Hey user, would unplugging a power supply after shutting off a computer improve its lifespan...

Hey user, would unplugging a power supply after shutting off a computer improve its lifespan? (assuming you pressed power button again to totally drain power afterwards)

Unless if you plan on owning that power supply for 50 years, it doesn't fucking matter.

Yes you should do it. Trust me, I'm an electrician.

>Hey user, would unplugging a power supply after shutting off a computer improve its lifespan?

Only if you press the power button after unplugging it to fully discharge the capacitors.

I also recommend sucking the plug to get the electricity left out.

Maybe you'll save a bit of lifetime of the capacitors, but the additional wear on the socket probably counters this.
In real life, it's not worth it.

Don't even bother with it

It does the opposite. Frequent power ups/downs generally shortens the lifespan of electronics.

>In real life
You're assuming OP has a real life, while the safe bet is definitely on him not having one.

It will keep you capacitors in top condition, which will make your PC faster and keep the quality of your computing OP.
Its worth unless you're a pleb who doesn't care about computing quality. You should also get a transformer so you're not directly connected to the grid. The grid has a lot of noise and voltage spikes that destroys your computing quality and your capacitors.

No. I do use a surge protector and power that off after shutting down though.


I just don't turn my computer off, problem solved

>and power that off

Yes, but make sure you stick a screwdriver in the vent afterwards to ensure the capacitors are fully discharged.

Parasitic drain. I have ambient lighting and home audio equip with a powered sub for sounds, and my older mobo lights stay on unless ulp on. fast startup off.

I found good way to improve lifespan of electrical things, a surge protector.

you should do it while the computer is on to save some additional seconds


You would certainly have to change your CMOS battery more frequently.

power supplies die in like 5 years or less user, trying to come up with ways to prolong their life isn't the most absurd thing

>he doesn't yank the power cord out every time he wants to shut down his computer

you people need to leave