/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old Thread: What are you twerking on, Sup Forums?

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First for Electron -- the one and only cross-platform GUI option in the 2010s.

Hiring manager here. If you don't have a facebook account, I won't hire you because I assume you're autistic or anti-social

nth for wasm

Man I'm getting tired of how slow this sites loads for me. Using FF with 4chanX and Oneechan. Takes a good 10 seconds to get it's shit in gear. Turning off 4chanX and Oneechan makes it more tolerable, but it's still slow. What kind of compatible Sup Forums browsing engines are there for chrome?

Why do big corps contribute to open source? What kind of capitalist dirty trick is that?

Java + Swing
Mono + System.Windows.Forms

Plenty of options.

Because open source is superior to closed source. GNU/Linux has already won.

those people who clone every single github repo out there without ever contributing anything.
are they some kind of spammers? what's their end goal?


from personal experience, most of the open source things we contributed to were things that were crucial to our infrastructure. openssl didn't have proper funding for a long time until all of these vulns that affected big corps started rolling out. They all see the value in contributing. Also, if something came under litigation that is also something allowing the company free use of something integral to its whole, it has a motive to defend the open source nature of that resource

Well thank goodness I'm going into academia.

first for coding your gui natively for every os: cocoa objective c for Apple, Windows.h API for Windows and xlib in Linux.

I really hope this is just a meme about that douchebag recruiter that was here yesterday and he's not back.

Threadly reminder that dlang-chan is not dead, and she's super duper cute and fast! Say something nice about her, /dpt/!

first for only using xlib everywhere

I miss you

>xlib in Linux
>Not writing exclusively for wayland

Win32 and XLib are a pain to write in. Just use Qt for everything. It behaves natively on every platform.

Whoa. I didn't even know that existed.

I personally run up to each of my user's monitors and draw a GUI on their screen with my trusty marker.
>consistent design
>ultra-lightweight--it's almost like it's not even there
>can choose any color that's in my marker bag
There are no downsides if you think about it!

Daily reminder that literally anybody can learn to program nowadays. CPUs are so fast and RAM is so cheap and abundant now that all your autistic little "optimizations" literally aren't necessary at all.

Anything remotely impressive in computing is done by the engineers. They are the ones who make the CPUs as good as they are, and give them the instructions they need. Remember that cooel little "fast inverse square root" or whatever the fuck it was called "algorithm" that John Carmack or whatever his name was wrote? That can all be done in a single instruction now. ONE FUCKING CPU INSTRUCTION; thanks to the engineers designing the chips, the ones who are actually doing any work whatsoever. It's even more accurate too. In fact the accuracy of the former PALES in comparison to that of the latter.



What am I even saying. """"Job."""" The fact that you people get paid to do what you do makes me fucking sick. You are worse than McDonalds employees. You are worse than shit cleaning sewermen.


It's the next "new thing" which is coming soon™.
But really, I do hope it can clean up that ancient shitshow which is X11.

pretty much

>c-cage lang - microsoft's retarded orphan i don't want to adopt
>jevva swing - didn't try, but rotting my brain with jevva so i could sketch a simple gui?..
>gtk - lgpl trash, no static build, pulls half of linux tree in dynamic build
>nuklear - buggy trash without docs
>qt - ugly lgpl trash from 1990, design from 1989
>imgui - ugly trash for virgins
>at this point they gonna advice me to git gud in opengl and die of hunger while i am at it
ah, if only c/c++ devs weren't busy sucking dick in dim homeless sheltercaves and rolled out proper gui solution. imagine the world we would live in

webtech-based gui seems the only sane choice, with additional benefit of making nice $ on webdev-related gigs



thread 404d m8, dont see anything.

Did you fail your class or what

>replying to bait
I expect (somewhat) better from you, user.

That picture.
I'm sorry, I think you went by mistake on the wrong board. This is /g. What you are looking for is called /fit.

On another note, arnold looked buff af in that picture. Herkulez irl.

feels like it, yeah. the price is v8 in your program

I guess, nothing stops anyone from writing critical parts in c++, wrapping it in .dll/.so and call dem functions from Electron.

true übermensch should be equally developed in both mind, body and spirit

>the price is v8 in your program
i am thinking i could hire devs to rewrite gui later in case it would become unbearable, but i wouldn't sell anything without cute gui in the first place, so shipping bloat is ok, as long as i am in the green. normies wouldn't care


we all know that real programmers only print shit into consoles, bonus points if you also read shit from consoles

if you arent making your own hardware, you need to go.


I really want to learn LISP but I have a problem deciding which dialect would be more useful.

clojure desu

define useful

Everyone says I need to learn to code or I'll be unemployed.

I already know some R, and the next logical step in my line of work would be to learn Python.

But should I learn 2 or 3?

C dominates the embedded field, COBOL dominates the business field, Java dominates the hipster consumer applications, PHP dominates servers backends, javascript dominates the frontends (also targeting hipster consumers), C++ for game engines, Lua for scripting in game engines. LISP probably does not target anything to a big extent that would translate to some kind of job, but it would be nice to start with one that could be translated to income. In the end it is just part of me wanting to have fun and LISP seems to deliver in that regard.

Why did they need the left-hand column

Not Haskell

because i envisioned it so

Sup Forums is probably going to spam different dialects so clojure it is.

Checks out

3 is a meme and still not widely used

Working on implementing an infinite canvas, made up of pixels divided into chunks. Struggling with how to work out which pixel needs to be changed in the data structure once the screen has been offset. Any ideas?


The whole memesnek 2 vs 3 thing is such a shitshow. How can a language fuck up so badly?

Haskell with 1 additional language feature. Or Haskell with 1 less language feature.




messing with other people's code

Wondering what direction should my OS take now
>Node.JS state machine
>exokernel OS with a POSIX compatible OS layer
>my own meme operating system with my own design (I'll still use ELF because I like it)

>lgpl trash
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the LGPL.

Cool, thanks man. That's what I heard but I wasn't sure because when I went to 'Learn Python the Hard Way' I noticed the guy was writing a guide for 3 so I wasn't sure if people were switching.

memesnek? Is that hacker slang? Should I try calling it memesnek when I start my PhD to impress my professors?

Being associated with the GPL implies being trash.


unsigned int hash(uint8_t *buf, int n)
unsigned int i, h;

for(i = 0, h = 0; i < n; i++)
h = (h * 31) + buf[i];

There is a simple change that makes this hash algorithm run about twice as fast but that doesn't change the value it returns. Can you find it?

There are no men on /dpt/, only women pretending to be men.

But you can use it with proprietary applications. The only time you would need to release source code is if you modified the library.

Allowing nonfree software to use your code is immoral.

how simple a change

There isn't a lot of difference in 2 vs 3. If you know 2, you can code in 3 in under 1/2 an hour once you learn the differences. It is a matter of preference at that point.

>But you can use it with proprietary applications.
So? That doesn't somehow make it not trash.
This is blatantly false.

It's similar, but not the same as, to loop unrolling.

trip test

Not programming.
Please discuss this in

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with the LGPL
dynamic linking should die together with gnu nazism though

Make me you faggot.

And to add to my previous post, trash being used with trash isn't a surprise.

There is a class called Person. It has a bunch of properties, including FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, etc.

The method GetPerson(id) returns a Person instance with all of its properties having a value. The intended purpose of this method is to get the full details of a person in the system.

The method GetPersons() returns a collection of Person instances with each Person object having only a subset of its properties having a value and all other properties being null. The intended purpose of the method is to get a summary of every person in the system.

The same type, Person, is being used for two different purposes. Is this a pattern? Or did the developer just want to minimize the code and not create a PersonSummary class containing only the properties set by GetPersons()?

i += 2?

>This is blatantly false.


Use a "torus buffer" (2D ring buffer).

Developer probably separated the two for inheritance purposes. The more defined a method is, the easier it is to inherit.

So let me get this straight: you can view the source code, make changes to the source code as long as you contribute them back, use the library in your own source code without paying a dime or having to fork over your own source code, and you some how think this is a problem?

That belly button

I already said it's not loop unrolling. Not in itself, anyway.

There is no inheritance involved.

I'm just trying to figure out the reasoning for this design because you can get the same Person via both methods except one method won't set all the properties and you have no way of knowing this.

I don't visit CIA-run websites.
>and you some how think this is a problem
Yes, being trash is indeed a problem. Unless you for some retarded reason think it isn't.
And it's "somehow", not "some how".

I've seen this before in various places, the most notable of which being the SDK for Azure Data Factory.

If you request your factory and all of the datasets, it gives you a "summary" of the datasets, whereas there's exposed properties that are left null/default.

You have to actually enumerate the datasets and then request the information for a particular dataset to see those values in action.

I have no idea what this is called, but it confused the dick out of me, too.

I don't want to develop a website, I want to write codes that will help me interpret simple biological data.

>I want to write codes
Codes aren't programming. Visit some other place to discuss them please.

I really want to know what this is called.

>I don't visit CIA-run websites.
Nice meme. Here's an alternative link: linuxtoday.com/developer/1999020100405OP

try posting to >>>/wdg/
they like to dig in biological masses

Sorry, I didn't read your post any further. Feel free to rewrite it in a non-retarded manner if you want me to read it.

Just so you know my good lads

I literally call myself a code artisan irl and sometimes I start my day in the office with loud "We kode on Wednesdays!". Don't really know what my colleagues think about it tho

Cool kids call Python memesnek or guidobasic, yes.

>by Richard Stallman
Opinion discarded.

off to you go

If you are concerned about deleterious effects that may result from visiting a website that you believe to be operated by the CIA, then you will be pleased to learn that I have located a reproduction of the article that I suggested to you on an alternative website. It is here: linuxtoday.com/developer/1999020100405OP

I use mainly Scala at work, should I give in to the memes and learn Python and JS instead?

Does your work allow you to use Python and JS?

i won't open that link. you sure have intstalled a virus trap there. i am not that stupid