What's the shell of Sup Forums ?

What's the shell of Sup Forums ?

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Bash. Anything else is just plain autism.

Windows 10

z shell

urxvt is the Sup Forums terminal to



fish because it's nice

I've never used anything but bash but zsh seems fun


how anyone can like bash is beyond me


Bash. I spend too much time ssh'd into servers at work to use something else. I could learn/use some zshell on my laptop but then it'd be a hassle to use it on the servers (we're talking thousands) so I stick with bash.

exactly this


project looks dead tho



Bash. The only reason to use a different one is you're a giant fucking spergy tech-hipster who thinks bash is too mainstream.

>Not using the latest repos, kys


>still using 4.10

nice samsung

I dont see a newer one in the core repo :^)
And too lazy to compile my own.

Get that trash outta here
It's System76

exactly. next thing you know ksh makes a comeback.

Since the answer is obviously bash,

what's the terminal emulator of Sup Forums?

Bash. What the fuck else? Shit don't got shit on bash, get the fuck outta here.

oh-my-zsh > zsh > bash
fuck off losers who have never even tried another shell.

Convince me to switch shell from bash to another

You have 10 minutes

zsh for interactive usage, it backward compatible with bash, I came to it when I'd been using FreeBSD for a while, to get rid of GNU linuxism.
sh for scripting

fish is good out of the box without customising dotfiles but it isn't backward compatible with bash, you can't do oneliners such as "some command && another command" because it uses "and", "or" instead of "&&", "||". Zsh is customisable, there're completions, suggestions, colored syntax and so forth.

it used to be bash, it is not zsh.
I am never looking back and you wont either.
fish is ok also.
bash has had its day.

most people who say bash is best, just have not actually tried zsh, at least not given it a proper try, zsh is just better.

why does arch's install iso use zsh? isn't bash the standard?

most of the time when someone switches away from bash it's because they haven't read bash's configuration options

urxvtcd -e tmux new-session -As default