What UNIX-based OS are you using Sup Forums ?
Why ?
Should I fall for the Sup Forumsentoo meme ?
Also, general distro thread
What UNIX-based OS are you using Sup Forums ?
Why ?
Should I fall for the Sup Forumsentoo meme ?
Also, general distro thread
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Mac OS sierra
I have a few AIX 7 machines at work I'm trying to migrate off of
Can't blame you. What are they used for?
i dont, i actually have shit to do
drop a bunch of distro names into a hat, and pick one. they're all the same shit, and you can make all of them become one another.
if you enjoy hours of compiling everything from binary packages, install gentoo. what do you do after that? nothing, it's fucking gentoo, rice it, and pretend like you're a programmer.
if you dont want to waste your time, and just want to dick around, install manjaro, solus, or some other distro this board is currently shilling.
alternatively, you can become a normalfag, install OSX, have your UNIX os, while still being able to accomplish shit and not look like a neckbeard in the process.
>posted from my Windows 10 machine
I usually use GNU or BSD but I plan to use windows when they add unix support
What's wrong with them?
>alternatively, you can become a normalfag, install OSX, have your UNIX os, while still being able to accomplish shit and not look like a neckbeard in the process.
windows 7 with msys2
Linux - Network (enventually coding)
Windows - Anything else
OSX - Never
OS X, OpenBSD, Debian, OpenWRT
No one asked for your desktop, pedophile.
Come on Pedro, look at how this guy got it right ^
Wizards assemble !
Advanced users of GNU/Linux, remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution that can heal broken installs. And (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, and uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
Even the documentation is licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can also use flags.
Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portgage? Do you like BSD ports? You haven't seen anything like SMGL's "sorcery". Making new "spells" to install source code not found in the "grimoire" (repository) is as easy as editing files sourcemage.org
Come and join
I don't use UNIX its proprietary.
Linux is the open source OS.
He said UNIX-based, which Linux is.
No it isn't Linux was written from scratch.
don't bully her
It's both written from scratch and UNIX based.
Why are namefags so retarded ? Gtfo Sup Forums
No not really.
Shit was written from scratch and paired with GNU there isn't really anything unix in it.
I fell for the Void meme and I couldn't be happier.
Linux only follows the original UNIX philosophy with no shared code.
And it follows that philosophy better than any current UNIX.
currently downloading linuxmint
My own (soon)
Not source code, but it was functionally based on UNIX, you fucking autist. Are you really arguing that Linux isn't a UNIX-like OS? It's the prime example of one.
I never said it shared any code.
It quite literally isn't.
GNU stands for GNU is not Unix.
Fucking sperglord unix retard.
>GNU stands for GNU is not Unix
I never said it was UNIX, I said it's UNIX-like.
>Linux (pronounced Listeni/ˈlJnəks/ LIN-əks[9][10] or, less frequently, /ˈlaJnəks/ LYN-əks[10][11]) is a Unix-like computer operating system
Niggers were around before whites but I don't go around saying white people are nigger-like. So don't call Linux UNIX-like.
Linux is UNIX-like whether you like it or not, you retarded tripfaggot.
Stop falling for the obvious bait, man.
You're better than this.
With this dumbass you never know if he's baiting or not. He's the village idiot of Sup Forums.
Mac OS uses Darwin, which is based on XNU, not a UNIX derivative.
[spoiler]It even stands for X is Not Unix[/spoiler]
I operate on the assumption that trip = bait.
It's rare this proves incorrect.
OS X literally is UNIX
>It even stands for X is Not Unix
It's meant in the same way as "GNU's Not UNIX".
>mactoddlers think a piece of paper makes osx spaghetti code trash unix overnight with no code changes
>Niggers were around before whites
top kek
That piece of paper is certification that OS X has lived up to testing of compliance with thousands of pages of specifications that the OS needs to live up to. OS X is UNIX. This is not a debate, this is just how it is. Cry about it all you want, it doesn't change anything.
>mactoddlers think a piece of paper makes osx spaghetti code trash unix overnight with no code changes
>the 12 year old thinks spamming the same reply is going to nullify OS X's UNIX cert
fa/g/gots think errors nullify a certification
>mactoddlers think a piece of paper makes osx spaghetti code trash unix overnight with no code changes
macOS, and ubuntu and openIndiana (Solaris) on VMs running under Windows.
I try to prefer openIndiana over Linux because Linux is shit. But a lot of things won't compile under anything other than Linux, and Ubuntu is usually the easiest to get things working.
openIndiana is one of the cleanest OSs out there with amazing code quality. If you care about having a well-coded OS, I highly suggest checking it out.
Don't worry. Window's poll is broken too, and they refuse to Gfix it because """compatibility"""
This user. Let autism run around, they'll always be here
OP here. To clarify, I said UNIX-based and was assuming Linux and OSX distros were.
My god that picture is so cringe
How many more years of your life are you going to waste arguing over trivial shit?
AIX and Solaris
Unix-like != UNIX-based you fucking retard
based implies it directly derives from the actual UNIX (trademark) code, which it does not by any stretch of the imagination
It was based on UNIX, just not UNIXs' source code
ITT: angry autistic vir/g/ins eat shit
Meanwhile I'm just using my brilliant Solus...
Unironically kek'd out loud
They were. Also, fish were around before mammals, yet we don't go around saying "mammals are fish-like".
I'm not using any UNIX based OS, I use GNU/Linux which is an UNIX-like OS. I am planning to install FreeBSD on a old computer I have.
Considering systemd, does it even still make any sense to dub Linux as "UNIX-like"? systemd is all BUT "UNIX-like".
They are overpriced shit. PowerHA is a joke.
Whole stack of IBM shittleware - enterprise service bus type services, MQ/ brules etc. Migrating to JBoss/drools etc which is marginally better but much cheaper.
the term you're looking for is "cloned from" or "imitated", just as DOS is not based on CP/M despite being near functionally identical, as another example
it's like saying two homes are built on the same foundation because their foundations are similar, if it doesn't derive from the same code, it's not "based" on it, period
now stop playing pretend hacker and go use GNU's Not Unix with the rest of the sane world
as long as the end user experience remains similar enough that you can practically interchange the two platforms with minimal bullshit it will always be deserving of being called "UNIX-like" regardless of whether it agrees with a philosophy tacked on to it under the hood that was shit all over long ago anyway
linux boi. Daily driver is Arch. It's kinda memey but no real complaints, AUR is convenient and comes in handy for some more niche programs. Other laptops trying Ubuntu minimal and Debian stretch. No complaints about ubuntu but might as well just go with debian. Everything I run for more than a week runs well on old hardware.
I'm currently running OpenSuSE LEAP on a Thinkpad T410 and antiX 16 on a Latitude E4300.
OpenSuSE because I wanted something that worked well out of the box that wasn't Ubuntu or Fedora or a derivative of another distro. So far I'm actually really liking KDE, surprisingly.
antiX because it's Debian-based, lightweight af (
>a kernel that's not unix means the whole os is not unix
I use something that's after Unix. better than Unix
Try Solus.
I also miss Kevin.
Fuck off kevin
Is GNU/systemd "Linux-like"?
Great taste.
>literally conformant to the Single Unix Specification
>not Unix-like
Gentoo is actually rather nice, if you "freeze" it. What I mean is, install it, fix/tweak things, install everything that are going to use, then stop using emerge/ portage. Never update. No updates, no time wasted fixing stuff that will break. Then, six months to a year later, do a fresh install.
That sounds fucking dumb
ubuntu MATE on my desktop
macos sierra on my laptop
best of both worlds
Daily reminder that GNU/Linux distributions are NOT UNIX systems.
Boy I'm not Kevin.
Protect her.
I wonder if anyone actually uses this unironically. I think some people actually like gentoo, but I've never gotten any legitimate comments on other source based distros, barring the occasional funtoo and slackware mentions.
There are only two UNIX certified Linux distros
Some are.
I'd said conformant. Certification means shit.
I was being dead serious.
UNIX is proprietary and its offensive to liken anything in GNU to it.
UNIX != Unix
UNIX is a brand and a spec, Unix is an OS.
debian / gentoo / / any bsd
>implying some white people can't be niggers
android :^)
MacOs Sierra
Linux isn't an operating system. It's a part of an operating system; a kernel.
Actually yes, they do, or otherwise render it irrelevant.
It's just Linux.
>this whole thread
Sup Forums is full of computer illiterates
breddy sad
>Compiling everything from binary packages
Looks like someone doesn't know what they're talking about.
It's both the kernel and an operating system.
same as the people on Sup Forums, that don't play vidya
>Unix is an OS
Where is this OS called "Unix" you talk about?
I tried to install it in a chroot environment, which was pretty easy, but when I tried to cast linux-firmware, none of the mirrors had the tarball available which means I wouldn't be able to connect to my wireless network, making the whole install pretty useless. Is there a way that I can fixt this while still in the chroot environment?
The certification is what proves it conforms to the standard.
Linux is an operating system.
Tried Ubuntu, then Debian, then Mint, then Ubuntu and finally Arch. Arch is a huge relief from apt-get.
It's dead Jimmy
>Unix family tree, showing that OS X is Unix-like
Keep crying fa/g/gots
I guess some can't even into Wikipedia based user