Why are you not using Void Linux, Sup Forums?

Why are you not using Void Linux, Sup Forums?
>No systemd
>Xbps-src is fucking awesome and is better than AUR
>build.voidlinux.eu/waterfall for waiting updates.
>Rolling Release
>Musl version, if you feel like it

If you are using arch in 2017 there's something wrong with you.

Other urls found in this thread:


yo user can i get the wallpaper please

sure thing user

Now proceed with the void installation


>lighthouse in the middle of the woods

>>No systemd
More like a needless hassle to me, if I didn't like systemd I could just install FreeBSD
>>Xbps-src is fucking awesome and is better than AUR
Doubt that. AUR's popularity comes from the abundance of packages. AUR and xbps-src aren't the same thing as well. Stop comparing apples to oranges
>>build.voidlinux.eu/waterfall for waiting updates.
>>Rolling Release
I like point releases
>>Musl version, if you feel like it
NEVER, NO. Musl is pure cancer. Produces binaries slower than Java.

0 reasons to give a shit. I'll stick to my Xubuntu for now.

Because I legit run Gentoo.

I am using

>Just install FreeBSD
But what if I want to stick to linux?
>AUR is good because is not reviewed
AUR is good because is easy to create new packages.
Templates used by xbps-src are the same.
>Musl is slow
It also produces very small binaries, and having choice is always good.
That's ok, I still use gentoo on my desktop pc.
Nice WM, user
Should I check it out?

No one reviews anything in a user repository, even if void had an official 3rd party user repo, it would not review what code a user puts into his repo. It's a "user repo" for a reason.

Does it implement SELinux?

>No systemd
How is that an advantage?
>Xbps-src is fucking awesome and is better than AUR
Link to the archive?

But I am! I switched all my computers to it not even a week after I tried it in a VM.
I fucking love this distro.

So it's like Arch but without systemd and aur, why would I ever want to use it?!



"""Modern""" art


I can see that happening, I'm not artistic at all but it could be a NK-like country border, just with woods, it looks for passing people.

Void uses a build script and a buildbot for creating packages.
The build script is similar to the one used in Arch, but instead of being in a user repository is in a git tree that has to be reviewed before being build. You can still install the non-reviewed ones, of course.
he build bot then costantly package the templates and serve them in the main repo.
Nope, its still lacking
Because is like arch but without systemd and aur.

Does it support xfce?
Will it work with minimal configuration on my x220?

Yes, it is in repos.

Of course.
I have it right now on my Elitebook 2540p.

I've been wanting to, but I'll have to wait a year or so before I do. I still don't understand though, why is systemd so bad?



i don't like spics

I do and I love it

There's much less packages there than in AUR.

Adding new packages is piss easy.

I don't miss anything honestly.

So is adding packages in AUR.

Of course, arch has a lot more users, but it litterally takes 5 minutes to add a new package, especially if there alredy is a PKGBUILD

who maintains the repositories and why should i trust them ?

Why should I use it? Lets say over Ubuntu or something.

>rolling release
Into the trash it goes.

You want a slim system, recent software, don't trust openssl, a fast package manager and maybe contribute to the official package repo.

The distro contributors, you can check out their github profile since the whole tree is hosted there.
What's wrong with not fucking up your pc every time you apt-get dist-upgrade?

Systemd is bloated and complicated.
It's generally a giant festering boil on Linux and because of its complexity it is prone to exploitation, which leads some to accuse it of being a potential botnet vulnerability.

>Nice WM, user
>Should I check it out?


>What's wrong with not fucking up your pc every time you apt-get dist-upgrade?
why would you dist-upgrade all the time ? ofc dist-upgrade can break, it's apt-get upgrade ... dist upgrade is for upgrading between versions

Is this a joke?

What could possibly be okay about your PC getting fucked WITHOUT starting an upgrade manually?

I'd prefer if I could anticipate things breaking and prepare and then choose to upgrade the distro when I'm ready rather than subscribe to a shitty Windows-10 system that buttfucks me with an update I didn't start.

The point of rolling release is not having to dist-upgrade ever


>The distro contributors
and why should i trust some neckbeards more than e.g. debian maintainers ?

so the point of rolling release is not having a stable api/abi ?
sounds retarded.

>implying there aren't neckbeards working for debian

I don't know. Why do you trust debian maintainers?

Void seems interesting but I'm not willing to give up systemd. It's the industry standard for a good reason.

which is precisely why it's an autistic Pajeet concept

"woah, look how streamlined my workflow is, I don't have to waste an entire 5 seconds of my work time per month typing apt-get upgrade like a total noob!!!"

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

because they have proven to be reliable for years now, their keys get removed a soon as there's a possibility their work could be compromised, they have proven that they can manage to keep a distro stable, they have proven to roll out security updates as fast as possible, etc etc
companies like canonical risk their money relying on them, ....

That isn't what lighthouses are for you absolute mong.

The void maintainers have been applying security patches as soon as they are released. The distro is still too new to have a long history of good security practices but the current state of affairs is encouraging.

>The void maintainers have been applying security patches as soon as they are released
what ? do they seriously wait until some security update gets released upstream instead of patching it themself ?

>not 2570p

Would you trusts a distro maintainer with patching a very critical lib like libressl? I'd rather let devs that know their stuff handle it and apply their patch.

debian or redhat ? yes, they have proven to be reliable for years (please ignore poettering).

They do.

They patched the last libressl vulnerability and were involved analyzing it

Why would they be faster than the upstream developer?

At some point you realize all these distros are bullshit and you stick to ones with good repos and not utterly broken pieces of shit. See: Gentoo, Debian.

I need help.
I actually chose Void Linux for my first distro. I was considering Manjaro or Netrunner, but I was worried about updates breaking compatibility and such.

I wanted to install KDE Plasma 5.9 but it's like 100 packages and it isn't in the official repo.
Setting up 100 packages with xbps-src would be mind numbing.

Then if I build KDE Plasma 5.9 from source? I am liable to get the same updates breaking it when I update its dependencies.

runit is also a bit of a pain. Packages don't automatically set up runit management. You have to manually make sure the correct services are set up to start.
I understand WHY this is done.. but shit, give me systemd over that.

At this point I feel I should switch to a distro that has KDE Plasma 5.9 in the repo already. Either Arch or Manjaro.

But I am using Gentoo on my Desktop.
I just find Void to be the closest binary distro to it. Apart from the beloved Sabayon, that still compiles a lot of stuff.

Linux logic

Try arch yeah.
Arch can be shitty for other reasons, like any distro.

Why is musl slow? Just curious. Inefficient (but small) algorithms/data structures?

yeah... why can't a distro just not be shitty?
I want void linux but with Arch package maintainers. And optional automatic setup of services (like with an installer flag)

I would go with KDE neon, since there's no need to have a minimalistic distro with a full featured DE.

Just help void grow in to what Arch is today

Yes, these are what I refer to as the "main" ones. Everything else is just based off of the "main" ones but with broken bad repos as you said, and more bugs.

Examples of "main" distros (in no particular order):

Just about everything else is just a shitty little project based off of one of the "main" distros, with the exception of Ubuntu, because it has enough manpower and organization behind it to be considered an effort independent from Debian.

>implying half of that list is not shit
For fucks sake. But whatever, as they say, pick your poison


I really wish I could.. but I need to get my DE set up and get to work soon. Best I could do is hopefully donate in some months.
I'm actually super fucking bummed here.
Void is perfect if only it had more packages, and it had optional automatic service set up.

I'll go Arch. I'll leave a little bit of partition space to set up a Void VM or something.

I've made quite a few custom aur packages and I'm a shit programmer. It's just a Saturday/hobby thing for me. I imagine void is just as easy.
But yeah setup a normie de then use it to setup your rice desktop is what I do.
Make a separate /home partition so you can just seamlessly boot into your new install. Be it arch or void +gnome/kde/i3 or whatever.

KDE Plasma has like 100 dependencies. I'm not up for maintaining that.

because Solus works just fine for me.

I'm Installing Arch now. The installer takes 3 times longer to boot. Already feels bad, man. :(

Because the woods are really a galaxy far far away

I don't have severe autism

I use a gui livecd like Ubuntu or Debian or mint to install arch to be honest. Gparted, and browser is too good not to have

Antergos works for me

Don't need to copy paste really just for an OS install.

Void Linux install was sooooo easy though (once I figured out it wasn't booting the USB into UEFI unless I opened the boot menu for my mobo and forced it to boot the USB through UEFI). Arch linux install has so much typed manually and it just seems to boot much slower.
And it had to download from repo just to install, and the top mirrors were out of sync even though the install wiki says the mirrors list should be automatically tested and configured for you.

All the problems I ran into with void linux were really intuitive to solve. Only problem was the lack of packages and manually setting up services a pain.


Ok Kevin, no pressure

No need for a VM

Whats that DE? Looks like i3wm but weird.

Its an allegory for systemd, you may be figuratively out in the wilderness of computing attempting to hide from surveillance, yet you ignore the massive lighthouse in the middle of nowhere watching your every move.

Why would I not use a VM, though?

>musl is pure cancer

Your face is cancer you luser faggot. Back to to the shit that is glibc

Apart from being a vegan hipster and slowing down performance, is there any real reason to use musl outside embedded chips?
No? Thought so. Fuck off with your hipster garbage.

That could work
Less overhead on the system?

What repo to use? Defaults are crap.

You realize a new distro will never get off the ground if people just don't bother to try it as there are easier options. Arch was at one point in a similar state to this you do realize, the AUR wasn't always as large as it is today. Without a userbase supporting a piece of software it will never be given the chance to grow into something more competitive. Right now it has its niche and a definitive point, though it lacks maturity, that's where everything starts.

Thanks. Cool looking WM, I've been looking for something to try in place of i3.

>I'm retarded

No need for unofficial repos, but I'm thinking about creating my own buildbot to speed updates up.

Top quality damage control. Did I hurt your feelings?

it sounds dumb but think of a watchtower. It's design is that of a lighthouse but it's a lookout point with a spotlight

>I'm retarded


>I'm retarded