Sup Forums depression thread

a lot of you fucks are depressed, whether fully employed, NEET, or in between.

What Sup Forums things do you occupy yourself with on bad days? What Sup Forums would you do if you could leave your /comfy/? What Sup Forums things should you be doing that you're neglecting?

>install distros on junker laptops
>add to wallpaper horde
>mess with random useless things like wal script
>actually made a digital catan board thing once
>mess around a bit with lmms/audio creation

>commit myself to anything useful
>write meaningful program
>learn networking
>apply for jobs

>check in with mom, maybe tell her I need help


i buy used hw from my local forums, build computers out of them and sell them for like 5-20€ profit.

its not much but i never get a warehouse effect in my home and i get to solve problems and build shit

That's pretty neat, what sort of components do you usually get? Is it more of a rebuild thing where you search for specifics, or just gather and build with what you've got?

I go by full system pricegroups, i try to stay below 500€ most of the time.

1st tier is like 200-250€
2nd tier is like 300-350€ aand etc..

I old higher end parts. benchmark them to show the frames they get, the system will always have a ssd+hdd combo so its faster aswell.
computer cases are always new and sometimes i have to buy new psus.

Kinda making a point here that you dont always NEED a new computer for gaming/office stuff.

Counter Strike helps.
It's easy to jump into a game and talk to people.

Right on, good for pushing that point. I'm assuming you install windows- have you considered installing some kind of ultralight linux on more dated hardware for general computing?

Agreed, used to be into tf2, and battlefront 2 up until the servers shut down. Good communities are underrated.


My last combo was a i5-750 with 8gigs of ram and a r9 280x inside a fractal design core 1000 case.

sold it for 380€ and i didnt get any profits, maybe a few cents loss even..

For office users i go with Ubuntu most of the time but i have a shitton of win7 keys

Cool, I've only used laptops and never built a tower. Is it hard finding compatible hardware? Those are honestly better specs than I had expected. Do you feel like you've been learning a lot from it?

Not hard to get used hardware, if you cant find any, you havent even tried looking for them.

I face problems pretty often when dealing with s775 and am3+ mobos. So i guess you could say i learn stuff from the problems that occur.
ALWAYS have to clean all the parts with alcohol and reapply thermalpads and paste.

In my experience... avoid ASRock and Abit like the plague.
Be wary when buying r9 200 series and hd 6/7000 series amd gpus. and nvidias gtx 400/500 ones. If you have to bake those in the oven, instead of doing that... send it back and demand a refund.

yesterday i refurbished a mouse that i was going to throw away, bu thought a way to fix it and i'm using it right now. it's been the highlight of my year so far.

today was a complete waste, like every other day of my life.

cant use anything that has my name of it because of reasons

cant play anything because of same reason as before

so cant talk with friends i ha on fb to hang out, cant do much so just Sup Forums and ledit back and forth

why so?

good stuff, not sure what position you're in but you could absolutely start getting a resume together and start applying for some basic IT related stuff.

user, ride that wave. I know there are other small things you can improve. What was the mouse/problem?

Don't forget to exercise guys, it really boosts mood. If you're just at the beginning it will hurt for a few weeks until you get used to it but after that you can reap the rewards. It can be gym, cycling, jogging or any other sport desu.

i work in retail, this thing i do with old hardware is just a hobby and to occupy my time.

Agreed. It has helped me in the past at least a bit for as long as I was willing to do it. Tried doing bodyweight and it felt good. Even something like disc golf is a good day hike and a rabbit hole type hobby with a very welcoming community.

also, how do i put something like that in my resume?

ricing, hentai, slice-of-life anime, and cigarettes

not sure, guess it depends on the job, but minimal embellishment about hardware knowledge, OS installation/proficiency, and the sappy problem solving/"I've learned how to learn" that works well for new grads and the like.

What do you rice? DE? wm? distro?

I watch comfy slice of life anime

I drink heavily and act like it doesn't affect me at work the next day.

Sad thing is I'm competent enough for nobody to see the difference. I'll accomplish all my goals and make good money while hating my life.

>What do you rice? DE? wm? distro?
i3, arch, mostly, i rice whatever i can rice though

nonon a comfy. COMFY

That's dangerous ground. Good friend dropped out of school and eventually became cook at very good resort. Cooks drink like no other. I could drink this guy under the table but somehow he'd keep up and be fine for work at 5 the next day. Wound up with a dui, which was getting off easy. Very close to ruining his life, no joke. Be careful, get help.

what bar do you like? I've been trying to casual rice, it seems mostly easy with minimalist config and maybe some wal but it's never quite right

cant get into details because they can seemeverything i type
no im not crazy yes i formatted 67 times, low level, signal ssd shit, everything

Its not the router either

>what bar do you like?
polybar is my favourite, but i3blocks is nice to

i like to get drunk and shitpost on Sup Forums when im depressed
or happy too
it's fun i think
i havent been able to drink for a few weeks now tho

>learn networking

Are you reading something or simply youtube-practice-repeat? Or maybe both?

love i3blocks, poly seems comfy. Didn't bother trying on my debian junker but might try cause AUR.

I like it too. Try not to get too caught up in it.
Honestly, haven't actually done much, just seems interesting rn. Watched a few tip-of-the-iceberg vids but haven't learned much I can apply for practice yet. Most experience I've got is ssh on lan/wan and remote rsync and telling myself that's networking. VOIP seems interesting but I feel like that's not something growing. Worked next to guys in CLEC at an internship tho, seemed okay

Going to work everyday cuts into my time. been Neeting for a year

>Got around 220M overall XP in runescape3. Currently cut my membership off 4 months ago cause i need a break from it. and more interested in Nintendo 3DS/PC masterrace stuff.
>more time for overclocking. Got 2666 XMP profile enabled and 4.4Ghz now on my i75820K haswell-e and gtx1080ti.
>Load up on torrents. anime.VNs.Hentais.Hgames.PCgames.musics. etc.etc.
>got sad kicked the bucket 2 days ago DAmn! that was love and life right there.
>Do chores around house act like i'm busy when dad's around or else he'll cuck me with his specch about religion and how god wants his people to be productive and shit. sometimes loose 4 hours or 2 hours a day, it's kinda hit or miss depending if he's angry or not.

I smoke weed in between times of not smoking weed.

Good on you for job. Also for helping with house stuff.

Me too I guess. Really makes you think.

Thanks. I have alot of money saved up around 19K right now and my tax return was quite good for when i did work :). some ppl their dad's just completely ignore them and they can do whatever they want. used to have a friend that sat around all day playing D&D with his friends. Yea my dad gets in my face if he notices me not doing anything productive. fuk

I do understand. And I know you don't need telling that in his mind he just wants the best and all that. Keep killing it and improving, and he will understand. Absolute worst case is you'll be better off for improving.

ya'll young niggas gotta quit smoking weed. i lost 6 years of my life being high as shit every day, now i'm almost 27 and it was not worth it.

Thats why I usually try and do stuff while high, so to not complete the lazy stoner meme. I mean, I was a lazy shit even before I started smoking weed, at the very least I can manage to stay in a good mood while doing something useful.

Like smoking more weed.

i have a decent social life but a lot of my sadness comes from missing my ex
its been over 2 years, i've tried dating other girls, exercise, and i've even moved states to get away and i can't shake my feelings
love sucks so i just occupy myself with youtube, binging the same 3 shows when i get time, and tinkering with spare hardware and other junk
still cant get her out of my heart though :(

that's what i told myself too, but i mean i know you kids don't wanna hear anything from anyone who thinks they have some good advice for you, i know i was kind of like that in regards to drugs

Exercise, reading and verbally abusing women on tinder, usually they sleep with me because being a rude and attractive smart ass works.

I still sleep on the same side of the bed though that I slept on while I was married so obviously all is not well.

I don't even drink, smoking weed is literally my only source of sweet dopamine relief, besides jerking off and eating massive burritos.

Yeah it's not something that can be sugarcoated. Best I can tell you is that someone's rooting for you, and maybe it'll occupy your thought to learn something new.

not an oldfag but I absolutely agree the marijuana pot meme can be dangerous, even if it's just because of underlying things. Be careful, do not be afraid to ask for help.
I don't have to tell you anything

lol i was exactly the same, you can't tell me nothing new young blood

i just hope she's not the one, i just wanna be able to forget about her at this point
i could go on about the whole thing, but thanks anyway user :)

Everyone either has no clue or is on the same page 100%.
Can't make it better but I can tell you I want to

>I don't have to tell you anything
What do you mean?

I mean you're doing things you know aren't healthy, whether or not related to an experience that wasn't healthy

>obviously all is not well.
Be better, get better, even if just for you.

I guess so you old fart, but I think I need it.

The shit I was eventually prescribed as sleeping pills (since all other options stopped working after a week) would slowly make lights go brighter until it made me stop being able to add up words together to form coherent sentences. Looking at my monitor was actually painful.

At that point anything that could make me feel sleepy while stile being able to do stuff was welcome, and so my daily use began.

I'm glad I didnt keep taking antipsychotics to sleep. They say weed fucks your brain up, well the pills I got just melted it straight down. Not sleeping is even worse, so I dont know what to do other than taking the least harmful choice so far.

I'm not drinking and I've nearly completely quit smoking pot. I'm bettering my mind and body, what's not healthy?

It can be better than some things, sleep is a hell of a beast to fuck with. My dad tried chantix for a while to quit smoking and had dreams he would even talk to people about, hasn't been quite the same.

I may have been wrong and thought you were in a worse place than you are. Apologies, keep improving.