plebeians. They seem to challenge Apple but forget that most hardcore Windows users aren't Apple users at all.

>Windows 10 S
>you know it'll eventually be their only version

So Microsoft has the muscle to force every single piece of enterprise software to be purchased and installed through the Microsoft Store? Like Oracle? SAP?

Every single one of those companies will tell Microsoft they can go fuck themselves with a rusty switchblade.

Actually, if Microsoft tries to resist, it might be the best thing ever. Then Wine would finally get some serious corporate funding.

I'll switch to Loonix if it does become a forced switch

Serious question, Sup Forums:

Who do you think shitposts more? Pro-Windows fanboys who can't stop talking about how much Linux sucks, or pro-Linux fanboys who can't stop talking about how much Windows sucks?

Do you think they'll ever find happiness, or is their fate just to endlessly circle the drain of depression in a vain attempt at meaningful human interaction?


kek, no thanks.

This is clearly a Chromebook counterpart, I'm not worried about it at all.

oh I have no doubt it will eventually be the only Windows version - even though all your points are valid. Businesses won't switch to Windows 10S or want it. It's no like it's possible to force them to use Windows 10S today. But eventually doesn't mean next week, more like 5 years from now. In the meantime they will simply not upgrade or pay for the "Pro" version.

On "Pro", btw, I really dislike how "Pro" has gone from meaning "something extra for professionals" to "non-crippled versions that barely have the essentials the base model should have".

>oh I have no doubt it will eventually be the only Windows version - even though all your points are valid.

>even though I can't refute your points, i refuse to believe what you are saying
>what i believe is based on FUD, but i'm going to stick to it as if it were the gospel truth

Come on, user. Skepticism is healthy, but what you have is the opposite of that. You are refusing to believe something because it is counter to your insane pre-existing worldview.

As of yet the only thing that runs this shit costs over $1000. Who is this even meant for?

My guess is that they are getting desperate to have a larger customer base in the store app, and the only way they could figure out how (besides making an actually decent marketplace) was to force the suckers who never realized that they didn't buy a real windows copy.

They moved the date to 2030 recently.

Why not get the laptop without an OS then?

I don't think 7 is staying until 2030. Do you mean 8.1? Its original cut off year was set to 2025.

Yeah I'm actually hoping Windows makes such a stupid decision so everyone will move to GNU/Linux.

You should check the latest Steam catalog.

It's amazing compared to what the situation used to be. Now about 50% of new games are available for "SteamOS" which means GNU/Linux in addition to Windows.

I know this probably isn't good enough for Windows gamers. And perhaps not that impressive. But for someone who made the switch back when Windows 98 was popular it's impressive and amazing just how fast it's changed and how far it's come. 2 years ago there were basically no games available. Now there's plenty to choose between. Again, I know those who are using Windows may have some favorite game that doesn't exist or expect a lot more in general but to me the current variety is just fantastic.

I think Valve was/is expecting Microsoft to cause problems for them. Steam is essentially a competitor to their own appstore.

>Nothing you have programmed yourself will install into the 10S for example. Instead you need to download all the required software from Microsoft Store (TM). > Windows 10S can only use Microsoft Edge browser and the edge browser uses Bing search instead of Google.> Office must also be downloaded from Microsoft store so its not possible to install previous Office licenses you might have laying around as volume licenses, into the machines powered by Windows 10S.


Are these dumb niggers serious?!

>laptop without an OS

Good luck with that. Not only is it impossible to buy one, last time I tried they offered to remove the pre-installed Windows OS for a fee. That's right, it wasn't "sure you can have it cheaper without Windows", it was "we'll sell you the laptop and charge you $100+ for the service of formatting it so it doesn't have a OS on it when you get it".

It's easy to avoid that crap with a desktop, just buy the case/motherboard/cpu/RAM/PSU and build it yourself and install the GNU/Linux distribution you want. But good luck buying a laptop without a Windows-version pre-installed.

You do realize Epic was partnered with Microsoft in the past and these days they're partnered with Ten Cent right?
Epic also provides it's engine to the MIC.
Sweeney's a hypocrite, although I don't think he realizes it.

>Windows 10 S
Oh fuck off, you tinfoil cunt. It's just the MS version of Chrome OS.

As if they're just going to wipe out all offline versions and an entire fucking market segment.

If you think this then you are literally brainless.