Now that every single ad removal method on the internet doesn't work for utorrent anymore...

now that every single ad removal method on the internet doesn't work for utorrent anymore, how do i remove those ads in the latest utorrent?

>use older version
>use a different client

NO!, i like the instant playback when i start downloading the torrent, it is only available on the latest utorrent and i will not fucking lose that amazing feature.

Stop being a stupid proprietary cuck and use something half-decent like rtorrent.

Pay for it.

Okay you manchild.

kys yourself

use literally any other torrent client holy fuck
there's a ton of them out there, use tixati, deluge, transmission, qbittorrent...just to name a few

fucking hell why is this so hard for people to understand

Dumb normalfag

just hack a normal client to request first+last pieces first and to request pieces sequentially and play that shitty partial file in any decent mediaplayer

ITT we wine like butthurt babies in need of a diaper change because we can't get everything perfectly right for free.

>using a GUI client

You played yourself, dumbass.
Enjoy mining buttcoins.

>le epic terminal haxer

qBittorrent has the same option that you want, and it's FOSS.

>instant playback

An episode is like what 300 mb max, it's going to download i 5 min

leftist cuckboi


do you live in tajikistan?

It takes like 2 minutes to collect metadata and connect to peers to full speed.

use deluge

>i like the instant playback when i start downloading the torrent, it is only available on the latest utorrent and i will not fucking lose that amazing feature.
you have that in qBitTorrent too


sequential chunk downloading fucks with the efficiency of bittorrent and just hurts the swarm

I wanted to post, but then I saw that and posted this comment here anyway because fuck you OP


you stupid nigger just use any non meme torrent client and download the file in sequential order. Then you just have to use a decent movie player (hint: not Window's Media Player) and you have the instant playback

2/10 whore

are you sexually frustrated or something