Im a fucking retard please help

hi im a clueless idiot doing a university assignment in c# but i havent attended anything and the deadline is in 12 hours. Assignment is "Directions for play:
Players take turns rolling five dice and score for three-of-a-kind or better. If a player only has two-ofa-kind,
they may re-throw the remaining dice in an attempt to improve the remaining dice values. If
no matching numbers are rolled after two rolls, the player scores 0."

here is what i have so far (pic related):

i still have to add a second player and a way to re-roll

please save the im a retard and i should drop out i already know i should

go fuck yourself

any help at all would be gr8 i am completely clueless on how to proceed

will do thank you

I'm also a student in uni, and i get assignments like this all the time. One of my buddies is just like you, he doesn't attempt the homeworks/projects we have roughly two weeks to do.

Then the night it's due, texts and fb messages everyone he can try to persuade. It doesn't work, he barely does anything and hands in empty files constantly.

I hope you fail just like he will

im averaging 60% on most things apart from this specific module but thanks for the advice

You should humiliate him every time he does.
He's not one of us and never will be.
Shame him!

Is that a passing grade for that class?

>im averaging a failing grade on everything
oh i do

"passing" grade is 40% for all my classes but in this specific c# class its all based on this assignment which ive left too late

>calling yourself a fucking retard so no one else calls you a fucking retard

fucking retard

60% is second highest grade in uk

you can pass a class knowing less than 50% of the material? wow

>he thinks 60% of baby's first code is enough to get a job

Fuck off pajeet

Eat shit and die

only appropriat resonse

>im a clueless idiot
>i havent attended anything
>deadline is in 12 hours.
We don't need more retards like you developing more shitty broken programs. Do the right thing and fail. We are all tired of nothing working right.

first semester of first year and doesnt know everything, fucking nuke pakistan

I want to help, but Im as retarded as you
w-what does this mean...

he would know everything if he didnt slack off, starting a project like this the night before when you don't know how to do it is suicide

im white thanks

nuke india faggot
>first semester of first year
that isnt an excuse for not knowing THAT YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO SHOW UP FOR CLASS

i knew that i was supposed to, i just had other things that were more important to do

you got it fucked up, classes and learning this shit is the most important thing

sounds like you dont want it. just switch majors to something easy, business is down your alley bud

As a console application? Come on nigger you can do this

you is asking the wrong people

user, you're not cut out for college if you fuck up this bad. Look into becoming an electrician or join the merchant marine, something where they give you more structure. The trades pay well.

>this is the future of america's stem industry

Do you even know what a loop is?

int a[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}
int status = 0;
int simcounter = 0;
while (status == 0){
for(int cn = 0; cn < 5, cn++){
a[cn] = randgeneratorfunction();
if(cn > 0){
for(int in = 0; in < cn;in++){
if(a[in] == a[cn]){

if (simcounter > 2){
status = 1
}else if(sumcounter < 2 && sumcounter >= 1){
status = 0


add in some more shit for counting number of times the while loop is run, I can't be bothered

>MRW this is the 10th time I've seen this thread

I did the assignment the first 9 times. Not anymore. Go fuck yourself, OP