You'll learn eventually, newfriend.
You'll learn eventually.
You'll learn eventually, newfriend.
You'll learn eventually.
>screen tearing
Doesn't this now require systemd as a dependency? lmao at you GNU + Linux fools.
>hurr durr Windows gets viruses
>hurp durp systemd is a virus but we need it to boot a machine faster that boots once a month
I've learned that no matter what distro I use, something in xfce always breaks or doesn't work as intended.
I have learned. Cinnamon is the only practical Desktop Environment.
Sorry you had trouble using xfce.
Don't worry eventually you'll get the hang of linux! Believe it!
>tfw peoples idiocy keep themselves away from one of the best DEs
why not plasma ?
Except XFCE isn't Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a decent Desktop Environment, unlike XFCE. I mean, it would make since that Cinnamon is the best considering it's based off gnome 2.~
It's extremely buggy, and ugly.
not with the last dev version of xfwm4 (4.13)
didnt crashed or buged single time since i been useing it for 6 month the only problem it had with locale to work with 3 different languages
>screen tearing
>uses libraries from 2000's (e.g. no wayland support)
>lots of missing features
>title bar buttons too small
no it doesn't
>Decide to use KDE
>Decide to change the cursor theme from the cancerous, ugly default one.
>Cursor changes back to original every time I mouse over an application
>Go back to desktop, works fine, go over some application, changes back to original
This has happened on every machine i've tried, and OS.
Doesn't matter, KDE is still terrible and always will be.
MFW I am a kde user
>it doesn't just work
You tried.
>KDE is buggy
Maybe on some meme rolling release distros that will include anything from upstream in their repos with no quality control whatsoever because muh bleeding edge. I've been using Plasma on Debian Testing for a year now and had literally one (1) problem with it during that time: an update caused krunner to stop working. Another update 2 days later fixed it.
Call me when they finally port it to GTK3 like evrey other sane desktop environment.
You have a strange definition of "problem"
>using a de
I did learn, I did learn. XFCE is comfy as hell
Yes it is, did you reply to the wrong person though?
i used XFCE when i was a kid, but i grew up and use MATE now, because i actually have work to do now.
Why this meme? I recently started using XFCE, and yeah while it's minimalist and not very pretty if you don't rice it carefully, it just werks perfectly.
Are you unable to get any work done whenever you're not presented with an pretty DE with effects and sparkles?
I'd understand switching to something like i3 or awesomewm for productivity, but just changing DEs doesn't make sense to me.
*fags still in denial
rodent shit
Unity is the only one that got the global menu right.
But it has one major, glaring flaw: That vertical 1px bar between maximized windows and the fucking side panel.
>no Wayland support until 2030s
Yeah no ty.
But i3 is perfect for me.
Am I the only person that likes MATE? My first distro was Ubuntu 7.04 and I found old school GNOME the nicest to use.
Fuck rice - I just want a stable DE that lets me do shit with my computer.
Xwayland still works like shit with Steam.
Everything graphics-related released after 2012 works like shit with steam, because steam uses libs from 2012.
LIterally five minutes of tweaking and xfce will look and work exactly like MATE. You are a dumb fag
Xfce is about is about as comfy as being anally raped with a broken glass bottle but at least it's better than KDE I guess.
I..I like mate but that other guy is so aggressive.. he just want everyone to like xfce, what's wrong with him?
You know, when people ask me what do I prefer, XFCE or MATE, I tend to jump quickly to XFCE.
But I actually don't know what's wrong with MATE. I can't recall the exact reason why I use XFCE instead of MATE.
why tho
Posted from my X220 with void linux, using runit and xfce4
I couldn't either, so I decided to give MATE a shot. The panel sucks. There is no way to tell what applets you have added or a way to organize them besides eyeballing it with right click>>move. They don't offer any kind of configuration, either and the entire DE just feels like something that was hacked together in a few nights. I can't explain it.
Everyone knows jwm is going to come out on top. It does eveything I need for like 1 kilobyte
Does XFCE have thumbnails in the file picker?
all these people complaining about GTK and it looking old
>not just using XFCE for the session manager & gtk-themed desktop menu
>not removing panel and desktop and installing tint2 and nitrogen
absolute plebs
no, since XFCE isn't a file manager. Thunar (the default XFCE file manager) does.
>not using ranger in xterm for images in terminal
this man understands
>no wayland support
Because Wayland isn't anywhere near stable enough. Until Wayland is usable it should not be anywhere near Xfce, it contradicts the entire philosophy of Xfce to just slap some half-complete nonsense onto the package because everybody else is doing it.
Thanks for beta-testing, we'll pick it up when it works, for now X is more than enough and it is going to be a few years at least until Wayland is even going to be an honest consideration for the Xfce devs.
>ded DE
>Still in the "convert people" phase
You've got a long way to go.
i installed fedora 26 recently on my x200t, the stock gnome de was lagging so i switched to xfce because i've never used lxde, cured my lag issue but i gotta say gnome was damn comfy, even had a built in f.lux. last linux distro i used before this was crunchbang. and openbox was stupid comfy.