Does Sup Forums talk about TVs ever?
What TV does Sup Forums have?
What TV does Sup Forums want?
Lets talk about TVs.
Does Sup Forums talk about TVs ever?
What TV does Sup Forums have?
What TV does Sup Forums want?
Lets talk about TVs.
i guess not
Does that word just mean anything now.
I want a freesync capable, 4k, 100hz, IPS, HDR 55 inch bezel-less LG tv for 500 euros or less.
Maybe 2018 or am I asking for too much?
Are 3D TVs dead?
>watching tv
Who said anything about watching TV?
Where they ever alive?
Let me reword that in a way you'll understand. Are 3D TVs still manufactured and will they continue to be manufactured?
neets can't afford big ass tv's
add another decade and we have quantum dot va with that price tag
>don't have money
>can't afford things
Stop the presses!
I'm afraid dumb TV's are going to become very rare
Haven't they already?
Vizio was great, until they started their botnet shit.
Don't hook it up to the internet?
I use a Dynex tv...monitor...hybrid monstrosity thing...
I got it for sale at best buy it has served me well.
hes probably means the british with their tv licensing.
>What TV does Sup Forums have?
sony xbr49x700d. its nice. just wish i had more 4k content to watch on it
>What TV does Sup Forums want?
NIB panasonic zt60. sadly, thatll never happen.
What about IPTV?
This is my current tv.
Nothing on the market is priced well enough to replace it.
I got a sony bravia tv a few months ago, an upgrade from my cheap ass RCA tv (never buying from them again)
Colors are nice, everything looks crisp as fuck. Sound is good enough that I don't need to get a speaker for it and it's got android built on, but it's very clunky. At first I considered getting an android box instead but the convenience of being able to access all my tv and android shit with one remote is pretty damn handy. On top of that, my PC is hooked up to it so that covers everything that the clunky OS can't handle.
Overall 8/10 tv would recommend
>buying a plasma
Why? No one uses the good plasma tech anymore.