the best shoes to program in.
prove me wrong.
The best shoes to program in
What the fuck is wrong with his skin? Is that cancer?
If you're working at home, why wear shoes at all?
If you're working at an office, how would crocs be acceptable?
In what scenario would crocs be the "best" shoe to program in?
>he doesn't wear shoes at home
is that a yuropoor thing
the intel of shoes
American wear shoes at home. Some even sleep in them.
>wearing anything at all at home
get a load of this prude. gone to church lately?
It's a ginger
AMD of shoes
Bjarne Stroustrup confirmed New Balance user
Those'll definitely prevent any interruptions from women.
Why would you wear shoes at home? I just can't wrap my mind around it. I get that it's just a thing you do and most of you kinds grew up into it, but what's the reason to? Do you guys have really cold floors or something?
having cold floors doesn't even justify it, just wear slippers inside
I cringe at people who walk around in their house on carpet wearing shoes. Makes no sense.
Would you shovel dirt and grime from the dirtiest streets you walk on into your home?
Americans wear shoes in their house.
Amerilards also wear shoes to bed.
Yeah but why?
That seems too ridiculous to be true
It has to be a big meme like skub and finger box where everyone pretends it's normal to troll people.
the bed scarf is there so an american can wear shoes in bed.
Best shoes are no shoes
>not wearing cute ballet flats to go with your pantyhose
What kind of pussy faggot wears anything more than underwear to perform tasks that aren't physically demanding?
I wear Tevas to work, no one wears socks here. It is too hot, I don't think I've worn shoes/socks in months.
Americans who wear shoes inside don't walk on dirty disguisting streets and we're not crammed into our cities like fucking sardines like you are. We have space, and our existence outside the home is a much cleaner and more pleasant experience than a yuropoor can grasp. We get in our car car and drive when we go anywhere. Basically everywhere we go it's clean. This is a difficult concept for yuropoors to grasp, that one needn't have to drag themselves through human filthe to go grocery shopping, but it's the reality most of us live in here. My car is clean, my driveway is clean, my house is clean, my office is clean, everywhere is clean.
Get out of your disgusting cities and you wouldn't ask such questions.
Jesus Christ, I don't miss the Crocs fad in the mid 2000s
I've never seen anybody wear shoes in the house regularly here. Maybe if you are going to be in and out frequently for a short time, but besides that there isn't a reason. Its dirty. Also Americans don't wear shoes to bed. That would be really fucking uncomfortable.
Are you really that dense that you think "if I can't see bacteria, it isn't there"?
Someone could urinate on the street, the water would evaporate leaving a dry residue of bacteria. You would come plodding along, walk straight trough it and then proceed to trample it into your carpet.
You literally did not read anything I wrote. We don't walk on streets. We drive. Cars. Trucks. Things that take us places so we don't have to walk through evaporated urine puddles like poorfags in europe. Again though, I think yuropoors are incapable of understanding this because your cities are so disgusting that you've become desensitized to exposure to filthe.
It's true not all cities are like that. I lived in San Francisco for a while and there's not a chance in hell I'd wear my shoes inside after walking around there.
But where I grew up, a place comprising cars, well-kept parking lots, immaculately clean businesses, and clean homes, it doesn't make a difference. No one is walking around anywhere ffs. Get a fucking clue.
>dry bacteria
either a ginger or has massive nerve damage due to diabetes.
Here's how: , the one on the left. Best ones to program in.
That's not true at all. If you're white and have carpet, it's normal to take shoes off at the door. Anyone wearing shoes in their house is filthy and probably also owns a dog.
I wear shoes in the house so I don't bump my toes.
Uhh, what? I thought it was only on scripted TV that they'd do such things.
No we don't. I wear my socks on for a while though.
When Americans enter their house, they will often remove their Outdoor Shoes and put on their Indoor Shoes. And then when they go to bed, they will remove their Indoor Shoes and put on their Bed Shoes.