
How do we make chan-inspired (non-id/anonymous) version of GitHub?

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By installing Sup Forumsentoo

A completely anonymous git system won't work.
The best you can get is having a repo owner and the ability of making a push that has to pass moderation before it gets merged.

Somebody should install GitLab or something as a tor hidden service. Maybe it already exists.

The hard part is enforcing repo limits, spamming with new account reqests, etc... Session id's and ip based limits don't work anymore.

Pretty much this. I don't see the point of allowing anonymous edits.

anonymous git would be pretty useless

Well, anonymous git would really not work. However one pseudonymous without DMCA takedowns potentially could, over tor.

>i don't know what git is
>i think git is github


I'll do the logo

8th post.
>Your slipping, Sup Forums.

No, but you use a tripcode or similar.
Already exists, but they're psuedonymous.

GitTorrent already does!

Everything is better with anonimity. There's no point in another registration requiring service.

But you need something like tripcodes even if they're just visible for the moderators, otherwise you'll just have Ivan Vasilyevich and friends post thousands of pull requests until the one which """"""accidentally"""""" introduces a bug related to the handling of Cyrillic characters gets accepted.

Close enough.

Considering the FBI gets a copy of GitHub daily, this seems extra valuable.

But github is public.

I dunno if they get any private shit or access logs admittedly. Would be any if they did. I don't know what specifically about. GitHub they get a copy of daily.

My first attempt at a web app was an anonymous github host.

It's not that hard to pull off.
Just make a script that git inits a new repo, expose it via git-web, and turn off authentication.
You'll have public push access without any form of authentication.

I thought about trolls, but who would bother?
Also, I stopped developing it because I couldn't think of many use cases for ephemeral git hosting.

More links to GitTorrent

Gogs/gitea is gonna be the lightest weight out of everything that's full featured, it's advertised to run on a raspberry pi, just gotta put up with go