Is it a normalfag thing to have dozens of tabs open? My sister always has a bunch of tabs open on her laptop and I'm just wondering how she knows what is what. You can't even see anything besides the icon and maybe the first letter.
Is it a normalfag thing to have dozens of tabs open...
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Maybe she's tech illiterate enough that she doesn't realize she's making tabs. Or maybe she forgets to close them. Or maybe she actually does know what is what.
I've had shitloads of tabs open for years now. I tend to have a lot of tasks running in parallel (personal projects, shit I'm trying to learn, etc) which leads to a pile of sites that are in this weird void where I need to keep them around and handy for whenever inspiration strikes, but they're not so important that I want to go through the pain in the ass of adding several tens of tabs to an already largely-unmanaged list of bookmarks.
I'm not the only one who does this. I've met several others who do the exact same thing. What this suggests to me is that there's a great need for a new browser feature that's better equipped to handle this task. Workspaces or temporary bookmarks maybe? I dunno, but plain old tabs are getting as unruly as browser windows did before tabs were a thing.
Only women do this but Sup Forums wouldn't know
I do it, whenever I search something I just control+T and type
Yeah, its a woman thing. My ex used to do it
I do it but I use vertical tabs in Firefox. I'm not sure how you could bare to do it in Chrome without an extension.
I generally have upwards of 20 tabs between 3 browsers.
I used to keep only around 5-tabs open but now I just open everything I wanna view before doing anything and go through them one by one until I'm done. Using keyboard shortcuts to navigate them helps a lot.
install tab tree newfag
Multiple tabs is a sign of autism.
Especially if its like an imgur jpg on one specific tab you looked at for a second and never closed.
it's literally the opposite. every plainbrain i know keeps dozens of tabs open across multiple browsers because they just don't pay attention to shit. browser crashes, they restart with the same tabs, and on and on.
It depends on how they're used, non-normalfags do it too
Only when looking at porn
What this means is that people are idiots who can't manage the simple task of organising their bookmarks.
This is a state of mind, not a problem with the software application.
It's like having a filing cabinet next to your desk, but instead of using it, you pile papers and dossiers on your desk. And then whining about how ineffective the filing cabinet is.
>mfw my leftmost tab was opened in february
I used to have a shitload of tabs open for revision purposes
Nowadays I just use WGet and go through them one at a time.
>What this means is that people are idiots who can't manage the simple task of organising their bookmarks.
Bookmarks are slow as shit when you get a lot of them. My 6700k lags like fuck opening mine.
when i was working on my dissertation i had 100+ tabs open
i don't know why you would waste time "organizing" your bookmarks given modern search tools
Tab Groups for firefox adds tab workspaces and i use them for exactly this
Firefox doesn't have this problem.
How many do you have? It takes me a while and I've only got around 5k.
Bookmarks are for things I know I'm going to be coming back to. If I've got a couple projects going on and a few dozen tabs open for each project that I'm never going to need once I'm finished, fuck cluttering my bookmarks with that bullshit, I'll just leave the tab open till I'm done with it.
>tfw I do this
>leftmost tabs are youtube/music/etc that I have open forever no matter what
>after that goes in order of when I opened it
>try to vaguely organize them so I know like "here's the porn section" or "here's the list of anime I want to watch" or "here's vidya related things"
>the rightmost tabs are the volatile ones that I open and close
The reason is that a triple click on the arrows will bring to that end of the tabs. The middle becomes a sort of dead zone unless I'm looking for something specific. I had 1253 tabs open and cleaned them out last week, bookmarking 221 things and closing about 800, some of which being opened as early as last march I think.
The ratio generally ends up being 10% music, 35% porn, 25% vidya stuff, 10% lists of stuff to download/do/watch/buy, 15% random stuff I opened, thought was neat and might need again but didn't close and 5% stuff I've used in the past couple days/social media (Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, twitter)
It used to lag a bit on my old PC but since firefox only loads tabs you select it's fine. Being on a 6700k with 32gb helps
my dad does that
and my mom has layers of pictures on her desktop; I put everything in a "desktop junk" folder and she promptly filled the desktop back up again
do youself a favor
I've tried it before, it's way too much work and I absolutely hate how much space it takes up compared to the normal tab bar. Maybe when I finally join the 21:9 memesterrace I'll try it but I've been doing this for a decade now.
you can set it to autohide so it doesn't take any space
also it's no work at all, if you feel like you need to work around it you are doing something wrong
It doesn't autohide for me unfortunately, I probably have some script that conflicts and I'm not even going to begin to try to figure out what. By work I just meant the whole organizing into trees thing. I have 354 tabs now and it seems like a lot of unnecessary micromanagement for things that I'm not trying to archive for life or display to others. Thank you though
ENTP, if you even buy into that MBTI stuff. That's why.
i do this but it's easier to keep track of on firefox, i usually have upwards of 150 tabs on my browser of stuff i wanna go back to later. a couple of my friends have the same habit.
and hey, just like said: mbti tests say im an ENTP.
Depends, if I'm looking for something, I might have a lot of tabs open, but mostly 3-7
I keep tabs open on my phone for things I want to read later. On a PC or laptop though, I usually close them out when I'm done using it.
>I had 1253 tabs open and cleaned them out last week, bookmarking 221 things and closing about 800, some of which being opened as early as last march I think.
>only dozens
That's just firefox on my desktop. I have a laptop I use at school and my phone as well. All together I'd guess I was over 2000 tabs before friday
When I reply to a thread I leave a tab open so I can check back later for (you)s. Sometimes I reply to someone who replied to me 8+ hours later.
When I google something I'll open new tabs on several links.
I'll often have one tab of a video running in the background.
I also have the tabgroups add-on for firefox so I further separate my tabs. I'll have a tab-group for school-related things, my main group, my porn group, etc.
No normalfags usually use very few tabs and have to keep going back and fourth, constantly reloading the page.
It drives me fucking nuts every time.
most of the time, from what i've seen, they just neglect to close things, often they don't even have the browser set to keep the session, so the next time they open their browser, it's all gone, and they expect this
Def not a normie thing; i've got 10 tabs for each of my 4 Chrome windows right now.
Myers-Briggs is total horseshit and you're fucking retarded if you think its anymore accurate that horoscopes and tarot card readings.
it's a tool for tumblr snowflakes to feel special that they have the same 4 letters as harry potter or other stupid shit
The absolutely perfect way to solve this problem is the "tab groups" (aka "panorama"), which allows you to sort your tabs into different groups as if they were on separate windows, but on a single one.
Too bad the cunts at Mozilla had to ruin everything as always, so they literally removed it from Firefox, and now we have to rely on a third party addon (which adds some nice features but is buggy and slow compared to the old native feature).
Mozilla wasn't happy with letting us use addons to replace features that they removed, so they decided to completely scrap the current addon system in favor of a handicapped one like on Chrome, so when the change goes into effect, most of the main addond that make Firefox worth using will not only stop working, but they'll be completely impossible to implement with the new system, and Tab groups is one of them.
just switch to palemoon
they're no longer dependant on firefox, they've forked even gecko, the engine
it's now pretty much if not totally separate
>have like 500 tabs open
>can't close them because of psychological hording problems
>everything lags like hell and browser is unusable
>start using new default browser
>same thing happens
>on my 4th browser now
mind you my bookmarks are in the multiple thousands and all my high priority shit is in my tabs
If you don't have at least 50 sadpanda tabs open at all times you should kill yourself
And have an entirely new set of problems, along with the lack of security due to their small budget?
Looks like we'll have to choose between that or the new Chromefox.
I keep tabs open for school, it helps me organize my work to do. As I complete work I close the tabs.
On the left are the courses themselves, the right are the lectures.
eh, same could have been said about early mozilla, it's like history is repeating itself
I usually have 2-6 tabs open at most, i only make more tabs when I'm writing a paper.
>mind you my bookmarks are in the multiple thousands and all my high priority shit is in my tabs
WTF I have like 25 bookmarks at most.
I just don't bookmarks normie sites YT,Facebook just remove anything that normal person would bookmark mate.
>500 tabs open
Spotted the corelet/RAMlet
Bookmarks can be nested in folders, so just make a new folder for each project and delete the folder if you want when you're done, or move it to a "completed projects" folder
4 cores 4 threads 8 gigs of ram
it has a lot to do with my low attention span, I will look at something half way through then mark it for later viewing, or not look through it at all
High power users do that. At any time I have about two hundred tabs open. Three way it's gotta be.
I regularly have 100-200 tabs open. As I find things I want to learn more about I open them in a new tab, leave them there until it builds up then spend most of a day reading through them all, then clear it and start again.
4c/4t + 8gb RAM should handle that. Unless it's some C2Q tier shit with DDR2.
I have 12 tabs open cuz I'm lazy but only
running at 38% RAM using with hardware with acceleration on. I plenty of resources to spare for other shit but i'm just browsing and listening to music.
But Palemoon will be always "knockoff Firefox", and will never have any chance at becoming a serious player. Especially now that normies rule the Internet and Chrome is a competitor.
normies cant into closing apps
thats why android now made it a button on the left of the home, cause normies had too much shit open
even then normies dont close
most amount of tabs i ever have open are about 25.
mostly discogs, music on youtube, reviews/pages about headphones, and uni stuff.
You should talk to someone about that. do you have insurance?
why do you need so much shit open?
I bet half of those tabs are old Sup Forums threads that you refuse to close for some reason
pretty much my entire family only browses with a few tabs and actually alternating between them on a constant basis
it's a great thing for long sessions and looking up shit, but i don't think i'd do it without a good chunk of ram to spare and/or a backgroung tab unloader
Reminder that Firefox removed Tab Groups in the latest version
>thinking you actually need all 5k bookmarks
ITT: people who don't know what a bookmark is
I keep tabs open for months, and when it gets the point where I probably should close some, I copy all the URLs into a word doc and name it like tabs or tabbbss or taabbbsss or some stupid shit. I probably have over 2000 URL's saved in word docs. I go back to the word doc every few weeks because I'll need the contents of one of the tabs.
>stocking up this many bookmarks
>literally dead link in under two years or less
>gud animu/torrent content provider quits the scene
>some 'archive' bunker drive failure (the irony)
>some gud web forum/chan gets the hax
>gud open source website/servicec runs out of funds and closes down
It means y'all faggots and normies (normalfags).
Only normie websites have permalinks.
Websites are only good for online stores, ecommerce/elearning shit and creative content. Everything else is normie social shit (incl normie porn).
I usually have a separate window for each subject. Then I keep those tabs opened for that subject in that window. It's pretty easy actually to work with. Gimp takes some blurry as fuck screenshots though.
This so much
Got 70 tabs open on my main browser, 2nd browser has about 20 research articles I want to but will never read, 3rd browser about 20 of programming stuff and stuff I want to buy/download but haven't gotten around to hunting them down.
I used to only have like 8 tabs max on one browser only and life was easier then. But now I don't know what I'm doing or what happened to me. I've rechecked them several times and I don't want to close any.
My laptop is also in a similar state.
>Not saving all pages you deem important on both your hard drive and on
You done fucked up son.
I had 10GiB of tabs open the other day. I cull them about once a week.
i ()
only bookmark things that are both
a. things i will use again when finished with it
b. i'm likely to forget the name of
which turns out to not be very many
i currently have 14 bookmarks
in place of bookmarks for things i do remember, but return to, my history is used, that is, i start typing it in, and select it from the list of my history that drops down, this supplants the history in nearly all cases, imo
>this supplants bookmarks*
I was diagnosed with ADHD I only have max of 4 tabs open at all time lots of tabs just confuse me and I get disoriented
Yes. It shows a lot about a person. The only reasonable thing to do is to separate your tasks between windows.
Normally I keep one open for browsing and another one for work, right now i have a third one with different music i have to catch up on.
>Is it a normalfag thing to have dozens of tabs open?
It's a normalfag thing not to
Since I've started using vertical tabs I constantly have like a hundred tabs open all the time
oh yes
I must have around 10k tabs in half a dozen profiles
the problem is that while Opera added tabs in the 90s other browser devs still hasn't caught on. the usual response to "I have >= 2 tabs open" is "don't do that". this thread is full of such retards.
It's not like you're using all those tabs at once, I would keep most of that in my bookmarks toolbar until I reopened them. Removing a bookmark is just an extra click to closing a tab.
>in place of bookmarks for things i do remember, but return to, my history is used
I do have a lot of bookmarks for this since I keep clearing my history. But I keep those in a folder in the bookmarks menu.
Tabhoarding is a disease.
i used to use bookmarks like that, like 15 years ago when browsers/computers couldn't handle doing anything else
leaving things i'm not done with in the vertical tab list is simply more convinient, and they take little resources when unloaded
oh, and i prefer not to erase my history
my memory isn't THAT good that i can find everything on my own, i search my history with keywords i do remember. i don't often actually open the history browser itself though
Always less than 4 tabs master race
I had 60 tabs open for a long while, I have more like 50 now.
Mine is from March 2016.
how do you check?
My cure for tab hoarding:
1. Use a text file for permanently storing links.
2. Use bookmarks for temporary link storing (bookmark folders help a lot in properly organizing them).
3. Force myself to always have 0 tabs when i end my browsing session: move all my tabs to a bookmark folder and at the end of the week decide which bookmarks get deleted and which go to the text file for permanent storage.
4. If you end up getting more than 1k links in your text file you should start using a wiki. If you will properly organize it, it will literally feel like a mental highway when you will start your browsing through it.
I use Firefox Nightly and it's been gone for years. There is an addon that works fine.
You're close. What this means is that the stuff on the desk is to be done in the short term and records of it are not needed, so there's no point putting it in the filing cabinet.
Many of my tabs are articles I plan to read and close. Bookmarking them would be stupid.
I usually have like 30 tabs open. I don't want to reopen shit all the time and bookmarking everything is annoying when I can just not close the tab until I know I won't need it anymore. An icon is enough to know what tab that is, my memory is not that bad.
There's too much overhead involved in bookmarking and keeping bookmarks organized to make a lot of things worth bookmarking. Organizing those fuckers is enough of a pain in the ass already, no need to bookmark something I'm going to delete in a couple of days anyway.
I think this situation could be improved with improvements to bookmark management tools. The managers in all major browsers have barely changed since the Netscape 3.x/4.x days, leaving lots of little problems unresolved.
Or I can do even less and simply leave the tab open until I'm done with it.There is literally no reason not to other than the fact that it bothers you, which really isn't a reason at all.
1k tabs open all the time.
A-am I a girl? *blushes*