I sense that the end of the piracy as we know it is getting closer - seeds are getting scarce, trackers are getting more and more rare, torrent sites are going down. It is time for me to start hoarding books as they will be expensive as fuck in the future.
Give me your list of all programming [or related] books that I should read in my lifetime, I'm gonna build a huge library, and probably store it in an encrypted tarball somewhere in the could.
I liked it, computers were less mainstream. Running a BBS was quite enjoyable for me. ran Opus and Teleguard. Still have the Teleguard manual printed from the 9 pin back in the 80's. lol
Jayden Taylor
You must be joking. TPB died years ago. The site is a stagnated mess riddled with fucked up ads and tearing at the seams.
Jonathan Peterson
This is the second thread about "hoarding" data I read today. I'm getting paranoid. I'm scrapping allitebooks.com right now.
Asher Flores
Do you, by any chance, have a python script for scrapping .pdf files from a website?
I wanna write one myself, but I suck at high-level programming.
Kayden Reed
Nolan Green
>what is encryption
Dominic Cooper
libgen.io database backup, available via torrent
Nicholas Collins
libgen.io sci-hub.cc
If you mirror these two you'll be a GOD.
Robert Thompson
Okay I admit I have no idea what those two are about at all.
Would you please explain to me the basics?
t. poo in loo
Hunter Kelly
if they weren't like 10tb, people would actually mirror it.
Jayden Smith
I was not into computers at the time, but I'm glad I saw a bit of the BBS and chatroom culture at a friend's house in the early to mid 90's. Is it just nostalgia to think in some ways it was better back then, in the early "wild west" days of pre-internet?
copied from elsewhere:
Nthing the punting, the proggies, the "stop seriously" and the ********[[[[[[[hugs and kisses]]]]]]******.
All the AOL bards and sites are gone forever. My e-stomping grounds were Keyword: N64, the ANTagonist Inc. site for the Nintendo 64. The War Room (where TOS-violating flaming flourished,) the Zelda 64 vs. FF7 BB (which existed over 18 months prior to Zelda "64" even being released,) and the N64 Rumor Mill, where I made "friends" that are still together online to this day.
Most of all, like any childhood memories, I miss the excitement of the internet when I was 14. I miss a lot of things. I wish I could live there forever. Adult life has proven sad and lonely. Life was lonely then, but I was kinda happy at least.
Jace Sanchez
Just kill yourself already.
You're just wasting resources, food and space, while not even being happy.
Ian Wilson
>libgen.io books >sci-hub.cc scientific papers Pick a part at random. It all started going downhill 2007 when normies started infesting it on a whole new level. >tfw you never got to play ocarina of time in the 90's >tfw you don't even remember 9/11
Thomas Sanders
Sci-hub is basically every medical paper ever published, including those behind paywalls. I assume a lot of other science papers from other fields as well? As a cancer patient sci-hub has literallly been a life saver as most info about my disease is locked behind acedemic pay walls.
It's the predecessor of sci-hub. They started collecting books. All books ever written.
Christian James
What kind of cancer user?
Noah Reyes
Multiple myeloma
Blake Price
>All books ever written
More like all digitized books
Google have estimated that there are 129,864,880 books in the world. They have scanned 25 million of them.
Assuming an average book is 2 MB, all the books in the world comes out to a total of 258 TB.
Dominic Wood
I hope you're one of the outliers user and stick around for another dexade or two. By then hopefully it's curable.
Nicholas Morales
Logan Gonzalez
10TB isn't much, there are anons with a hell of a lot more storage that's practically enterprise grade because of their jobs or sheer autism.
Xavier Allen
Kek that last book
Evan Nguyen
not even that much is it I wonder if that 130M books figure is BS Could we estimate based on number of people alive or something
Robert Robinson
Piracy isn't ending because of the lack of good trackers or torrent sites going down.
Piracy is ending because more and more games are going multiplayer online, more and more people are willing to pay for streaming services to watch their series because its 10x comfyer than looking for well seeded torrents on the web and everyone appreciates not having to watch movies in sub 720p.
Jackson Miller
I dream of a world where every single piece of knowledge (books, articles, etc) are full-text searchable.
We have the means, but are stuck with rights.
Nicholas Parker
>I sense that the end of the piracy not gonna happen retard, it's just going to become more cloistered and segmented to keep federal agents and retards like you out.
god I hate retards, why are they allowed on Sup Forums?
Carter Sanders
stop spoonfeeding retards about piracy sites you fucking idiots
Brandon Long
if you don't remember 9/11 you are the normie trash infesting the internet as far as I'm concerned. Fucking underage cringe faggot.
Tyler Reyes
So it's not gonna happen, and libgen will only ever have
Joseph Scott
They will. >will only ever You do know how the initial library was constructed? XSS on online ebook retailers. There's no reason to believe something similar couldn't happen on a larger scale again. >19 >underage I didn't live in the US, so it wasn't as significant an event.
Cooper Evans
It's an unfair numbers.
If you would split the numbers into percentage of books of the last 50 years, I think you will find they have more than 5% online.
The world didn't start in 1950, but there are a lot of irrelevant books from before than.
Easton Fisher
>19 >not normie trash you never experienced the internet at its greatest so why act like you did?
Kayden Taylor
Thanks user, me too. I have youth my side at least.
Leo Gonzalez
You're not the first person to cite 2007 as the point when things started to go bad; don't think I was consciously aware of it at the time. Might be fun to put together a graphical timeline that charts those years and cites examples of where and how things changed.
Was it the rise of social media and website consolidation? I remember everyone lamenting when Geocities shut down; I think records of the "old guard" are slowly fading away. Their experiences, memories, and musings are being plucked off and discarded bit by bit. One problem of the digital era, what we build is so easy to erase.
copied from elsewhere:
An old couple would always hold hands on their walk around my neighborhood. Then one day, the man was alone. For the next month, he passed by every day at the same time like clockwork, always alone. Then I never saw him again.
Bentley White
this is the most reddit fucking post i have see in a long time holy shit
Jacob Rivera
I am surprised no one mentioned The Anarchist Cookbook.
Benjamin Rogers
>Adult life has proven sad and lonely.
The freedom one gets as an adult does have its perks but I think being aware of what goes on around you and all that responsibility can weigh down on someone. Somedays I just feel like I am a shell of my former self.
Cooper Walker
>hygiene for people wirh autism Got me good
Justin James
zeronet torrent sites when?
John Evans
Because it's an alphabet agency false flag op to make retards like you blow themselves up.
Why don't you expand on that user. What do you mean? You sound like someone desperate to lash out at anybody they can. Do you dispute anything I wrote, and if so why? Gotta do better than ad hominem attacks there, tiger.
Jaxon Davis
The old couple story does nothing but project a sense of self importance and false intelligence to your post. It literally adds no value to your post, and instead makes you look like a try hard faggot whose trying to impress us with 3deep5me stories.
Hunter Hall
Self importance and false intelligence: both assumptions you made on your own. Your choice to view things in the most negative manner possible. Your choice to think the worst of strangers.
Besides being something I saved from a forum that may not exist anymore, I was trying to draw a crude parallel. The old couple could be people from the early internet days; gradually their numbers are thinned but they keep on going until they too disappear. With everything being digital soon there is little or no record of their existence. You know the story about how the younger generation hides the elderly in nursing homes until they're gone.
I call it trying to share and contribute. If you want to think of it as trying to impress that's your choice.
Chase Watson
You are welcome
Easton Sanders
*tips fedora gnu/linux distribution*
Elijah Rodriguez
Where, and (gulp) how large is it?
Brayden Anderson
Hey that's Voltaire and Rousseau Bookshop in Glasgow, I go there all the time.
Zachary Roberts
>normalfags still don't understand that piracy will be so much better when torrenting is finally dead and replaced with something that doesn't rely on seeders
Evan Wright
Andrew Powell
Is there any way to get torrents for parts of libgen like computer science and math books and exclude everything else?
David Walker
Tell your client to only download the computer books.
Thomas Russell
By client do you mean a torrenting application or their own libgen librarian app?