Is it kill?
Is it kill?
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I hope so.
But of course it is.
why do europoors like whatsapp so much? and why do they think it has privacy and security?
It will be up in less than a day and its user base will go back.
>why do they think it has privacy
There's been a lot of issue here in the UK with the recent terrorist attack in London having been organised via Whatsapp, and the Whatsapp heads refusing to give the UK intelligence agencies access to it.
Also to answer OP: yes, whatsapp is currently kill
>why do europoors like whatsapp so much? and why do they think it has privacy and security?
What's there not to like and what would you use besides it?
I really like it. It's free, everyone around me uses it, it's handy to make groups and send photos, documents etc, you can see when someone's around and if you've managed to send a message and if it had been read and so on and so on. The app is also fairly clean and fast (at least compared to FB Messenger, another one people around me use). And it's nice to use it from my computer.
Can't really see what's the issue with it and what would be better.
you ever read the EULA?
For the moment it seems to be. Interesting, I've never seen this before and it happened right in the middle of a convo with my GF too, so it's a bit annoying. Oh well, there's FB Messenger and SMS for the duration of the outage.
had to use sms (have unlimited, but only use whatsapp)
sms is fucking shit, how the fuck do americans use this
just use sms, you niggas retarded?
gtfo with that weak shit
Telegram does the exact same thing and has a less invasive EULA, and everything except the servers are FOSS. WhatsApp a shit.
The only reason I use it is because of normie friends. For sensible people, I use Wire or Signal.
You certainly knows about market share...
>just use sms, you niggas retarded?
Is this the year 2001?
sms lol
Do you know where you are?
Wait, Americucks don't use WhatsApp?
After that stupid integrated Snapchat shit they put, I hope they die.
I'd use Telegram if it wasn't so Linux on levels of popularity.
we value our freedoms so no
>It's a "burger thinks sms are still a thing" episode
I genuinely wish your nigger-loving, fat, uncultured country would disappear overnight tbqh
>we value our freedoms so no
what freedoms, the nsa, the cia, the fbi, google, amazon, apple know everything you do
Nope. What's worrying about it and which app should I rather use? There's no way in hell I'm going back to SMS (fucking lol) and other than FB Messenger, WhatsApp is the only one used by majority of people I need to be in contact with. So, I doubt there's something in there that would get me to switch to something else, but I'm open to hearing more.
Nobody uses Telegram though. That's the issue with most of WhatsApp competitors, especially those with really strict privacy stuff. Also, do they still use their in-house crypto? I hope not.
I have no idea. I guess they have to because data is capped and expensive so they make do. Of course in here they pretend like they are fine with it but man, so would I if I was as fucked as them. It's some embarrassing shit, wouldn't want to admit it.
Why not use fax then
Nah, they don't for some reason. I think it never took off, partly because unlimited texts and partly because they're fucked when it comes to (mobile) data.
There's nothing in SMS protecting you from snooping.
>it's a europoor doesn't understand SMS is a part of wireless cell network protocol and is superior
>There's nothing in SMS protecting you from snooping.
>SMS is a part of wireless cell network protocol
Not an argument
>and is superiorTop Refresh
Pretty sure you made a typo in that sentence and some kind NSA guy changed it.
have to keep hidden muhhamed is fucking your wife. can't let the authorities know
>Not using Signal
Enjoy your offline chat
He's right though user. Your cell provider could give up your SMS content just as easy as zuck could give up your WhatsApp data; you're still traversing their network and using their resources. Unless you go truly P2P you're not going to get around that.
you don't think NSA is spying on you europoors too? lmao five eyes nigger quit deluding yourself. like yall are somehow better off
You have not searched Silence on Google Play or f-droid, have you?
The problem is that nobody uses Signal so you're going to have to convince people around you to use it and even then you'll be stuck with a few alternative messaging platforms. With WhatsApp the nice thing is that (where I am in) everyone uses it so I can use it as my sole messaging platform.
If I had something really sensitive to say, I'd probably do it over Signal but given that nobody I know uses it and I don't have anything to say that needs ABSOLUTE secrecy (in case WhatsApp does give stuff to NSA or whatever), I'm just going to stick with WhatsApp.
Wait, americans don't use WhatsApp?
The fuck do they use instead?
Both parties need that and since you're having to convince people to use it, why not just switch over to Signal or some of the other more advanced solutions anyway?
SMS. I know, lel
Yall don't use SMS because your cell phone companies still charge for each sms like ours did in the fucking 90s
It's back
Works for me
No it's already back senpai
Sadly yes
>>There's nothing in SMS protecting you from snooping.
I was replying to this. Nothing more.
>Both parties need that and since you're having to convince people to use it
I am not trying to convince anyone. If you want to talk securely over SMS; sure use Silence.
>why not just switch over to Signal
Signal is botnet. That jew faggot moxie is sucking Google's and who know whose cocks. Probably three letters'.
>or some of the other more advanced solutions anyway?
But I am. OMEMO with Conversations.
Holy fucking shit... Like, the messages that don't even use internet?
We haven't had that since the 90s either. Meanwhile you guys still enjoy data caps at african-tier speeds on your home connections.
>Signal is botnet
Citation needed
What's an FSF approved alternative to Whatsapp?
Is it 2003 again?
Does this look non-botnet to you?
No they don't. I'm sure it was a reason at some point, but not anymore. But your pitiful situation with mobile data (and mobile/internet providers in general) is still holding you guys back.
I was pretty surprised too. I find SMS so old fashioned and usually the US is pretty okay when it comes to adopting old tech, but not in this case for some reason
Never understood the Signal hate
I can't be bothered to tell the full story now but he really is a google cuck and probably a CIA agent.
Removed SMS encryption.
Dependency to gapps.
Threatening signal forks.
Closed source server, he may open soon.
No builds of Signal except his and only over Google. He just recently started to provide apks on his site.
You'll probably read that something was wrong in Signal that CIA/NSA can exploit in the next CIA leaks.
>porn filters on internet
>no flat chested women
and europoors still want to condescend about liberty LMAO
Adding this;
>During that time, a forensic investigator arrived and seized Marlinspike’s laptop and two cellphones, and asked for his passwords to access his devices.
>Marlinspike refused, and the devices were later returned to him.
There is not a single care people getting encrypted devices. This is a red flag that he is three letter.
UK implemented the first one but I haven't heard about the second one happening the Europe, wasn't it Australia that had that law?
>Unless you go truly P2P you're not going to get around that.
Or if you're using a secure (as in end-to-end encrypted, authenticated, with plausible deniability) implementation that you trust.
WhatsApp's protocol is cryptographically sound, the problem (perhaps) lies with the client(s).
A backdoored/exploitable P2P messaging system would be equally vulnerable.
>ITT whatsapp defense force sing the virtues of a service they can't currently use.
Phonefags are the cancer killing Sup Forums.
this. Why the fuck try to reinvent the wheel when sms and mms exist and work fine. Quit being fucking retarded.
WhatsApp seems to be back now
>work fine
lel, they're creating a replacement for SMS because it's pretty shit these days, it's simply outdated. Maybe for the most basic things it's fine (text only, no need for any other features), but anything besides that gets into complicated mess territory.
There's a good reason alternatives took off and RCS is being implemented. Like, I get why Americans have to use SMS and MMS, but they are a bit shit and way outdated these days.
sms and mms are good for anything that you want to do. mms does fall short on group chat sizes but that's because providers are niggers. Literally they work just fine and you don't need retarded read receipts and other dumb shit. Alts took off because people are dumb as shit
Can't say I agree. It's handy to see when your message was delivered and read (and if it was). Also, sending files, having nice group chats, starring messages (especially handy in big groups with lots of messages), web interface (this is a big one for me), seeing when someone was last online and so on.
But different use cases for different people.
>sending files
That's what email or file storage platforms are for you dumb niggers.
Starring messages is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Chat size or maybe read recipts are somewhat valid but starring is just dumb. Go back to facebook you fucking normie.
>web interface
There are literally tons of push bullet like apps out there that integrate your texts into a desktop/web. Don't be such a dumb nigger.
>last online
Again, go back to facebook normie
they just use the data for facebook to increase the price for your infos
So Facebook has finally started replacing those old fashioned Erlang servers with proper cool JavaScript servers huh?
>Nobody uses Telegram though.
Literally everyone in Europe and Asia does
American here, me and my friends only Use whatsapp. Gf as well. We got our group chats there as well. The rest of the Americans here are poor fags or underage kids who don't travel outside of the states. Everytime I travel outside to Europe Canada or South America, I rely on whatsapp to keep in contact with gf, friends and family.
if anyone you know has facebook on their phone, facebook already knows what it needs to about you
>implying you have any freedom online
>not using signal
No need to be so hostile my friend. It's not my fault you have to use SMS.
Also, lol at having to use a completely different thing to send files. That's not a hassle at all.
Starring is really handy for marking messages for later, so you can easily find them in big groups. Can't see what the issue with that is. You don't have to use it, I just find it handy.
There's hacky ways to get some sort of desktop SMS integration to work, but nothing as good as WhatsApp Web. You don't have to install anything on the computer (so you can use it on places where you can't install stuff, another big one for me personally) and you see all your messages and conversations. Haven't seen anything like that for SMS.
Again, I don't see what the issue with "last online" is. You can turn it off if it bothers you for some reason, but I find it useful.
I live in Europe. Can't say I've heard anyone using it, which makes it completely useless to me. It's especially bad when you compare it to WhatsApp, that's seemingly used by everyone and their grandma. It's a neat WhatsApp clone, but without any contacts around me it's useless. And in any case, even if everyone around you was using it, their user numbers are nowhere near of those of WhatsApp, which I think tell a lot about the situation in general.
>have to use SMS
I can use anything I please normie but I make the superior choice.
>Starring is really handy for marking messages for later, so you can easily find them in big groups
Don't be so fucking retarded and maybe you could remember them. Plus it's not a feature that is dependent on the protocol but client. Bet many sms apps have some gay shit like that.
>hacky ways to get some sort of desktop SMS integration to work, but nothing as good as WhatsApp Web
If you think those are hacky then use whatever dumb web interface your provider offers (yes they exist). Doesn't surprise me you're a WhatCuck faggot
>I find it useful
For a social network fucking normie.
Again go back to facebook you retarded normie
>I live in Europe
Have fun with the sandniggers and niggers fucking up your countries and raping your women
>send SMS
>recipient receives SMS
>send whatsapp, signal, allo, messenger, hangouts, messages, etc
>recipient may or may not receive depending on the software they have chosen to preinstall
Pretty sure you're on the spectrum. Throwing a tantrum because people don't use sms anymore? Seriously?
>you're on the spectrum
Projecting faggot. My social life says otherwise.
>Throwing a tantrum
Nah just hate normies ruining tech and faggots like you ruining this board. Again go back to facebook where you belong
I used to think that internet-based messaging was the future but now the message providers tack on so much extra spy shit to each message that a 160 byte message has ballooned up to nearly 100kb each
bb..but.. what about my starred messages?
>100kb each
Why? What kind of overhead do they throw on that they need that much?!
>claims to have a healthy social life
>calls other people normies
it's not just the messages, it's the constant polling of the server
I'm sure there's some SMS app that has starring, but I already have that in WhatsApp was the point. I listed some features I find handy in WhatsApp, not features that are solely in WhatsApp.
Yeah, they're hacky in the sense that they're workaround and I've had pretty bad experiences with them. Sometimes they'd work and sometimes they didn't. Except maybe Pushbullet which was fine for sending and replying, but went to shit a while back IMO. And it still didn't have all my conversations and stuff like that, which is pretty important for me. Also I've never heard of provider web interfaces, pretty interesting. I don't think we have those here, but then again, I don't need them anyway. But probably nice for the people still stuck with SMS.
The sole advantage of SMS (IMO) is that everyone with a phone number has it. Agreed on that it's an advantage. But most messaging apps show you if the other person has the app installed or not, so it's kind of strange point because you can always fall back to SMS if they don't use that particular app but it's not really a reason not to use them if they do.
>implying they are mutually exclusive
Something a retarded normie would think
yeah sure thing
Also to add to my message, SMS is kinda unreliable and can have long delays. Which could be an issue. I think it's funny to bring up now, but with WhatsApp etc you're usually informed about when and if your message was sent, received and read, so you'll know if it doesn't work.
But it's a minor point anyways, haven't had much issues with either one.
I think the reason whatsapp became popular in Europe was because it worked on bunch of different operating systems and and people in Europe used less facebook.
When it started getting big there wasn't much alternative messaging apps. Of course right now there is many but the network effect is on whatsapps side.
Makes sense. What would the cost be like if a service used GCM to get that message pushed without polling?
>I already have that in WhatsApp was the point
But WhatsApp is shit and used by retarded niggers and normies.
>Sometimes they'd work and sometimes they didn't
That's because you are retarded. Literally tried everyone in the book and they all work fine. You're just dumb as nails and can't setup a simple app to work right.
>I don't think we have those here
Probably not, you're Europoor. Instead of nice service you just import more niggers to rape and ruin your countries.
It's cross platform unlike iMessage so it caught off as Yuropoors use Apple products less than burgers.
They still don't have a fucking tablet optimiZed version I hate those stupid gooks
>SMS is kinda unreliable
You're out in the boonies and you can still get a SMS off. I wanna see you try to get internet connection out there to send anything.
>you're usually informed about when and if your message was sent, received and read
sounds great for the sender but why would any recipient want this 'feature?' How else am I going to ignore people?
Yeah alright
Jewrope is densely populated so coverage isn't a big deal.
1x just werks
The U.S. is full of beautiful wilderness (as opposed to rapefugess) where there isn't always a data signal (nor would I want one out there). Emergency calls and texts only.
can we please push XMPP with OMEMO?
Finland is pretty well covered with at least 3G so it's not as big of an issue here than it might be in the US for sure, but I've been in that exact situation when sailing. Text messages failed to send and it only informed me hours later that it didn't send and when it did, it wasn't received, but FB Messenger worked fine. Not sure what was up with that but I've had that happen a few times when sailing. And the problem with delayed and dropped messages was if not common but not unheard of even when conditions were good (full bars on 3G). But it's been a while since I've used SMS, could be that the situation has improved.
Well you can just turn it off, you don't have to use it. I find it convenient, but I get why someone would turn it off.
Also one advantage of WhatsApp over SMS is when you're roaming you can use wifi to message/talk/videochat with people without having to pay. But that's also something that's probably not as handy in the US where people don't travel abroad as often.
When sailing to Estonia it's really nice to be able to chat away on wifi without getting any extra charges. Of course with the new roaming laws that'll change and using data, calls and texts normally will become a non-issue.
Conversation is currenty free in the playstore boys, grab it
>ITT: Americans actually defending SMS
As a Canadian, the fuck?
why are you on the internet? sounds like you need to stay air-gapped in that basement
you're no better than these amerifats, leaf
>FB Messenger
Bye normie
is it still down?