

Other urls found in this thread:


is clover fixed so that i can make threads on my phone yet?

Why is there no alternative to windows?


While I support the idea of an /sqt/, if you aren't gonna put the full title in it, people aren't gonna find the fucking thread when they type "question" into the catalogue.

So delete this and try again.

My phone has 233MB of internal memory left.
It has 11GBs in total (claims to be 16 OK sure...)
Is there a way to find out what is eating all it? I was thinking the cache again, but that only normally clears up 1GB. Any help by chance?

Is there a program that could help me out on this?

The redirection link is for a reason baka.

This might be barely enough, but it is enough.

the downside is that they never fixed that. So he can't delete delete the thread...

Mac OS is not bad 2bh right now. I'm using it only cause I have to but I've gotten use to it. I use to use linux on and off, and if you know how mint/ubuntu works, then you know how this relatively works. And don't be an ass, you clearly know there is.

What is your primary thing you wanna do?

Any1 happen to know where i can get a phenom ii x6 1090T for under 100 bucks these days

Doesn't matter if it's used or not

try SystemCleanup (it's in the play store. needs root.)

If your phone isn't rooted, then stop being a kek a root it.

I've posted a problem with MPD these past several threads,
and I've finally made some leaps. Most of them by accident.

For whatever reason, I can connect to my server using MPDroid
using my mobile network, but not my Wifi network (it's not on
the same local network as the server, so perhaps the IP is banned
or something I dunno).

Two problems remain. I've installed alsa-utils and uncommented
the alsa block in mpd.conf in order to solve the first one without
any luck; no sound plays from my phone when streaming a song.

The second problem is the thing with the Wifi. I have fail2ban,
but I don't see any entries for my IP in iptables list, so if it's not
banned what the fuck is going on there?

Please help, Sup Forums. I have suffered long enough.

why that specific model?

Best RSS Reader?

Soo you are saying that mac os is good alternative, proppably you're right. I'm just looking for some commercial Operating System that isnt windows or one of them RedHat/Suse things noone cares about

It's not rooted but at the same time, too much on it and it would require too much to root it. Also I'm not good at that stuff

Honestly? yes. It's not TERRIBLE. Sup Forums gives it shit cause "Muh proprietary" bullshit. Don't listen to Sup Forums when it comes to that. Just sit down, learn it, use it, it only took me a week and I got most shit on this computer figured out. What I can appreciate about using this mac mini 2010 is that everything in it is made FOR Mac not like made by 10 different companies and at least 5/10 are going to fail or have some issues and need a million drivers for it. The only thing that has needed updating is iTunes. I don't even use it. It's stable. That's what I like. NOW do I have my games? I got a few on my steam... 50/130 or so... I'm not happy but I got something to do it at least.

At least I got hearthstone and Pokemon TCGO

Should I give in to my impatience and buy new computer parts right now? Or wait to see if Memorial Day will bring in some deals?

Thank to you for reply, im sure to check out MacOS and some apple proucts

Always wait.

My headspeaker work very well (JBL Pebbles USB), except the volume wheel for some reason. I just don't get it.

I can't play a Twitch stream and a youtube video at the same time anymore without it lagging like shit.

I have a 2500k, 8GB of RAM, a 7970 and an SSD.

My CPU is only used 30% and my GPU 40% yet I'm dropping frames like shit.

Is it chrome's fault?

take this from a dude who isn't into apple at all; I'm just a guy who is legit trying to try new things out is all. I never thought I'd be so comfortable on mac like I am now.

Try these things:
clearing your cache
reseting your modem/router
plugging directly into your router
install FF, safari, opera, something...
open it in another window

Ever since I updated to the Creators Update my search hasn't worked properly. If I try to search for a shortcut in my start menu, it will show the result properly, but it won't let me open the shortcut for whatever reason. If I manually go through the start menu and click the shortcut it will work fine. I've tried rebuilding the search index but it didn't do anything.

My dad wants to edit pdf's, using Adobe Acrobat, looks like theirs Pro DC (subscription), and XI Pro (normal model).

I'm pretty wary torrenting software because idiots seem to seed viruses. I know old adobe things you could just replace antlib.dll, but not sure about the newer subscription stuff. Any safe cracks out there, preferably for the newer Pro DC?

Just get Ungoogled Chromium.

Might not be the right place to ask, but:

I'm an EE major, and a guy in my class was telling me he wants to get an internship after he graduates. Is that a retarded idea? I know it's brutal to get a job in EE right now, but shouldn't one be actually applying for real jobs once you have a degree? Wouldn't companies think that's weird?

Meant to say wrong.

Guy I need some help. Whenever I go to my Google Account and try to change the profile photo, it lists some of the old images way back. When I go to Google Photos it doesn't list it, it only appears when I want to change my profile picture, any help?

How can I download and update region-locked apps through Google Play Store on my android phone? I don't just want the apk through a website, I want to update it.

I tried using tunnelbear, clearing my googleplay cache and I couldn't get it to work.

I've posted porn in pages before Google+ purged all pages relating to it or NSFW stuff. It's still in my profile photo selection history though

>install win7 on 25gig virtual machine
>have around 11 gig left
>download and install important updates (850mb~)
>check back later
>81% done and only 772mb space left on C drive

What's the deal with that?

I go to MST(.edu), and I have NEVER heard of anyone doing that. Get an internship during the summer or a coop, you won't regret it.

GPS spoofing app might work.

So i got a fresh build with a rx 480 4gb and it all started fine with no problems, but the other day after i booted the pc the screen would be black all the time with no cursor. I changed to a better psu with more amperage and it was all good again but only for a day and it started again, the screen goes black every time i try to reinstall the drivers, but it all works fine in safe mode

Should you ever put a capital A in 'user'? I've never really thought about it before now.

I guess when referring to somebody specific by their name, like 'OpenBSD user', you would, but not in the context of 'like that OpenBSD user'.

What if you're talking to somebody in private, like in IRC? Like, 'Hey, user!' or 'Hey, user!'?

do whatever you want to, but i'd say no capitalization
it would be that same as saying "Hey, dude!". no capitalization there

I think it should be capitalized because it literally just replaces a name. I view it as a pseudonym more than a label.

>GPS spoofing app might work.
It didn't work using just that.

I had to use VPN, GPS spoof and make a new gmail. I'm guessing it was the last thing that gave me issues. Either way it's sorted thanks for trying to help.

Anyone here knows R?
What am I doing wrong?


I just bought an ideapad s10-3, and it has the issue every lenovo laptop has, that being the fn and ctrl are swapped.

There's no option in the BIOS to swap them, does anyone know of any software to swap them or maybe a BIOS update I can flash?

on linux btw

It is not a word, don't use it at all in any written or spoken context.

how do i make hexchat the default program when opening irc protocols on windows [spoiler]7[/spoiler]?

What was the windows 10 w/o telemetry version called?


Thanks user

I have dowloaded a cd set, every cd has a single .ape and .cue file, how can i convert everything to flac keeping the tracklist intact? Thanks

I'm looking for a mouse to play video games with, but I ran into an odd situation where I'm not used to moving my mouse around a lot. How do games translate mouse movement to on-screen movement?
Say I move my mouse a tiny bit to the right, so that it registers the smallest distance unit it can. Does the game differentiate between high DPI and low DPI mice, so it moves less on screen with the high DPI than with the low DPI?
I can get desktop environment giving the cursor a fixed position on the screen, but can games actually use "in between" locations?
If I play a first person shooter and scope in on a target, the smallest mouse turn moves the crosshair way too much of an angle, to the point where a person could stand between the two angles and I'll never be able to aim at him. Excluding changing scoped DPI in the game settings, can a higher DPI mouse allow me to gain an in-between angle without affecting the physical mouse movement to onscreen angle turn ratio?

I realize the simplest solution would be to decrease my mouse's speed, but that would change the physical-mouse-movement to onscreen-angle-turn ratio and force me to move my mouse more across the table, which is undesireable.

why? ape flac alac and wav are literally the same thing. use the musicbee inbuilt convertor and adjust the. m3u (. ape to. flac) if theres too much effort write a batch script

What's the best music player for Android?

What are the main reasons someone would use a mac?

What monitor resolution is closest to the golden ratio?


I have an old cowon and i think it only read flacs. Anyway could you be more specific? In the music bee converter the output formats are just wave and mp3, and i don't have any .m3u file


How do I add Hexchat to this list? mIRC is somehow already chosen and I want to change that.

. cue i mean, you know what i mean. you need a plugin for musicbee.

What should I charge a client to build a WordPress site? I managed to bag a client but have no idea what to charge them.
Control panel/default programs/programs by protocol and find IRC to change it.

That's actually how I got the first prompt in the first place. ;_;
I just changed the default program to Chromium hoping it would change but it didn't work.

Maybe check your chrome settings and make sure it's not set the handle irc and try it again? Seems like Windows isn't even recognizing that Hexchat exists tho. What happens when you select Hexchat from the program list and assign all defaults?

can i move a working OSX drive from one macbook to another and have it boot up correctly or will that fuck it up?

No this is sqt and im a noob i didn't know what you meant. But ok, what does it mean to adjust a .cue file? Also i tried searching but i can't find the plugin to convert to flac

What do you guys use to check checksums?

I clicked something on Sup Forums-x and now the top little bar is gone anything I can do oother than reinstall? IIRC it was the little down arrow>header>something

Can you guys recommend me a tutorial series (video or text) or a book for Android development in Linux or OSX?

I swear, whenever I see a video tutorial done in Windows, it's like this:
>5% of it is useful
>15% of it is struggling in horrible Windows CLI
>20% of it is super-detailed click-by-click tutorial on how to download and install stuff you should already have installed
>60% of it is searching for typos that caused errors

winmd5 checker

there all shit, learn java and how to use sdk / ides if you want to make worthwhile apps. platform of development wont matter. or if you just want garbage company apps use that new thing by google

i cant login into windows
its just stuck on the login screen
it happened after i tried installing kmspio

Best 5TB external HDD?

thanks senpai

why 5tb?huge room for failure. get 4 2 tb hdd in raid 5

which Windows

win 10

>why 5tb?huge room for failure. get 4 2 tb hdd in raid 5

I want a portable hard drive for movies that I can bring anywhere and plug into anything.

Thanks. I guess I'll learn how to use a proper IDE and read the Android documentation then.

just get a 1tb drive or even 2tb, 5 is ridiculous for a portable drive, especially when theres no way youll watch that many movies. average 1.5gb per movie is like 666 movies. even if you go full autismo blu ray rips thats still only 30gb per movie so 33 movies (not that you even would for obvious reasons).


learn java first, it wont take long. try bluej and you're basically making apps before youre even onto the android step. androids a terrible platform though and if you want to make 3d games or something like that dont bother

there is not pass
its literally stuck on the welcome screen

oh right, can you boot into recovery? also since its kmspico it should be a fresh install right? just try again

Use pulseaudio.Yes i know, just do it

is there a raid similar to 10 which uses more than a 2x2 setup? maybe like 3x3, 3x2,2x3, etc

What are the best software (bootable or not) to analyse (temperature, speed, health, ...) a SDD?

You need to delete the update cache.Use ccleaner or similar,as i dont know the path

Is the iPhone 5 good enough for JUST Telegram and Steam? All I want is a cellphone who won't run those both apps at a snail pace

The fn is a physical key,not a software key.You wont get a keycode using it to attempt to swap them.
If you want to try use xev to get what the key is doing.

Higher dpi means more dots per inch, meaning you go farther with a smaller movement.
The game works off how the hardware is set,via the mouse options settings,and also via in game sensitivity options.A lower dpi will allow you to move say 1 inch but only move the mouse .5 inch

Not getting any sound now either. Nor any errors in logs.

You need to tell alsa to use pulse in your .asoundrc
google it ,its on the arch wiki

Where am I supposed to put this file?
pcm.pulse {
type pulse

ctl.pulse {
type pulse

pcm.!default {
type pulse
ctl.!default {
type pulse

mpd is a system service in my case.

(read the arch wiki)

Yeah, didn't change anything.

Is is possible to configure a switch and NAS so that only connections from a given PC can be made with the NAS, ignoring rest of the network?


anybody ever encounter something like typing too many capital letters in a short amount of time crashing a computer?
running gentoo on a thinkpad
if i type around 10 or so capitalized letters within like 5 seconds (with either shift or caps lock) anywhere, the laptop just powers off. it doesn't freeze or anything, just a power off.

Thats emacs-shutdown routine.stallman uses it as a escape shutdown when he spergs out and hits his laptop

it really seems like something to fuck with spergs. it makes funposting harder tho :--\

>theres no way youll watch that many movies
I'm big into movies. I have easily 500 10gib files on my main computer.

And i bet you havent even watched 10% of them

Seems alsa works fine and all I had to do was add streaming suffix mpd.ogg and check streaming on mpdroid. Oh, and download VLC and have it fail to connect to a streaming URL (might not need it not sure). Then wait like 20 seconds after pressing play for sound to come out.

Then after it has shows to have worked for a while you'll get an unspecified media player error or something and streaming will be unchecked and you're back to no sound again.

Wifi issue is still kinda weird too. Usually only mobile network works, but if I'm connected with mobile network and switches to wifi, it stays connected and appears to work. Sometimes mobile network doesn't work when I start mpdroid, but if I enable wifi and start it again before wifi connects, it works. Just why.

Is there anything on Linux which is not hopelessly broken by design?

Its not broken,you're doing it wrong.Something in your setup is misconfiugured. Dont blame linux because you're incompetent.

Scrap everything and start over, you're missing something in the middle

Huh, looks like VLC might be needed after all and you have to fail to connect to server a few times. Or perhaps it was because I restarted the mpd service that it started working again. Who knows? Linux everyone.

I'd say 50%...

So I'm trying to set up these 6 TV's to play a slideshow, but some of them won't display images that have hueg filesizes from the USB. My initial solution to the problem is to just use a spare Raspberry Pi, but I don't know if making a Pi display on 6 1080p monitors will put it in an early grave
Will the Pi survive displaying 6 screens? and if not, any ideas what I should do?

Do you have VSS activated? or too many restore points?

Despite what people say, Restorepoints its good for a bare metal win 7, but since you are running a VM it would make sense to take a snapshot or backup the entire virtual disk prior to any significant changes.

Anyway, of you have plenty of space in your guest OS, backup regularly your VM, if you dont, leave it as it is, restore points and VSS are actually a good thing that could save your ass someday. You can also assign the amout of space dedicated to this
control panel->system and security>system (or windows key + pause) go to System protection, select your c: drive slick on the CONFIGURE button, select the amount of space that you would like destined to this.

Again, VSS and restore points are a good thing, and when your system needs space, it autoideletes the oldest restore point to make room for your files. Its not the end of the world, but if you are so anal about your space, configure according to your obssesion

Yup, can confirm that VLC is needed. What a strange setup. Seems Android was at fault.

I'll try with lame and no VLC before resigning to my fate.