ITT: Sup Forums lifehacks

ITT: Sup Forums lifehacks

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When someone learns that I have a fucking keyring on my zipper, they think I'm retarded.

But I haven't had an open zipper ever since I started wearing them.

stop being fat

>I actually did this years ago

>webm for a picture

a fucking .webm file
are you serious


54 kb vs 430 kb
why not it's a lfie hack

I also do this, never going back.

And it has nothing to do with being fat, just shitty zippers

suicide is a good life hack, you should try it out

This is actually a really smart thing to do, although the mic not be the best.

>I also do this, never going back.
>And it has nothing to do with being fat, just shitty zippers

Not a problem for my skinny jeans :^)
You guys must just be overweight.

>webm instead of picture
OP how about you off yourself instead? How's that lifehack for ya?

isnt it annoying when you pee?

431 kb vs 51kb

It's not for zippers that unzip on their own (but also prevents that), it's for when you forget to zip it up, which can happen to anyone. Ever since I started wearing keyrings, I have never forgotten to zip my zippers.

Why would it be?

You are retarded
I've never had an open zipper and there's no keyring on my zipper

>I've never had an open zipper
You just didn't know.

>you just didn't know
Yes I never go to the bathroom as well, you cretin
What's next? My zipper rezips itself too?

Kek. This

Wouldn't you think I'd notice when went to the bathroom?

enjoy your shitty apple device

>My zipper rezips itself too?
Well, can you prove it doesn't? Do you keep watch of your zipper suspicious activity?


I'm fat as fuck and I've never had this problem.

My S5 has no problem opening webms you faggot

You must be mentally retarded. kys

>zipper opening on its own
What the fuck?

when youi're too fat and the zit won't stay uip
burger problems

I was looking at getting one of them AntLion mod mics, but they're $80 AUD and even $100 for the newest one.
Are there any decent chink versions for cheaper that can Sup Forums recommend?

Go ask the chink general

an s5 isnt an iPhone so why would you reply to him?

Thanks genius
I replied to him because it's not about iphones it's about OP posting a webm as a picture

Or you could stop eating like a pig you retarded burger

nice one! no infographic, but here's one i've figured out: if you wear velcro shoes, you don't have to perform the difficult and time consuming task of tying your laces, which leaved more time for activities like drinking juice and coloring :~)

>all these (you)s from people who have never had a pair of jeans with a zip that opens with almost zero resistance

you can substitute this for breakfast and save time cooking

>buying Cambodian quality jeans

have some self-respect, at least get some YKK zippers

moar lain or riot

Once you put an actual foot in those shoes, you'll find you have maybe half an inch of actual velcro strip available to get a firm grip.

And the exposed velcro picks up all sorts of lint and fabric. Pull sweat pants on or off over your shoes? Gonna get linty and unsightly. Lie down on a bed with a bedspread, blanket, or comforter at foot level? Gonna get linty and unsightly. Cross your foot underneath you when you set down on a fabric chair? Linty and unsightly.

On the plus side, if you're a fat neckbeard who can only bend over to shoe level for two seconds before the intense chest compression and lack of oxygen makes you pass out, then velcro shoes are a life-saver.

>in a rush to go to the bathroom

>about to lose virginity
>blame my zipper ring and not the fact that there was never a girl there to begin with


>54 kb vs 430 kb
wow, are you some kind of wizard?

You can't zoom in on a webm, nor can you open it with photoshop from the browser to edit it.

>all these fatasses can't keep a zipper up

Levi 501 doesn't have this problem.

I just use a Blue Snowball on an arm. Works pretty well

> Still image encoded as a webm

Kill yourself, you retarded gorilla nigger. People like you come in here, fucking watching Mr. Robot or some shit and want to be a bunch of leet haxors, and you ask shit like does g have any lifehacks while encoding still fucking images as fucking webms.. Are you so fucking retarded you can't comprehend the concept of a png, or a jpeg? Or do you actually just not know that there are formats besides webm? I bet you fucking think that gif is pronounced gif, you little faggot. Honest to fucking god people like you fucking ruined Sup Forums. Well, scratch that, subhuman gorilla nigger chimpanzees like you ruined Sup Forums. Kill yourself, you ignorant cattle.

Not him but I'm underweight and have pants with keyrings on the zippers for exactly this, some zippers just suck.

I just tie my laces loose enough so I can slip my shoes on

What if I want to pee, and can't hold it in?

It literally takes less than a second to undo. If that additional time makes you piss your pants, you should've gone to the bathroom earlier.

What kind of shit pants do you have that the zipper opens on its own?

> Drunk as fuck
> Can't even walk straight
> can't text for help because my eyes won't focus enough to read the screen
> not that it matters because my fingers don't work well enough to operate a keyboard
> try to undo pants
> ring won't come off
> end up forgetting the zipper was there at all
> piss pants

Have you thought about that?

That's not how you make a static webm m8.

Use this script instead:
for %%f IN (*.png) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.png" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

Save it as a .BAT in notepad and run it in the directory of images you want to convert.

Requires ffmpeg to be installed.

So wear your pants that have functional zippers when you drink

go fuck yourself, ron.

>be me in 3rd grade
>velcro shoes all the rage
>mrs. cox's (hue) class
>come to school with my brand new velcro kicks
>so did everybody else
>collective ripping sound of velcro from bored children becomes roaring crescendo
>drive teacher crazy

but they suck dude. 510 best jean.

>510 best jean

what's it like being poor?

if you want some decent stretch denim then just pay a little more and get a way better jean

for %%f IN (*.webm) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%~nf.webm" "%%~nf.png"


It's not too bad actually. I buy used clothing from ebay, wear it a few times, and then resell.

I'll check those out thx.

I had the problem of self-opening zippers occasionally when I would buy $25 jeans from JC Penny. I haven't had that problem since I started buying Levis and Dickies though.

> 0.32 Rupees have been deposited in your Dickies account

What, do people actually shill Dickies on Sup Forums or something?

>Ctrl+F ``Levi"
>1 of 2 matches
It is more likely that you think.

It must be shitty zippers or you are doing it wrong. You do know that jeans zippers are supposed to open up easily if the handle is pointing upwards and locks itself wen pointed downwards right?

Not true for fat burgers like most anons mentioned.

It's shitty zippers, believe it or not mechanical devices (such as zippers) can and do fail all the time

I'm fat and this never happens to me.

That's because it has nothing to do with body weight, Sup Forums will always jump at any opportunity to call someone fat even if it makes no sense at all.

stfu fatass

I'm underweight