Nyaa General Thread

This thread is for the discussion of the possible replacement/mirror of the late Nyaa.se (which also hosted Sukebei);

>latest update: nyaa sent an email and confirmed it's gone for good. and yes, it was due to the EU ruling. and no, db is almost surely wiped.

>Alterantive Sites
nyaa.pantsu.cat (db is 1 month old)
sukebei.pantsu.cat (db is from 8-15)
nyaarchive.moe (hosted on a russian website,the db is most uptaded one and it has descriptions)

>Local Client
An user made a local client in case the online sources are down:yanju.moe/nyanner/0.4-nyanner.zip
In order to use it you have the download these files and select them when you first run the program.
sqlite3: mega.nz/#!kloQmQSS!kRXUjT2i4Lqwmdf3IhAhzkkN2MoS-WL9fMpkjOMegcQ
.txt: mega.nz/#!RpZkCDKC!-rjgVDLrClPrLdugtvyfFLrS91TXhz87ZYZR063yBF4

pastebin.com/Gq9MrJN5 (embed) (embed)

>Dev and discussion channel
#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:


First for bitcoin miners

First for a NNTP-based, fully distributed torrent site.


First for niggas fucking lolis

Life without Nyaa just isn't the same.

>it actually is gone

who let this happen

fuck you kike shits, I'll watch anime on Amazon from now on

Go back to your conatinment board

Remember to turn off your adblock so we get more $$$$$$

>Nyaa replacement is now Bitcoin mining city
Nyaa is lost forever.

Might as well stop making these threads if some fag with no life is going to shitpost about bitcoin miners non-stop.

>people actually believe this

Holy shit, didn't know Sup Forums was this dumb

When will this samefag get banned already?


3 bitcoins have been deposited in your bitcoin wallet Amed.

Which is probably the troll's objective.

>check CPU usage beacuse muh bitcoin miner, muh fried
you guys are riled up about nothing

>Sup Forums
>not at least half of Sup Forums too.
Fueling paranoia is one of the best/worst thing Sup Forums does nowadays.

>$4860 for 3 posts

wew lads

The bitcoin miner goes off when you move the mouse after idle

Hello /ptg/, starting a new sekrit club?

Friendly reminder to ignore false-flagging goverment and industry shills.
Friendly reminder that you can't include executables in mkv files.
Friendly reminder that even if someone had fucked up with the magnet links you would not have any problem when using a proper client (rtorrent, deluge, qbittorrent, etc)

>be me
>decide to torrent some kill la kill
>left computer for the night while it downloads
>wake up
>computer sounds like a jet engine
>whatever, maybe windows doing backgriubd tasks as ussual or some memory leak
>move the mouse
>everything goes silent
>go to school and think about it all morning
>arrive home and read about the bitcoin miners
Uhmmm... Do i need to do a clean install? Or get a new os

Bump for IPFS variant from so that it doesn't get lost

Additional short instructions:
ipfs daemon
ipfs pin Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63
Point browser to: localhost:8080/ipfs/Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63

If the the browser shows nothing, read the output from "ipfs daemon" and see if maybe you got it running on a different port.

12GB dump from previous thread:

Import it to your MEGA, link expires in a week.

>Friendly reminder that you can't include executables in mkv files.
You can. The executable would just be a binary blob that doesn't run.

.0003 bitcoins have been deposited into your bitcoin wallet

They activate when you play the .mkv files in a media player.

Did anyone check if it was legit?
At work now and can't download 12gb.

>(((Not the first post from this IP)))
I wonder who might be behind this!

.0003 credits have been deposited into your crunchycuck account.

You're fucked anyway if you can't detect that shit yourself


I didn't honestly, my bandwidth cap won't allow me to even download it.

How much miners do you have Amed?

If you disagree with anything that I said then please, feel free to correct me. But throwing non-arguments like these is just s(h)illy.

I am not aware of any media player that executes binary blobs. If you are aware of any then please enlighten us as this is a serious bug and such players should be avoided.

Go back to your fakyu Jacob!

What is this supposed to be? How fast back does the database go to and how recent?

Please answer these questions

Itunes is the only player that ignore blobs.

one says yes, the other says not, which is it? I won't waste 12GB for le ebin trolle.

iTunes and VLC

Avoid others

That is only for Nyaa or Subekei is included as well?

[citation needed]

I don't know, I haven't checked yet, the other user made it with adflinks:
I just imported it and merged in the same folder.

I like wamine.
I watch it while i run my minning factories!

>one says yes, the other says not, which is it?
They both say it's not. It's a zip inside a 7z. The 7z is valid, but the zip file is garbage


Anyone got the nyaarchive db?

worked for me

neither says it is good

notice how the .zip does have any structure at all and certainly not the header of a .zip file?

it is garbage

All of them.

Well, fuck him.
I'm disabling the link right now if it's a fake archive.

Import while you can if you still want to try anyway.

Do you have anything without link shorteners?
Where can I find the db file that .cat uses?

Are you hotel user who created the dump?

Why are the ads gone now?

As far as I can tell, no.

Loading now, but I'm already confused if these are "the" files originally posted.

post screenshots or something.

Then it's only for Nyaa, at least that what I get it.

[citation needed]

pastebin.com/D33TWEm6 just put mega.nz in front of the links

I'm still gonna try if you let me.

what is the difference with


How do i create bitcoin minners?

It's the same, just merged.

Contact Daiz

>someone actually spent their whole day uploading a 13gb file on a 10mb/s asymmetric connection to "troll" in a homosexual pedo tranny shill board

>people from Sup Forums actually fell for the bitcoin miner meme

>ipfs pin Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63
*ipfs pin -r

you know the drill.

(screenshots or didn't happen)

ipfs pin add -r Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63



Wouldn't surprise me. Then again, this has nothing on the amount of trash usenet etc. served anyhow, so I don't really care and am just gonna try it.

I don't think you understand just how desperate people get when you take away their porn.

I'm sorry but last I checked sadpanda and its mirrors were alive and well.

I didn't, but we're not technogical overlords like the people on Sup Forums.

Bump for IPFS variant from (Cross-thread) so that it doesn't get lost

Additional short instructions:
ipfs daemon
ipfs pin add -r Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63
Point browser to: localhost:8080/ipfs/Qmc5K4pAxcTBWWkrMyz8mSdiMVqhGx4MwG8A65k8tiis63

If the the browser shows nothing, read the output from "ipfs daemon" and see if maybe you got it running on a different port.

Reposted and fixed thanks to

They're the files from: I checked the first two links and they match the adfly links, I didn't bother to check all 20+ links but I doubt they're wrong, Sup Forums does it for free so I decided I might as well import all to one folder and share the link, though the user reporting the archive is damaged made me think adfly user could be just trolling so unless someone posts screenshots of the unzipped dumps, I decided to disable the link, once it gets confirmed I'm sharing again (I can't confirm myself, I'm on expensive capped connection and 12GB is a lot).

>my "network dump" was just part of an ELF header from some random compiled linux program
>was lying about windows and utorrent, I only use linux
>mfw Sup Forums shitters fell for it

Okay but seriously how would you rate that post 1-10 with "1" being obvious and "10" being very convincing?


How can I make sure this wont run some javascript malware

most of the Sup Forums fags here aren't either.

the absolute madman, I bet that even people from Sup Forums fell for it.

So can someone explain the vulnerability in utorrent that is referring to? I don't use it, but I'm curious how downloading from a magnet link can start mining immediately.

I thought a week not 10 mins

no mirrors
also, it does not host games

Looks like you answered me. That was embarrassing.

A guy called out the linux lib about immediately, come on user.

to a complete outsider like me it was meaningless. It could have been anything, and I didn't take it as proof

see He was a complete baiting faggot who probably made a few adfly shekels. BOOO HIM!

Well, we all knew about it anyway.

There are no js malwares.


it should be this old exploit from 2014-2015:

There are mirrors. Games are available in PD.

I see.

> I didn't bother to check all 20+ links but I doubt they're wrong
Okay, Well, I'm not sure if it's correct (some people troll fast, heh), but I guess I'm just going just to verify the non ad link set for now.

> I decided to disable the link, once it gets confirmed I'm sharing again
Definitely a sane decision, thanks so far.

> (I can't confirm myself, I'm on expensive capped connection and 12GB is a lot).
Don't worry, I'm sure more than me will check, and it's not much of a bother on this connection here.


how new?

Wow, that's really bad. Has it been fixed at all? Does Bittorrent Inc even care enough to do anything?

I kept saying it's bullshit all along, if it's too good to be true, it fucking is.

No, but it's just the database pantus is using combined with the animetosho one.

yes it was fixed, read the article, there's a link to bittorrent inc response.

Some retard on irc won't shut up about this so I did it.

I hope you are happy that you warmed the planet by .00000003 °C in running 13GB through a shitty python script.
~/Nyaa# binwalk -E nyaa.zip

0 0x0 Rising entropy edge (0.999983)
: cannot connect to X server