Decide to finally try Linux because Windows 10 is shit and W7 isn't as compatible with shit as it once was

>decide to finally try Linux because Windows 10 is shit and W7 isn't as compatible with shit as it once was
>install Ubuntu, supposedly babby's first Linux distro
>try to install my nvidia card's drivers
>finally figure out what I need to download for my card thanks to google
>look up on google how to run the file because apparently double clicking it is too easy
>finally get it to run, get 4 separate errors, google how to fix each of them
>get a 5th error
>go back and install Windows 10

Linux must be for fucking autists because the most simple things are fucking bullshit. Fuck all you little faggots saying "LINUX IS THE BEST HURR DURR". Something as simple as installing Steam required me to look it up because Steam wouldn't open.Not everyone has the time or will to sit there, remember, and type 10 different commands just to fucking install something. Fuck Linux and fuck everyone claiming it's good. It's shit.

All you said its true to a certain level.

Linux sometimes is just plain retarted.

The additional drivers program which is installed by default on Ubuntu and it's derivatives takes care of Nvidia drivers automatically. It even integrates with Nvidia's PPA

This is 100% true. Yeah most of the time "it jest werks" but God help you if a driver doesn't work. Enjoy going down that bottomless pit of stack overflow posts telling you to install this, change that config etc etc. And besides because it's still tailored to autists more than normal people they just give you some .tar.gz file which you can install literally everywhere. This means that other programs are then gonna search for that and you have to edit 100 more config files, just because maybe one dude somewhere wanted to install Java in /usr/Pictures/holiday2017/


Remember: software convenience is an evil, corporatist plot to steal your freedoms.

>b-tier greentext story
>Using Nvidia

Found 3 problems. Fix automatically? [Y/N]

You don't just have "nvidia" in your repo?

dumb nigger

all you had to do was

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-381 steam


Windumb doesn't know Linux, then complains and reinstalls his baby crib OS

check your repositories or use nouveau drivers nigger

LMAO like this is somehow obvious or self explanatory

Things in a different OS work differently.
Big shocker.

Imagine the first time you tried to install gpu drivers on your PC. You have to relearn a few things.

2 google searches would have showed you how to do this

Headset still won't pair to the damn thing.

dpkg -i

but you should use apt-get to install nvidia drivers, not the packages
takes literally 2 minutes

sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
That's all. You are an actual retarded baby.

it is, if you're not completely retarded

Get a Mac no meme

Ubuntu's look is a rip off of it. It's basically what Linux wishes it was minus muh freedoms.

This is shit.

If you don't want to be in control and responsible for your own OS and instead pay money to fix anything at all to your local IT guy, Linux is not for you.

There's also a GUI option for this in the system settings, additional drivers or something, unless they removed that recently

>Linux wishes to be an uncustomizable normie Unix completely dependent on the cloud and a centralized app store

I'm struggling to hold my drink in.

sudo = "Super User, DO this."
add-apt-repository = add this repository to my computer's knowledge
apt = the package manager
update = update the database as far as the computer knows
install (an argument for apt) installs a package

even the most babby of Linux users understand this. You essentially came straight out of the Windows 10 babbyland and attempted to RUN a file to install drivers. Pathetic.

thanks for your input, bill

In 99% of cases you will use the package manager to install shit and not run the .sh file from the website.

The package manager is how you handle almost everything.

>HAHA THAT'S SO FUCKING STUPID THAT IT'S NOT JUST (a way of installing packages that really only windows alone uses)

OP here, where do i even enter these codes? and wtf is a repo? i tried typing cmd.exe in the start menu search bar and nothing works. linux is such unusable shit compared to windows why would anyone use this garbage LOL just pirate windows if your that poor...


>needing to go in system settings to do something as simple as install a nvidia driver

nope, I'm done. I'm taking my computer to best buy and having windows 10 reinstalled.

Okay, clearly you are an absolute beginner in Linux. I'll set aside my usual Sup Forums jerkassness for one post.

>typing cmd.exe in the start menu

Confirmed Bait.

>W7 isn't as compatible with shit as it once was
What fucking programs are you using that only have a working W10 version?

these bait threads are getting boring

microshills need to step up their game

GPU drivers can be a nightmare to install on Linux yes. But you can mostly blame nvidia for this because it's not worth it to them to make good drivers for Linux.

The situation has improved tho desu. The otb synaptics driver for my touchpad works much better than what I got on windows 10

>It is the programs fault that I am an idiot

OP installed Ubuntu though

What's stopping me from using GNU/Linux over Windows is bluetooth audio fuckery. In Xubuntu my headset refuses to connect to a2dp and I have to hamfist it with a python script I found online, which I have to run every time I turn on the headset. In Windows it just fucking works. In Xubuntu if my audio cuts out for a second then it's desynced until I reset it. In Windows it just resyncs automatically.

works on my machine ™

And it's not worth because Linux graphical stack is also a joke.
Doesn't matter to kernel developers. Their bosses at Redhat only cara about servers.

>bluetooth audio

fucking why

>when even Windows has Bash terminal now

Expect people to tell you you shouldn't be using X to begin with so it's not a problem with Linux

oops too late

That isn't me you stupid fucks, I know how to type commands into terminal obviously if I got the fucking driver to attempt to install. Also I finally got my driver to install and I'm playing csgo as we speak. My ping is a few ms lower than on Windows so I guess that's good. I'll keep dual booting the 2 OS in case Ubuntu ever makes me rage again but I'll give it a chance. Some of the features in it I enjoy and it boots way faster than Windows. I guess it's just a learning curve, but I just got super frustrated with the driver. Can someone recommend me a good guide for wine or something similar to run my games in steam that aren't Linux compatible?


Playonlinux is a useful frontend.
I use it almost purely for dark souls 1 and it seems to do the trick.

Bluetooth anything is pretty garbage in general and definitely worse on Linux. On Windows I'd have to spend 2+ hours uninstalling and reinstalling different bluetooth stacks for it to break after restart, only for the native microsoft stack randomly working after a billion reinstall of different manufacturer's ones.

Is it really surprising to people that Linux isn't windows?

No, go to the vendor site and pick a random graphics driver is not the best way to do things.

The normie way is to click on "additional drivers"
The usual way is to add the system76 repo and install the package.

Running some random binary usually means you are missing dependencies.
Which means you have to install them manually and hope that worked.
That is a waste of time in most situations.

>needing to go run a .exe file from some website where you dont know what it does just to do something as simple as installing a nvidia driver

>W7 isn't as compatible with shit as it once was
What did he mean by this?

I tried using Bluetooth on Manjaro and it worked fine for me.

Windows dropped 16-bit support with 64-but releases

needing to go to best buy in order to install an operating system

Can't you just get propietary drivers from the video settings in Ubuntu anyway? Like, it does it for you. OP why are you such a fucking nigger

A few things like Broadcom WiFi and Nvidia cards can be a pain in the ass on Loonix but generally hardware detection is a lot better than on Windows. I had so many problems with drivers on Windows which Ubuntu just recognized without any hassle, Touchpads, printers, card readers etc.

Pretty sure that was a poorly made huge bait

t.rajesh gutanamuptra

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.