
>actually overclocking an i7
This is why I spent more money on one instead of an i5. So I wouldn't have to fuck around with overclocking.
4.2GHz is plenty for me.

Other urls found in this thread:


But what if I submerge my entire PC in a fish tank full of mineral oil?

Already got a thread for this shit.

stutterlake so hot right now

Too bad the guys making kits for that shit got patent trolled into oblivion.

I always say overclock intel it burns your house down

Reposting what I posted in there

This is what happens when you get sold a lie (All i7-7700K can hit 4.8+ GHz stable w/ delid, watercool, fancy mobo), play the silicon lottery, and lose. The losers shouldn't have played the game in the first place. I really like how even Intel is basically telling them they're morons for even trying.

pls delet

I saw 25-30c spikes in the original intel post, who has a 7700k and such a shit cooler it idles at 60c?

Is this just people who don't have high clock stable chips trying to run 5ghz?

Hotter than my iMac runs lol

>buy unlocked cpu
>get told not to overclock it by the same company


post yfw pentium 4 is back

In other news Intel chips since Ivy Bridge have been housefirey, anything else?

Did someone say fire?

>The TL;DR version is that everything checks out on Intel's end and users should not overclocked their Core i7-7700K processors, which have unlocked multipliers specifically for overclocking.

You just can't make this shit up

>sell unlocked chips specifically designed for overclocking
>void people's warranty if they overclock them

What did the kikes mean by this?

Well that's a shame

that pic tho.. whoever pays 1k for a shitty quad core processor shouldnt be allowed to use computers at all.. fucking retarded


Jewtel shouldn't sell -K CPUs with shitty TIM for mainstream sockets.

>The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

They're right though, this is completely normal.

If anyone thinks this is abnormal behavior they are fucking retarded and have never monitored their processor temps.

oh you negro
6900k has 8 cores why would you post that dumb meme

>t. schlomo

>Its inferno bridge all over again
Keks good i5-2500k @4.7ghz user

Rev up those pentium 4 memes, we're gonna stay for a while

Holy shit you're right, I just opened Photoshop and my CPU spiked to a massive 38c, up from 34c. Can't believe people are hating on Intel this hard.

Before today:
>Fucking AMD clocklets 4.1GHz xD

After today:
>4.2 GHz is enough for anyone

Face it, an R5 1600X beats an i7 7700K if you can't overclock the i7, but can overclock the R5.

>All the benchmarks that show Intel beating AMD are either based on stock clocks for both, or Intel chips running at 5GHz
Intel irrefutably btfo

I wonder how 6 core Coffee Lake is clocked. It might be underclocked because ringbus + many cores = heatfest.

We already have some idea of clockspeeds from this. Basically, it isn't looking good for stock or OC. wccftech.com/intel-coffee-lake-desktop-6-core-4-core-cpu-leaked/

I love how intel's response to all this heat (tehee) is to release pre-delided kaby lake processor BUT it's more expensive, only has a 100MHz boost to the base frequency, and requires a new CPU socket :^)

Do we even know if it's soldered this time? For all we know it's still using the same jizz-flavored TIM.

Wait, it doesn't even have Hyper Threading?
What the fuck? Who would want a shitty expensive housefire quadcore?

That is the "new" i7 and i5.

>LGA 2066

>TDP: 112W

I thought gaymens always claimed they don't need more than 4 threads.

Carbon black when?

I'm already looking forward to laughing at the idiots who'll buy a $300+ mobo and a fucking i5.

Recent benchmarks showing that most modern games completely saturate all 4/8 threads on an Intenl CPU at 99% usage while 6c Ryzens stay at 60-80% load per core and higher GPU load proved that bullshit wrong.

Ye, if you're from 2008

And people just kept repeating the mantra because the alternative was spending $1000+ on an HEDT CPU + mobo thus recognising Intel was ripping them off and purposedly stalling consumer CPU development

>Sell an unlocked CPU
>Tell people to not OC it


it was rationalization because nobody could afford even a 6 core from intel(but secretly wanted one)

They should stop being good goyim and get R5 already.

We don't even know that it'll be soldered. Intel's excuse for not soldering quad cores is that there are complex engineering reasons for not doing so. If they release the 7740K and it's soldered, their lies will be exposed. I'd bet on it being Israeli cum again.

I've lost 2 family members because of these things.

can TIM expire under temps higher than rated? did they save another penny, and got even cheaper TIM?

Even the "really good" expensive liquid metal TIM fractures under repeated thermal cycling. You have to replace it every few years, or the temps go right back to stock (i.e. shit)

how the fuck is that shit patented?
Cray had supercomputers immersed in various inert fluids 30+ years ago.

The thermal paste drying up and becoming less effective isn't the issue. Kaby Lake has been a housefire since launch. Some people have 10+ degree differences between their hottest and coolest cores though thanks to shit application. I've seen several delidded 7700Ks where the thermal paste is very unevenly applied. Intel shave off every fraction of a cent they can.


Well they have not been soldering the heat spreader since ivy bridge. This wasn't too much of an issue until Intel, starting with kaby lake, decided to start really upping the clock speed. Kaby Lake is really just a factory overclocked skylake and people are trying to overclock what is pretty much an already overclocked chip. The voltage is already high enough at stock speed of 4.2ghz raising it higher is just leading to stupid temps.
This all would not be an issue if intel just soldered the damn chips

Kaby Lake uses lower voltage than Skylake though, and gets a lot hotter at similar levels. I ran my 6700K at 1.375V for 4.7GHz and it was totally fine in the mid-70s under stress testing with a single tower air cooler. A 7700K at that voltage is a literal housefire.

we hardly knew ye

This time around they really used cum as TIM, because as user said, skylakes are at least 15 degrees cooler at similar voltage and clockspeeds. You'd rather have a 4
7-4.8 Ghz 6700k than a 200w 5Ghz housefire babbylake.

>pay extra for unlocked CPU
>pay extra for overclocking-enabled mobo
>get told to not overclock
good goy.

>lga 2066
holy fuck
fuck these kikes

> 4 DDR4 channels for 4c

for what purpose?

>but can overclock the R5.
You can't though

It has an unlocked multiplier you sack of potatoes. In fact ALL ryzen processors do.

>release firestarter CPU that's only 5% faster than its predecessor
>throw in 4k playback shit no one cares about
>throw together Optane SSD bullshit no one asked for
>cut corners on TIM to cause most people's chips to burn out quicker
You gotta give it to them, this level of arrogance is really something.

Delid this!

The 6900k is an 8 core cpu



kek and that's only AFTER you delid it and solder on the IHS

Kaby Lake X doesn't even support quad channel, just 4 dimms.

fuck, I can't even read.
I know understand why LGA 2066 seems hyper-jewish, but I guess it must be for the PCIe lanes alone.

The quad cores don't have any extra PCIe lanes over the existing ones either. They're literally just the same CPUs on a different socket with the iGPU removed or disabled.

So the proposition is to have people pay more for motherboards they can't even use all PCIe or DIMM slots on, with a processor that can't even use its onboard GPU anymore?

Who the fuck greenlit this thing?

The gpu isn't on the motherboard

processor onboard GPU = iGPU, user

it's paying more to connect two half-gimped components together and makes absolutely zero sense.

It'll allow intel's most loyal quadcore warriors to go out in a blaze of glory.

2066 is a future upgrade path, goyi... guys!

I guess the idea is that people will buy into the X299 platform at a lower price and later upgrade to a hexa or octa core chip. The initial investment will probably be an extra $100-150 over Z270, but some may feel it's worth it to have genuine upgrade options.

Ultimately, Intel are coming across as pretty desperate to cling onto people any way they can. It likely costs them next to nothing to shit out these chips, and maybe some people will buy them. Anything to keep people away from Ryzen and AM4, since that's going to be a platform with longevity.

yes and you still cant overclock them by any significant amount. what you said about R5 being better than stock i7 is still true though.


4.1GHz all core is a significant step up from 3.7GHz all core or 4.1 only on 2 cores when others are parked, dumbass.