IPhone 7 Sales Collapse Faster than Expected

Apple surprised analysts by announcing lower-than-expected iPhone sales in its quarterly financial results this week. Is this just the latest chink in the armor of a firm that was once viewed as invincible?

We should all be applauding Apple for milking its iPhone 6 generation of products for three generations instead of the usual two and still driving huge profits.

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>this week
I'm no appletard but this is stretching it.

Did you completely misunderstand the sentence?

I bought a non Apple phone for the first time in 8 years this month.

Why? Headphone jack. I shit you not.

What did you buy instead? How are you liking it? I'm looking to jump from my 6 to the Pixel 2.

I got the Galaxy S8. I like it now after replacing the Samsung keyboard. It's taken some getting used to with finding out how to take screenshots and do things that I'm accustomed to doing on iPhone. The screen is a lot nicer. So far I'm not regretting it.

enjoy your red screen and random restarts

Oh the battery. It's way better. The 6s would just drain if you looked at it wrong. The battery on this phone doesn't drop like a brick.

Mobile computing power got out of their hands.


I don't have a red screen and my 6s already had random restarts. By it I can appreciate that you're salty as fuck that someone has something new and you don't. I felt the same way sometimes when I was 3 years old. Maybe go have your mother rock you.

IPhone 7 was a failure from the start. The initial reviewed were horrible, presales weren't selling out, so what did apple do? They lowered the number of units that were gonna ship so that presales would suddenly sell out.
It was a lie from the start

>unless they intentionally gimp older phones with software updates or something
Which Apple has never shied away from. They always announce that they're dropping support for older devices at a later date, but before that date they push a version of iOS onto those devices that was clearly not designed for them. Then when people complain that their phones/tablets are now slow as shit, they shrug their shoulders and suggest you just upgrade to a new device.

Why don't people recognize that any phone with a soldered battery is literally going to deteriorate after 100 charges.
Planned obsolescence

It's kind of a catch-22 though. If people don't have the latest update they freak out and say they're being ripped off or abused or something. But the latest update is made for the latest phones so it ends up making their older phones slow.

You sure do sound like an apple fag

>long time iphone user
>don't like the new version? no problem, just down(up)grade
>don't like stock ios? no problem, just jailbreak
>little bloat before ios 7
>"ok goyim, no more fun allowed"
Will the S8 ever get a root? I am genuinly sick of Apple bullshit.

iPhone 8 will be much different though, design specs leaked and Nikkei reported it will be an OLED curved screen with softer edges. Either way it's much better looking than the ultra-generic S7.

Also Apple will never fail because it's Apple. Either way when the Sino-American War breaks out in 2019, it'll all be over for Chinkphones

It'll be all over for phones, user. iPhone is made in China. Most android if not all android phones are made in China.


Think again Chang

>Also Apple will never fail because it's Apple
yeah it will never fail, might just become irrelevant like IBM in future

Same. S8.

I want her to sexually dominate me.

The article literally just says they're looking into it. They decided to make the Mac Pro trashcan in the US, and look how that turned out. I'd love for them to be made in the United States, but I very much doubt they ever will.

It'll be good to see apple backpedal and reintroduce the 3.5mm jack

>Sino-American War
You mean WW3
>it'll all be over for Chinkphones
It all over for everything

>iPhone is made in China.
bullshit. China just does the final assembly.


>t. iToddler

desu i'll buy any new iphone apple produces because muh ecosystem.

i refuse to switch to android because the computer phone integration is top fucking notch.

I've never owned a Chinese-made phone. My first two were from Taiwan, next were from Malaysia and finally Korea.

I don't use a S8, but if it has a home button, it should be power + home. Try that for screenshotting.

All of those places will be affected by a Sino-American war

question for iphone fags, if you stay on a 5S and don't update to newest IOS(can you even cancel the updates?) will newer apps work?


shieeet i thought it was just newer apps that didn't work cause of outdated IOS but they literally lock you out of the appstore, they're even more jewish than i thought
>tfw even my shitty 4yo 1GB ram samsung phone runs as fast as 6S if it's on a custom ROM

>the computer phone integration is top fucking notch.

So basically it's an always on botnet that isn't useful without the cloud cancer. It can't act as a computer locally

Fucking nigger cattle

>galaxy bling knockoff

Jobs must be rolling in his grave.

are you fucking stupid or what?

the ability to unlock my laptop with my watch doesn't require the cloud

the ability to get my texts on my laptop doesn't require the cloud

the ability to send files between the two doesn't require the cloud

backing up my phone to my laptop doesn't require the cloud

Literally all of this is done locally via LAN or Bluetooth, you fucking over-assuming fat fuck

I've been due for a new phone at work for several quarters (you have the ability to upgrade when you're due once per quarter). I have an iPhone 6 now. I've been holding off because of the headphone jack. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I don't want a fucking dongle. We can get an android, galaxy I think, maybe I'll switch.

I did the reverse. Sick of Android's dying and low quality apps all the fuck over. Plus I just dislike Google more and more every day, not that apple is much better. But most of all just wanted a change of scenery after using Android for almost a decade.

This. Been using Android since the HTC G1, OG Droid all the way through the Nexii and finally the Nexus 6P.

Kinda got tired of Google changing our messaging app like... 5 times and never getting it right. I'm tired of the visual language consistently changing and I'm especially tired of the ability for apps to just fuck your phone's battery life. I want a phone OS, not a mobile desktop. I don't need some Pajeet app to sit in the background hogging my data and grabbing fine location 24/7, and the fact that it took Google almost a decade to implement proper permission settings is laughable. I don't need my phone to fucking automate my entire life and brag about custom home screens.

I want to turn my phone on, and be able to watch videos, text and make calls, and web browse without crashing all the fucking time.

Maybe I'm jaded but I got so sick and tired of Android that I ditched my 6P for a 6 Plus, a phone two years older. Sure it has a much shittier camera; but that's literally my only complaint.

I really fucking hate that this image is only a few months old and already outdated. I want something to work and be consistent. I'm tired of searching out where everything went every fucking update. The GPlay store has undergone more "uplifts" than fucking Dolly Parton.

And no, all these changes do not show a "maturing" operating system. Because if that were the case they would've stuck to a single fucking design theory. What Material Design seems to stand for is "sectioned off areas with shadows", and everything else is up for grabs. How many fucking times is Android going to switch between square and rounded buttons?

Whoop de doo. Getting the battery replaced at an authorized service provider costs ~$80, whereas the last time I bought a removable phone battery, it was ~$60.

This. I had terrible, obnoxious experiences with connecting Android to Windows via MTP. Say what you want about needing iTunes to do the same thing, but at least that fucking functions.

No, you idiot, it's as useful as anything else by itself. It's *more* useful in coordination with other Apple devices, e.g. Handoff and AirDrop.

The iPhone 6 is just about the worst iPhone. An SE is better. Re: headphone jack, get wireless headphones off Amazon for $25, or leave the (free, bundled) dongle semi-permanently hanging off the headphones you always used, or use the Lightning EarPods that come with the iPhone 7. It's not rocket science, bro.

This, this, this. Google changes design languages like I change underwear: once a year.

what reason is there to upgrade
flagship phones have reached a point where they're far more limited by their toyish design paradigms than their sick spekks and the only people who bother to upgrade those anymore are either retards or nerds with no real hobbies to spend their disposable income on instead

I bet this is entirely the headphone faggotry. Think about it. iPhone 6 is still insanely fast, it beats out s7 and shit in tests. All apps are optimized for it better than android. There's also the SE available.

So why would you even want 7 at all? I mean its technically better but why go get it? Even to show off it sucks since it looks the same.

what phone were you talking about? my last phone with a removable battery was an LG G5 and I had a bunch of LG batteries, they were like 20 bucks each
Galaxy Note 4 batteries were way less than that, I literally have a stack of four lol. only reason I stopped using my Note 4 is because I live close to the fucking middle of nowhere and the Note 4 doesn't have good enough reception

the water resistance meme is like the only thing I could think of but who gives a shit
it's otherwise the same product except you have to use retarded dongles or bluetooth headphones instead of some cheap $15 set you can easily replace at your nearest walgreen's

It was a Seidio extended life battery for the Galaxy Nexus. I needed it because the battery life on the GNex was completely terrible.

>insanely fast
Yeah, i gotta give speed to apple. But speed is by no means the most important aspect of a smartphone. Not to mention that all iPhone vs Galaxy speed tests are highly inaccurate in terms of real world usage, because pretty much all apps besides games open faster on the S7 and S8.
Those phonebuff style speed tests may show the cpu at its limit, but they are extremely unrealistic.
Where is that tripfag who always posts than OnePlus3T vs iPhone 7 webm? I need your reply now.

Same. Bought a Google Pixel. The headphone jack combined with all the other garbage Apple is putting out makes me want to just not support them anymore.

Gonna miss good ol OSX Snow Leopard. But I gotta move on.

You can cancel the updates, you just have to turn automatic updates off
And that depends on the individual apps, most still get updates though

Steve Jobs was an asshole but he was a superb hype salesman. People bought into his cult. Apple has been coasting on this hype since he died but you can only do this for so long. There are teenagers now who were too young to remember Steve Jobs.

>I wouldn't see a reason to upgrade from a 6(S)
>what is touch disease?

I use xiaomi redmi 1s and have no intention to buy a new one any time soon. I don't understand what you mean with older models being too slow? I can run all the apps that I need, and I just had to replace the battery after the second year. Maybe you should look into if Jewbook and JewChat aren't draining your resources on purpose.

Apple has cornered itself into it's own market.

All they make are phones and some computers... that's it, how long until people begin moving on from Apple? What will Apple do then? How will they sustain themselves if they have no other market to keep them afloat?

They just built a 4 BILLION dollar headquarter building, but for what? Just a few simple products?

Jobs never would have let Apple become the dongle company. Now I'm stuck with an iPhone 6 and a 2015 mbp forever.

>with 250 billion dollars in the bank

Gee, it's almost as if arbitrary, onerous, and often politically-motivated appstore restrictions are coming back to haunt them.

Iphones are still the standard, but normies dont obsess about them as much anymore.

My first Smartphone was an iPhone 5. Just loved it. Nice screen, nice size, nice handling(one hand). Nice camera, run everything smooth till iOS9. Battery started showing its age, had to switch phone. I was broke, couldnt aford another phone them my older brother came up with this Asus Zenfone 2. Lemme check the specs, double everything the iPhone 5 had, thats what we get, and a 5 inch fullHD display.
After a week with the phone I couldnt handle this shit, is pure garbage. After months I still couldn't bare it, it is terrible. I'm still with it cause I have no choice but as soon as I get money I will buy at least an iPhone SE.

Meh I've seen plenty of retards walking around with airpods so they are doing something right.

Nexus 5X is power plus volume down.

The customers are out of money.
There's only so much money you can suck from a population

>Gee, I wonder why people aren't buying $1000 smartphones
Are they retarded?

Huawei is better senpai

>Apple sold 50.8 million iPhones during the quarter, down slightly from 51.1 million a year earlier

Woooww applel is le finishedxDD

Who is that ugly tranny?