That feel when you finally organized and cleaned your computer in a neat and tidy way after a solid week of work

>that feel when you finally organized and cleaned your computer in a neat and tidy way after a solid week of work

Organizing my Sup Forums folder was the worst part.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw have over 6 thousand pics to sort

Holy fucking shit.

>that feel when one week later it's back to being shit again

Not this time.

>tfw too smart to waste so much time on useless shit like saving funneh pics and SORT them

But it's every time.

I just started trowing shit in a temporary folder a year ago to """ease""" sorting later on. Procrastinating got the best of me...

>organizing your meme folder
I autistically organize everything on my PC except for this. I only sort it by folder/date which is easy.

i just sorted 100000 pics down to 33000. scrub

>tfw you clean and vacuum your room and wipe your desk down after a month of living in complete filth

How do you find stuff later on?

Got any certain method?

>How do you find stuff later on?
Rename file and then file name search for whatever I was looking for.

i've had roommates who'd clean MAYBE once a year. it's fucking hell

>tfw over 30k unsorted
And that is just my porn folder.


>tfw still no good method for automatically tagging and organizing your reaction pictures

>not saving every filename/post number you come across on Sup Forums instead of images to later get the shit from archive cucks and Google saving essentially an infinite amount of space
>not using adblock + antiadblock killer on sites like to cuck them even further

Porn is easier for me, since I don't name it but just throw it in their designated folders. Unlike greentext and reaction pics that are to be named and figuring out what kind of facial expression the anime girl have.

>being without your pics/posts when the archives go down

They rarely do, and when they do there's like 3 or 4 other sites that archive almost everything.

I have over 8 years of unsorted porn, battle stations, desktops and reaction faces in a folder. At this point it will probably take less time for me to learn a bit of ml and train tensorflow or something to classify the images.

>not putting all your desktop shit in a folder called "desktopfiles-dd-mm-yyyy" and then putting it in your "DESKTOPFILES" folder
>shuffling through all your files and categorizing shit properly because you think you're managing some important workstation and not your loli infested, hentai swarmed hard drive


>failed business ideas
>failed relationships
>random shit I will probably ashamed of
>dank content I'd probably rewatch on a whim
I'm afraid to even go there...

Will they have all the old content then? What about when Sup Forums have shut down, how much people will then be willing to maintain archives.

When that happens I'll probably stop visiting chans anyway.

And all those funny memes will be lost. I don't take any chances

>saving essentially an infinite amount of space

kek. how do you tag your post numbers well enough to remember what they are?

>~$: ls ~/Pictures/Sup Forums
> . .. kek so-kek several-kek top-kek

I don't actually save anything, but if I did do that I'd probably make a custom database with sections and subsections and possible sub-subsections that store post number, filename and image MD5s then browse using custom CSS/HTML pages. Maybe use APIs or curl to fetch previews for images, and if the archive sites don't load make a fallback, etc. As for saving the data you could add add custom javascript to posts that export the information to the databases. Maybe even onload if you add some simple logic and regex to filter posts specifically for the different sections.

Seems like a nice project desu

>tfw one of my shitposting folders got corrupted and I lost at least 100 quality memes

I think this is a good time to start doing backups.

>yfw you didn't realize you need to minimise your digital space as well
Gotta delete dem chan folders now I guess

i wrota a neat little program which can parse a directory and delete all duplicate files recursively (hashsum)


That's like 5 lines of bash. You could probably make it into a 1 liner and alias it.

damn my code is like 40-50 lines

teach me, senpai

welp after about 2.5 seconds of googling i found this bash

declare -A arr
shopt -s globstar

for file in **; do
[[ -f "$file" ]] || continue

read cksm _ <

>Organizing my Sup Forums folder
yeah, that's not going to happen for me. 15k files and counting. i tried organizing them once, i even used a picture sorter made by some user for this very purpose. it's a neat program, but still way too much work.
i have most filenames memorized in some way, anyway. i use tags in my filenames.

all of my other media folders are unorganized as well. my whole computer is a total mess, but i always find everything i need.

that sucks. i've lost my entire Sup Forums folder due to hdd failure once. i really miss it, there was stuff from 10 years ago in there. my music was on the same drive, with rare shit from the early 2000's i got from limewire.

now i just keep everything on my ssd and do a backup once a year.

Yeah that was part of my initial impulsion. I'm trying to minimize my ecodigital impact and for that i had to go through all my mailboxes and clean the shit. Cloud drives too.

Now everything is sitting on external harddrives and that's it.

hydrus my dude

Hard drive failures are how I sort my data.

Nice, keep at it! Deleted most of my emails and cloud accounts, old YT accounts that I don't use anymore, social media accounts and so on

My only probs is should I delete all of the chan screenshots that I've made since I find it more applicable to me than the regular ones that gets posted on a typical board (be it ylyl, x stories, g memes, things like that)

Oh and wallpapers too
Damn, /wg/ got me hooked onto adding it to my pile

this. and it keeps increasing due to post-trump angst. i will keep the dankest pics and purge the rest.

/wg/ barely has any good wallpapers.

Forgot to mention not just wg as well, but other boards that would dump wallpapers on a thread; at the time that I did

Can somebody train up a meme neural network to do this shit?