I feel like I only ever go to Sup Forums nowadays

I feel like I only ever go to Sup Forums nowadays.

How do I stop caring about politics and get back into tech projects? I miss feeling like I have the idea that's gonna revolutionize the world and make me rich.

Genuine advice. Not a dig.

How about doing just that.

I have a gf. Sup Forums is not my proxy /r9k/

It's all the same lack of motivation.

man I just came back here from Sup Forums. Shits just complete retardation since the election.

Stop thinking politics 24/7. Just watch Tucker at 8 and call it a day.

I don't even like Tucker. Half his BTFOs are not even real BTFOs.

i'm a pretentious guy, i jumped to Sup Forums shortly before the_donald's backwash arrived and the vertical drop in quality turned me into a leftist

it's so fucking pointless
both are the same

this honestly, I only ever browse leaf threads anymore

Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.

i get what your're saying, fuck the two-party system, but they definitely aren't the same my guy

we'll see

that we will, my guy

>I miss feeling like I have the idea that's gonna revolutionize the world and make me rich.

Wait until (((((ZUCKERBERG)))))) becomes president in 2020, Zionald Blumpf will not run for a second term.


>tfw never took the red pill and couldn't give less of a shit about politics

truly, ignorance is bliss

Kill yourself fucking redditor namefag

use 8 Sup Forums instead, it's condensed, higher quality, and slow so it's easier to get the important info and get out

block Sup Forums with adblock or something, I'm on the same boat m8 but I chose to forget about reality for a while, too much stress and nothing ever changes anyway, it's just pointless.

>ever using Sup Forums in the first place

Nothing can help you, you're retarded.

Mods ban you for wrongthink in 8/pol/. In 8/pol/ meta board there is a huge contempt for mods constantly banning everyone for daring to be anti-trump or for whatever reason they got banned.

Literally spend more time caring about politics, it will help you reach the realisation of what a colossal waste of time it is quicker. Worked for me, politics are only intersting to talk about in theoritical situations or historic events, there is no bigger cancer that wasting your time talking about current day politics and argueing about the same stuff people have been argueing about the past year without really advancing the conversation in any way imaginable. Also consider nostalgia tripping, it's a decent method of getting your brain out of the loop and helping you appreciate other things in life more.

Miss that feel, purposedly dodged both atheists and conspiracists simply because i was living under the concept of "if i can't affect the world in any way why bother making my life harder by loading myself with a bunch of shit" and kept on going until i found the pill at my door. It was around gamergate era when i was forced the red pill down my throat after reading about these people going after my hobbies and people like myself and there's not going back after that...

based and high iq gamergate bro

Accept the fact no amount Sup Forums will change the fact you're a ragging faggot.

>I miss feeling like I have the idea that's gonna revolutionize the world and make me rich.

Stop being delusional and get a job

>i'm a pretentious guy


2013 Sup Forums was awesome, the zimmerman trial really was Sup Forums at its peak.


based redpilled shill destroyer

Roughly speaking, most people seem to agree that every single other person you know is the average of the five people they hang out with most.

They hang out with jocks doing jock things? Ultimately they're a jock. They hang out with tech people long enough doing tech things, ultimately they're one too. Hang out with only radicalized or unstable people, and ultimately they're one too

You're not exempt, and be aware if you spend too time with those who you don't like, you'll end up more like them and less like you.

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