Best look laptop ever

Best look laptop ever

Other urls found in this thread:

shit specs
shit os
shit price


None of that has anything to do with how the laptop looks.

Kys pajeet


I never said it did user ;)

Ah yes


>fabric cover

>Colors available on i5-7200U 8GB/256GB model only
no thanks

i fucking hate when the use young wealthy people for commercials. i know they are targeting that demographic, and that's the people they want to own their brand, but it really fires my neurons when they portrait these people living awesome lives with incredible nice flats, living alone and then joining their friends at parties with the same successful piers

yes. fuck you nintendo.

reality is most people wont be able to afford this shit. most students live eating ramen and live like rats with 5 others in a crapbox.

>rubber pads on bezels
>keyboard extends to teh edge of teh chasis
>shitty key shape
>thick as fuck trackpad buttons
>small overly rounded trackpad
>T H I C C (not in a good way)
this is actually pretty disgusting

>rubber pads on bezels
>keyboard extends to teh edge of teh chasis
>shitty key shape
Nah, they're great
>thick as fuck trackpad buttons
>small overly rounded trackpad
This is an overly rounded trackpad.
>T H I C C (not in a good way)
It is thicc in a good way.

now tell us about the 1% fat cats keeping the proletariat down

Is that on the right supposed to be a fucking mouse.

> 2017
> 4GB of RAM
> $999
Even applel's shittiest laptop comes with 8GB of RAM

>ywn own a sweet letsnote because you could never justify the cost of importing a nip made notebook

at double the price nigger

They do you stupid fat fuck.

>i'm miserable
>everyone must be like me

not everyone lives in a third world shithole
btw america doesn't count

theyve only had that mouse for fucking years
its actually pretty good

Thinking about it, the specs and OS are fine given that you can upgrade to 10 Pro for free. The main problem is that it is very overpriced for what it is and doesn't offer anything that would make it stand out besides the good battery and touchscreen.

pretty worthless on a clamshell. should have 360˚ hinges.
way to go MS to deny the surface lineage.

that's mr. stupid fat fuck to you

I'm with you on that, I love 2-in-1 designs too. However, I really like touchscreens on other laptops too for things like working in excel and some general navigation because touchpads annoy me. 2-in-1 is better, but a regular touchscreen is not bad either.

also colors seem to be US only

>cause they're forcing you to live in your mothers basement
>they're forcing you to jerk off to anime porn 3 times a day
>they're directly denying you the ability to get an education and educate yourself/gain experience and knowledge
C'mon son, get a fucking grip. I love being a piece just as much as anyone on Sup Forums but i'm not in denial as to why I am one and neither should you be. Sure (((they))) are corrupt as fuck and are greedy as fuck or whatever but to think they're spending their time and actively trying to hold your stupid fat ass back you're retarded. Doesn't your women's studies night class start soon?

The envy oozing out of this post is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
See a shrink before that grudge burns a permanent hole in your mind, if it hasn't already.

Will they make a male version eventually?
I don't want a cutebook other men will laugh at.

>but to think they're spending their time and actively trying to hold your stupid fat ass back
well by thinking that way he is playing their game and losing like they want him to

That's not a picture of macbook pro

Are you fucking retarded?

Do you seriously think that the class disparity we live in is perfectly okay and should be blamed on the poor?

Go fuck yourself.


>sourcing photos from knowyourmeme

he's just another gibs

>Do you seriously think that the class disparity we live in is perfectly okay


also your'e retard if you think that money has everything to do with happiness, you've fallen or the marketing psyop in thinking that this or that product or this or that lifestyle will surely make you happy. Do not blame others for your own shortcomings.
first off of google



holy fucking salt my dude, enjoy the basement and tendies

sorry hi

Saw the arc thing being used by someone.
Played with it a bit, as well.
It's remarkably comfy.

>your'e retard if you think that money has everything to do with happiness
where can we meet so you can give me your money?

I bet you have ton's of friends with that attitude being a fucking gibsmedat and all. Enjoy the slow march hopelessness, depression, and materialism that keeping you searching for something that will never fill the void that you feel.


i understand they're durable and all dat shit

but god damn, thats an ugly laptop

>a burgundy laptop
what the fuck

no pic related is still used by marketing agencies around the world, it is the definition of the best looking laptop

>money has everything to do with happiness
Dumb polack who is also a New Ager, I've seen it all.

>spill coffee on keyboard
>it stains


>some how manges to be socialist and consumerist
Dumb fa/g/ I've seen it all

>no trackpoint

why is this allowed?

Not going for a Surface Laptop, but Daaamn, I want a burgundy Type Cover for my SP4.

>ad creatives and tech creators lives in bubbles
No shit, Sherlock

Nope, same price for the Air, and $1299 for the 12 inch MacBook (256GB SSD + 8GB RAM vs 128GB SSD + 4GB of RAM on the Surface)

they don't live in a bubble.
they just didn't fail at marketing 101.

Here we go

>most students live eating ramen and live like rats with 5 others in a crapbox.

In most of Europe, university is free and you get free student money to live in a nice apartment alone.