All phones should be ultrawide
>fits better in hand
>comfy movie watching
>looks great
prove me wrong
protip you can't
>pic related is concept not real
All phones should be ultrawide
>fits better in hand
>comfy movie watching
>looks great
prove me wrong
protip you can't
>pic related is concept not real
why would anyone want a phone thats BIGGER THAN YOUR FUCKING DICK???
I would kill for this.
>first huge ass phones that you can't hold in one hand
>now this ugly piece of shit
fuck everything in what world is this usable
Nah, I prefer 1:1
hello blackberry
*BlackBerry user
ultrawide only works with small bezels
Why the fuck are all of these phones getting longer?
An 18:9 screen allows 2 square apps to be displayed on the screen, where a traditional 16:9 screen forces them to get squished into a weird 8:9 rectangle.
Who knows what Sony plans on doing with a 21:9 screen, although I believe those are just rumors. Maybe it might end up being an 18.5:9 screen with a sort of LG-inspired second screen on top.
>having a
>first they made noodle monitors and fucked up the monitor market forever
>now they're moving on the phone market
Seriously this, how's it supposed to fit into my pocket?
my cock is 18 cm
>ultra wide
>not ultra tall/ultra slim
I hate marketing
pics please daddy.
I fucking hate phones right now
give me this at $200 and I'll buy it in an instant
I for one like having at least some bezel. It gives me space to hold the phone in a manner where I neither cover the screen nor am prone to dropping it.