Hello guys, I have a problem.
I was peacefully playing and then my pc decided to shut off and it kept restarting again and again. Now i have manager to turn it on and nothing works, internet, the Services, I can't restore either.
What could be the problem?
I am using Windows 10.
>install gentoo
Problem with my pc help pls
Managed* sorry For the typo
do you have any overclocks ?
Nope, it is not overclocked.
Dying PSU, zapped your NIC in its death throes.
Also when I try to open the options menu For like security and restore it auto closes after some time
Anyway it looks like my pc is not finding the nic, I may start to believe you.
My guess is the psu user.
Guys, so the dying psu fucked up the rest of my pc too?
if the problem actually is your psu then it's possible but you won't know until you try another psu.
Check if your fan is working
>What could be the problem?
>I am using Windows 10
Update For you: A message popped up saying that Windows firewall was down. I tried to open it and it said "the stub has received bad data"
The fan seems to work
I am trying sfc /scannow right now
Very possible. The entire job of the PSU is to deliver electricity in the correct voltages, amperages, etc. to keep everything else in your computer from getting too much juice and frying.
If the PSU fucks up, it can't properly "temper" the incoming power, exposing everything else in the computer to lethal voltages.
I'd try a new PSU personally.
Sorry to ask here but I don't want to flood the board, HOW DO I GET MY ROUTER TO STOP BEING A SPASTIC? Pic related
I see. So to check if it is really the psu I have to change it? No other way to check? Sfc /scannow and chkdsk were okay
The first thing you should do is wipe the drive and reinstall windows just to confirm that it's not a software problem. If the problems persist, it's a hardware fuckup and you need to start swapping parts out.
Try the PSU first. If that's what fucked up, then it'll probably kill any other components you stick in that system.
What model, and how old is it? Have you confirmed that the issue is actually the router and not your line?
reset it
and there is a stupid questions thread around somewhere
There are plenty of other ways to see if a PSU is faulty. Swapping it is just the cheapest and easiest way.
Sagem F@ST2304, the POS my ISP sent me. I'm convinced it's the router, as it's only started doing this over the last 2-3 weeks, the ping is really unstable, and sometimes WIFI connectivity drops entirely for 30 mins or so.
Is it just time for an upgrade? Thanks for your help user.
I'll try to wipe the drive clean and reinstall Windows altogether. I'll make another thread tomorrow after it's done
Because I didn't try that already
i mean do a full factory reset
Yeah I did, also left it unplugged for an hour for a cold boot, I read it forces your ISP to refresh your connection or something. Thanks for the suggestion though.
I'd tell you to try connecting directly to the modem to check, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that your ISP saddled you with one of those piece of shit modem/router hybrids.
Sky, right? I don't know enough about their systems to recommend a replacement modem, but you should definitely look into getting one and a dedicated router. Your quality of life will improve tremendously.
Yeah, it's a hybrid, and it's from Sky you're correct.
Thanks, I'll pick one up tomorrow then, I hope it sorts the issue, something that I can fix or work you ever tried to do anything with 1K ping?
Thanks for the help guys
>Those times.
Is your router in the same country as you?
It's about 10 feet away from me, insane right?
Anyway guys I checked again and most of the services are turned off. How could the psu be related to that?
Wired or wireless? If wireless, quit being dumb and use an ethernet cable. If wired, then idk lol
It might not be. That's why a system wipe is recommended before you start dropping money on replacement parts.
Could be a hardware problem stemming from your PSU, maybe it has damaged your mobo, do you have a spare PSU to test?
interestingly, its WIFI, my neighbor is my GF, and if I switch from channel 1 to channel 11, what her router is on, her ping jumps to around 300/350. Am I compromised?
I don't have a spare psu to use right now, but Tomorrow I will wipe the drive. Also it's an ssd, does it have anything to do with it?
>I am using Windows 10.
found your problem.
I think you know how to solve it.
IIRC with an SSD the only differences are I/O speeds. Have you made any recent hardware changes? sounds like a dumb question, but it happens more than you'd think.
I want to say it's a switching issue if you are running it as wireless.
Sounds like basic radio interference. Hook up an ethernet cable and see if that solves it (spoiler: it should).
Probably not. Drive failures manifest in weird ways, but chkdsk would have spazzed the fuck out when you ran it if the SSD was failing.
Install gentoo, right?
Cheers, guys. I'll get an Ethernet tomorrow and try it, if it persists i'll assume it's the router itself. My dog chewed my last one, little shit.
Nope, no hardware changes. But when playing games some time ago it used to turn off and turn on again occasionally, but this time is different because it kept doing that on and on
>when playing games some time ago it used to turn off and turn on again occasionally
Check your CPU temperatures. Randomly shutting off during intensive tasks is a classic sign of overheating.
Going out on a limb here, but that is definitely a temperature issue, and it could possibly have unseated/disturbed something else. It happened on an old rig of my friend's, try running better cooling.
Why are you boneheads replying to op like he is being serious? What a bunch of fucking retards. He's making it painfully obvious in every post it's a "troll". Jesus Christ
>Productive comment +1 karma
Please do not bully me I am serious, I swear I am not joking
Ignore him, dude. He's just trying to derail the thread.
Guys I have decided what to do: I will install Windows again and then if that doesn't work I'll bring the pc to a friend of mine who runs a shop, and we'll try things together
Good luck user
Gentoo doesn't have this problet
Wishing you bad luck to cancel out
What a twat :-) :-)))
Op here thanks again guys love you no homo
Gay is OK :DDDD