Uh oh. I don't know which one to keep in my battlestation and which to take to work

Uh oh. I don't know which one to keep in my battlestation and which to take to work.

Where can I unsubscribe from your blog?

8ch I guess

Keep the white one with your white keyboard.

Take the black one to work, most likely they have black Dell or Lenovo keyboards.

> (OP) (You)
>Keep the white one with your white keyboard.
>Take the black one to work, most likely they have black Dell or Lenovo keyboards.

Yeah but the white isn't a perfect match, they're two different tones of beige

>meme kb
>meme mice
>meme laptop

kys, you kissless virgin faggot

>tfw this battlestation is in the two bedroom apartment I share with my gf

>I buy what ever Sup Forums tells me to buy the picture

do you also have a terrorist watch or a seiko?

You love me now daddy

well memed, include a sansa clip and you got it.

Even I won't stoop that low user

>fucking 2.84 MB, 4160x3120 picture
>dirt and stray hair become clearly visible

Thanks of such an excellent illustration of the "diminishing returns" concept.

Now switch to hard mode and acquire a FW-900 monitor.

>inb4 he has one already

Did these mice come in PS/2, or always just USB? If the latter, will they work with a generic USB-PS2 adapter, or just USB?

Would/could Stallman unironically use such mice? Or anyone who hates Windows and MS in general, for that matter? A pentaboot of Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, *BSD, and Plan9 would admittedly look somewhat comical with a Microsoft mouse being part of the setup.

Isn't "meme gear" memed because it's considered to be a good or even great combination of functionality, rubustness, and affordability?

stallman disregards blobs in any hardware that doesnt update its firmware so ye


That's digging a bit too deep. The question was whether Stallman, stallmanists, or semi-stallmanists would refuse to use a Microsoft mouse for the sole reason it being a (quite recognizable as such) Microsoft product.

>that hair and visible dirt

You're fucking digesting

Do you even shower? Or are you some gross fucking room dwelling NEET with piss bottles and moldy jizzrags everywhere?

Go fucking fap to anime and don't ever make a thread on Sup Forums against you gross faggot

I think stallman would give a pass as long as it's disconnected from the botnet

>posting your hair
Thanks for the dna, mate

I got one of those, and can't seem to understand what's the hype about the.
they are light, so that's nice but the lack of back/forward buttons makes unusable for me.
also really fucking slow. I need to move all my arm.

>two bedroom apartment I share with my gf
>two bedroom
you mean your friend

Second bed is an office...?