Go to local internet cafe

>Go to local internet cafe
>Pull out my USB
>Boot up Linux
>"sir! I'd want you to leave"

Every fucking time

>be american
>go to local police station
>pull out my USB
>get shot because they thought it was a weapon

how much of a meme is this?

I'd burn they're store down. Or else.

>be indian
>poo in street

>"sir. i'd want you to leave"


This gave me a boner


>go to local internet cafe
>pull out hackintoshed labtop
>boot up macOS
>everything thinks i built a custom mac labtop

>Go to local internet cafe
>Pull out my USB ryzen CPU
>Boot up win 7
>it doesn't work
>"sir! I'd want you to leave"

Every fucking time

>internet cafe
Is this the life of the Poo?

if you dont shit in the toilet im sueing

>Go to local internet cafe
>walk straight into the back and directly connect my t420 to their router
>sir! I want you to leave

Every single time. Why must they have all these rules

>be Indian
>go to local internet cafe
>try to poo in their loo
>sir! The street ia outside!

>Go to local internet cafe
>"sir! I want you to leave. For the third time today, we will not serve you without pants and shoes. If you come back a forth time I will call the police."

Every fucking time.

Nex t time try to wear a condom.

>go to internet cafe
>playing vidya
>game closes down and cmd prompt flashes for a second
>6 swat teams bust in and arrest me for hacking without a license

>Go to local usb
>Pull out internet cafe
>Boot up linux
>"sir! i'd want you to leave"

But they're so tight and restrictive...

>be internet cafe
>linux pulls out usb
>I'd want you to leave
>boot up Sir

because you did

no i took a laptop with an intel chip and installed niresh sierra on it then setup the graphics drivers thats all

>go to my local Internet cafe
>suddenly I realise I've travelled back in time to 1997 when internet cafes were still a thing
>buy a shitload of Apple stock

>Go to local linux
>Pull out sir
>Boot up internet cafe
>"usb! i'd want you to leave"

>"sir, i would want you to leave"
what did she mean by this?

>Go to local linux cafe
>Pull out my internet
>Boot up usb
>"sir, you I'd want to leave"

Every fucking time

>I'd want you to leave

Okay, doesn't mean you have to.

>go to local internet cafe
>wear my hacker mask
>guard approaches me from behind
>reach for my usb device
>get shot

Every fucking time

>Go to local sir powered by GNU/Linux™
>Pull out my cafe
>Boot up leave
>"internet! I'd want you to USB"
Every fucking time

>Go to local Apple Store
>Pull out Steve Job's corpse
>Boot up Linux in his dead ass
>"sir! I'd want you to leave"

Evary fucking time

>go to local linux
>pull out internet
>boot up sir
>"cafe! I'd want you to leave"

Every fucking time

I wish I could gas every one of you fucktards.

>ok, I'll call the police so we can solve this issue.

kek and fpbp

They are right, because they need the Windows program to be running to track your time.

>go to local internet
>pull out cafe
>boot up leave
>sir! I'd want you to linux

Every fucking time

DDOS the police.
> Coffee sip.

Having fun with your straw man there, chuckles?

>I'd want

>tfw banned because I don't use windows 10

>*hack the police*
>nothing personel, kid

>Go to local LUG
>Pull out my Macbook Pro with Emoji Bar
>Plug in my iPhone 7 for charging
>"sir! I'd want you to leave"

Every fucking time

>go to my local FSF-approved cafe
>pull out SATA drive
>take computer apart and put drive in like I normally do
>boot windows 10
>"sir! I'd want you to leave!"

Every fucking time

>go to work
>pull out my USB
>sjw cries sexual "hair-ess-ment"
>hr wheels in the whiteboard
>sum all primes below 6 million
>fired for being white male

>go to A
>pull out B
>boot up C
>it doesn't D
>"sir! I'd want you to E"
every F time

>go to local Internet cafe
>pull out my Asus i7 1080ti gaymen laptop
>10 seconds after boot battery indicator is at 10%
>it's ok though I brought my charging cable
>plug it in and coffee shop lights dim and start flickering
>"sir I think you need to leave"
>I start sweating as laptop reaches 120 degrees centigrade
>yell back to her "AM I BEING DETAINED?!"
>start to hear fire truck sirens coming down the street
>"no sir it's best if you leave now your laptop as set fire to the table, fire dept is on the way"

>go to local internet cafe
Jesus christ dude, are you THAT fucking poor? There's like thousands of used chinkpads on ebay for under $100.


And then the police remove you because you're trespassing.


>Go to local sir
>Pull out linux
>Boot up leave
>Internet cafe, i'd want you to USB

No they wouldn't, he can learn to speak English and say "I want you to leave" instead of "I would want you to leave"

>Go to local cafe
>Pull out my USB
>Boot in to linux
>It tells me to leave
Literally every day.