>he unironically uses Loonix while he can't run any software that matters
>he is so retarded he can't reasonably secure windows
>as a result he keeps shilling loonix on Sup Forums nonstop
>software that matters
What did he mean by this
Actually, the software that matters to me runs on gnu/linux. I only boot to windows 7 for some gaming.
>software that matters
gaymer faggot
I am a Windows user for simplicity sake, but OP is stupid. Needing to know how to secure Windows is not something that should be hard.
Security IS hard. This goes for all operating systems.
Sure, if you're stupid anything is hard.
Also checked
I can smell the Arch user in this shitpost
OP is a faggot
>software that matters
I need examples. I see before my minds eye Photoshop, but how many people truly needs Photoshop really.
I can smell your technological improficiency through my ThinkPad
What on earth are you talking about?
>while he can't run any software that matters
>implying my job isn't moving userland networking fuckery to kernel space to gain performance and money
what's your point?
Go back to Sup Forums you windows shill
>I couldn't manage to install an OS on my PC
>Sup Forums keeps bullying me about it
>haha w-windows is b-better anyway!
I can run coq and compcert on linux
>Running Windows on a non AD server ever
No thank you pajeet, I'm good.
How do you guys make Windows secure?
>tfw no matter how pathetic I get I'll always be superior to Tom Cruise because I'm 6'5" and he's a manlet
by installing gentoo
Not Windows 10. It was built with security and support in mind.
ooshutup10 + antibeacon and it basically becomes a vanilla windows 7 and even cleaner. Sure, it's always windows, but so what, linux was found to have backdoors too, and besides, without windows most software can't run or not properly.
I'm a gentoo user though
I read this in an Indian accent
Okay pally, then tell me, how do you know that your windows is "reasonably secure"?
>linux was found to have backdoors too
When was the last backdoor in upstream Linux?