Which browser do you use and why? :^)

Which browser do you use and why? :^)

Iceweasel and Firefox Nightly. Best available.

Firefox 28

i use firefox for gmail and general browsing
and chrome for discord

Isnt iceweaael just a recompiled version from debian ?

Yes, it doesn't have trademarked artwork and has few modifications.

Oh ok thanks ^^ and which ones ?

Proprietary plug-ins are not included by default.
Apparently Debian killed Iceweasel and switched to Firefox.
No idea why Parabola uses it.

Chrome. Too lazy to install chromium, FF is slower than snails and Opera gives me eyecancer

Parabola cares about proprietary non-software as well, even if the project is abandoned "freedom" is a higher priority.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Pale moon because of extensions
Cliqz because of gecko engine

I always try to give preference to gecko based browsers rather than webkit/chrome/blink


Yes :^)

>using the smiley with a carat nose

pale moon
all the shit i need, less ram issues and customizable interface, i don't know why it isn't more popular


Waterfox and Light(Firefox variant)

So is playing original Doom instead of Freedoom sin or not?
Are they communists?



It just works. Unlike all those *other* browsers...

Chrome. Because I have 64GB RAM.

Firefox Nightly compiled from source several times a day

Iridium is literally chrome though, except without the botnet.

Personally I really hate the chromium UI and platform, but if you like it, then there's literally no reason not to use Iridium.

Firefox on my laptop, chrome on my desktop.

Battery vs no battery. Thread over.

Firefox, son. Everything else feels bloated as fuck.

So you compile more than actual browsing? Gentoomen are indeed delusional.

Modern firefox is just as bloated my friend.

>not compiling while you are browsing

Pale Moon with some About:Config tweaks and Memory Fox Next.

Chrome on Windows, firefox on Ubuntu.

Firefox on Ubuntu because imo it works better there than it does on Windows.

Chrome on Windows because that's what I had before I switched almost full time on linux.

Chrome. Fastest. Cleanest UI. When I develop Chrome does exactly what I want it to do. Firefox fucks up some margin, padding of elements. IE does that same PLUS limit what you can do back end up wise. IE/Edge needs to die off. Firefox can stay for the non tech people. Anything else is not worth talking about yet.

i've actually noticed this too

FF performs slightly better on ubuntu than Chrome....

I agree about the dev tools, but I would vehemently disagree about the UI. After using Firefox for years, every time I use chrome I'm faced with some minor inconvenience or design issue ever 5 minutes.

how? firefox is clearly more cluttered. more features that hog it down as well. I don't see how Chrome can get much "cleaner" in terms of UI

Chrome, it simply just works for me


Chrome because im not a paranoid pedo worrying if someone is watching my history log

Vivaldi. I like trying different things once in a while, and this is my newest browser.

Fuck off you obnoxious shit.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Vivaldi. pretty much just a better looking chrome. just as fast for me and able to use chrome extensions. plus the color themes are the best I've seen

Qutebrowser. In the past I've used most of the major browsers, including but not limited to Firefox, Pale Moon, Chrome, Chromium and Vivaldi.

u mad faget :^)

>using the smiley with a carat nose

There's a difference between "clean" and "utilitarian". Just off the top of my head, some key annoyances I have to deal with every time I use chrome:
>downloading a file makes a huge obnoxious banner pop up at the bottom of the window that doesn't go away until you manually close it (or if there's some sort of timeout or something, I have never been able to deal with it long enough to find out)
>after middle-clicking several links on a page, when you open another one the new tab is placed AFTER all the other tabs you opened from this page. This matters to me because often I'll open some link in a new tab, glance through it, decide it's relevant and keep it open for later, then go back to the original and open another link in a new tab, now instead of Ctrl+Tab once, I have to find where the other tab opened which is really annoying if I try to open a bunch of them.
>when a session is restored, ALL your tabs are immediately loaded. At least youtube videos stopped immediately starting to play now so it's not so bad, but it's still annoying.
>if you open a lot of tabs, they all shrink to minuscule slivers - after a point you don't even see the icons of their webpages. I much prefer firefox's scrolling.
>platform-specific, but I've had to do dev work on a mac, so of course Chrome is my choice for its dev tools. I was very displeased to find out that all of the normal shortcuts don't work at all anymore - I can't reload with F5 (I did get used to Cmd+R eventually), I can't edit the URL with F6 (I never found the equivalent for that - to this day I still have to use my mouse to click in the URL bar), I can't open the console with F12 (who the fuck though Cmd+Shift+J was a good idea)

I do agree about Firefox in general being bloated, though that's not really an argument in chromium's favour either, more of an argument against the both of them.

i'm trying to get used to firefox (nightly) and i use ungoogled chromium for twitch and some other stuff

not nightly, developer edition, just installed it two days ago

Speaking of developer edition, what the fuck does it actually do?

The webpage says shit like "you get tools to help you develop!" but the dev tools are literally everywhere, even pale moon has the exact same tools.

What does it actually add, besides a neat blue logo that will make your friends ask you about your browser?

not links ;^}

>using the smiley with a carat nose

can this cancer and all its alternates please die?

>quoting the smiley with a carat nose

Firefox because I don't fell like giving Chrome/Google/alphabet even more of an monopoly


CLIQZ is great!

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>uses google
>logs into gmail and youtube
literally the same thing m8

Opera 12.16
The unmatched plethora of features

Pale meme

Internet Explorer.

Firefox because Chrome has no real adblocking and no NoScript.

Firefox. Nightly on android.

Vivaldi. Why? It's somewhat like Opera and more compatible with websites. Also, it's up to date.

I just uninstalled FF Nightly today. It keeps freezing all the fucking time, A few months ago it worked even better than the standard version, but now it's laggy and extension doesn't work.

The fuck is this suppose to be?

Firefox. Im a creature of habit. Been using it for over 10 years and want it to get better. Got devices synched together and enjoy a clean install without having to back up my bookmarks.

Opera is up to date. It's literally the best chromium based browser, even better than chrome.

He was probably actually talking about real Opera, not that Chropera bullshit you're thinking of.

Pale moon

It's designed with more tech-savy people in mind, and is basically linux in browser form


>Extremely Fast
>Energy Efficient

What's better. Iridium or Ungoogled Chromium? What makes that browser better or worse?

Firefox for PC

Chrome for phone

Firefox on everything of course, do other browsers even exist?

>real opera
Chropera is the real opera, grandpa. Presto is abandoned.

No, real Opera uses Presto. Chropera's just a piece of shit Chromium based browser.
>Presto is abandoned
No fucking shit.

Chromium. I use some pretty javascript heavy websites that pull and update data off websocket and Firefox is simply too slow. It really is. And that single-threaded problem it has means it's impossible to have two javascript-heavy websites open at the same time.

Basically, I use Chromium because it's the only alternative.

>Free VPN with unlimited data and no data collecting
>Adblock builtin
>Video popup
>Turbo mode for slow connection or data saving
>Battery saver for laptops
>great looking start page (Quick dial)
>dark theme in latest update
>Basically Chrome in good and without botnet features

>>Free VPN with unlimited data and no data collecting
Is this true?


if by "no data collecting", he means "gives all of your data to the PRC" then yes



easy to enable

Chrome because it is the fastest browser with the best font-rendering and the best extensions.

Ungoogled-chromium because it's fast and shit and stripped of a ton of useless crap

Opera because it's the only one that isn't a dumpster fire

But Opera turned into a dumpster fire four years ago

I use an Iframe inside of an html page I hacked instead of a browser


Firefox. I don't want to be spied on

Microsoft Edge because it just works and comes preinstalled with Windows 10, which is the best operating system.

>best chromium browser
>piece of shit

Just because it's the best Chromium based browser doesn't mean it's good, it just means it's less shitty than the rest of them.


>using the smiley with a carat nose

Vivaldi, because Firefox started getting fucky while saving files. I'm probably going back to Nightly in a few weeks and keeping vivaldi as a spare. I wish they'd port over that feature opera 12 had, the one which listed all the links in a page. Very useful to download threads worth of pictures.

sent ;^)

Have ubuntu and firefox is slow as shit, it's not the os, I always thought is because the cpu on this thing is terrible.

>It's designed with more tech-savy people in mind
It's designed with dunning-kruger effect people in mind.